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Don Chester Lisa Andrews
Assistant Administrator Administrative Director of Diagnostics
and Special Procedures
Don Chester is the Assistant Administrator and over-
sees community and government relations for St. Mary’s Lisa Andrews is the Administrative Director of
Medical Center and the Palm Beach Children's Hospital. Diagnostics and Special Procedures at Delray Medical
In his role, Chester tracks and monitors legislation with- Center. Andrews’ responsibilities include overseeing
in the state and local governments, and is responsible for multiple departments and providing direction for respi-
the community partnerships associated with the hospi- ratory care, neurodiagnostics, non-invasive cardiology,
tal. Chester has been with St. Mary’s Medical Center & the sleep disorder center, pulmonary lab, cardio-pul-
Palm Beach Children’s Hospital for nearly 50 years. monary rehab, imaging, and emergency management. In
During his time, Chester played a critical role in forming addition to her administrative role, Andrews, was heavi-
the Health Care District of Palm Beach County, which is ly involved in the construction of the Delray Medical
a nationally recognized lifesaving trauma system serving our two level I trauma cen- Center patient tower. She worked directly with the con-
ters at St. Mary’s and Delray Medical Center. On the 30th anniversary for the Health tractors, and helped develop a plan for needed equipment, furnishings, and keeping
Care District, Chester was honored with a Legacy Award for his contributions to the the project on schedule to meet the deadline date. Andrews was recently awarded
organization. Formally, an avid triathlete, Chester was critically injured 16 years ago with the Palm Beach County Healthcare Emergency Response Coalition Member of
while running. Now a quadriplegic, he dedicates his time mentoring others who have the Year for 2020. She has a Bachelor’s of Science degree from Barry University in
recently become injured. Chester’s goal is to give them the confidence and tools to go Miami Shores, Florida, and a Master’s of Science from Barry University in Health
back living a productive life. Chester is a graduate of Ripon College and has a Master’s Service Administration.
degree from Nova Southeastern University.
Dr. Mignon Metcalf Ricky Ramirez
Physician Advisor and Section Chief of Internal Chief Nursing Officer
Ricky Ramirez is the Chief Nursing Officer at West
Dr. Mignon Metcalf is a board certified internal medi- Boca Medical Center. Ramirez is responsible for oversee-
cine doctor and the Physician Advisor and Section Chief ing and coordinating the daily operations of West Boca’s
of Internal Medicine at Good Samaritan Medical Center. nursing departments. He also ensures the hospital’s tra-
Dr. Metcalf has been on staff at Good Sam since 2011. dition of delivering high quality patient care is consis-
She believes in comprehensive preventative care, and is tently maintained. Ramirez has over 12 years of health-
committed to a partnership with her patients in achiev- care experience. Prior to his time at West Boca, Ricky
ing quality, attentive healthcare. She completed her was the Assistant Chief Nursing Officer at sister hospi-
Bachelor of Science degree in Public Health at The tals, St. Mary’s Medical Center & Palm Beach Children’s
University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. She then Hospital. While there, Ramirez implemented a patient
earned her Master’s in Public Health from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, experience and employee engagement committee,
Maryland before receiving her Doctorate of Medicine at East Carolina University, improving scores over a three-year span. Before his time at St. Mary’s, Ramirez served
where she was awarded with the Albert Schweitzer Fellowship. Dr. Metcalf then com- as the Assistant Chief Nursing Officer at Coral Gables Hospital. While there, the hos-
pleted her residency training at the University of Miami. pital earned the Tenet Circle of Excellence award for two straight years. Ramirez
earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of North Florida, and has
a Master’s of Science in Nursing Leadership and Management.
Keith A. Myers
President and CEO
Judy Dellosa
As CEO of MorseLife Health System, Keith Myers is Service Line Director and Nurse Navigator
the rare health care leader who can report zero deaths
from the COVID-19 virus among the senior residents his Judy Dellosa is the Service Line Director and Nurse
organization serves in Palm Beach County. Myers has Navigator of the orthopedics and spine program at Palm
been skillfully navigating uncharted waters with the sin- Beach Gardens Medical Center. In her role, Dellosa is
gular goal of keeping the virus outside Morse Life’s beau- responsible for the day-to-day operations of the program
tifully landscaped entrances. His action plan launched at the hospital. She helped implement the nurse naviga-
swiftly to contain COVID-19’s threat to MorseLife sen- tor program to guide orthopedic patients through the
iors and staff. It included health checkpoints for anyone healthcare system, and she advocates on behalf of the
attempting to enter the campus, sourcing and measuring patients to enhance their communication experience
the burn rate of PPE, providing in-room dining, telemedicine, e-visits with residents with healthcare staff and providers. She also works with
and loved ones and constant communication with residents, families, caregivers and patients to find the resources and support needed, and
staff. Myers implemented testing for residents and staff prior to government mandate. coordinates services through the continuum of orthopedic care. She started her career
Myers’ COVID-19 response speaks volumes about effective health care leadership and working as a nurse in the orthopedic unit, and she is a member of the National
saving lives. Staying the course while strategically planning for an unknown future Association of Orthopaedic Nurses (NAON) as well as a certified orthopedic nurse.
remains crucial to protecting the seniors in MorseLife’s care.
Dellosa holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from Indian River State College.
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South Florida Hospital News August 2020 13