Page 16 - South Florida Hospital News Nov 2021
P. 16


              next month in
              South Florida                  Cover Story: EMHA Opens Opportunities in Variety of Fields
             Hospital News                   Continued from page 1               that require management to oversee what   ules, they don't have time to make that
                                             an opportunity to move up within their   they're doing."                 commitment. This makes them feel a
             and Healthcare                  own organization, but it also gives them   The 15-month program requires that   part of the program."
                  Report...                  a broader perspective of the healthcare   students come in with a certain amount   Perhaps the most important reason for
                                             field. Barbera said the centerpiece of the   of experience in healthcare. Barbera   pursuing an EMHA is that, as Barbera

                                             healthcare system is hospitals, but "What   explained, "We do that because we are   said, healthcare is never going to go

                                             we're seeing is the healthcare environ-  cohort-based, so we have a collection of   away. "Healthcare is here forever, so you
                • 2021 – A Year
                                             ment expanding and becoming a lot   students who are in the same class and   can devote your education and your
                    in Review                more diverse. I try to make sure students   pretty much follow the program together.   direct experience in an industry that you
                                             understand that there are other opportu-  The benefit is that they learn from each   know is going to be around. The other

                                             nities within healthcare that are not in   other, and by the time they graduate they   thing about healthcare is it's extremely
              • What’s Ahead in              hospitals, which are just as gratifying and   are very close to each other; so it makes   challenging and dynamic, because it
           Healthcare Real Estate?           rewarding. When they graduate, they are   a nice environment for teaching and for   changes on a daily basis."
                                             aware they have a multitude of health-  learning. They learn by discussing   He talked specifically about how
                                             care opportunities they might not have   things, and that's the best way for these   things will be different in the post-pan-
            • Outsourcing – Year-            ever thought of."                   programs to function, where you have   demic environment, how some concepts
                                               As examples, he mentioned that long-  cohorts with similar-style students in   healthcare providers and organizations
           end Business Strategies           term care is a great opportunity for some-  them."                       had prior to the pandemic will have little
                                             one who is looking for a career in health   Barbera pointed out another important   value. "They're almost going to have to
                                             administration. Another is home health-  facet of the EMHA: "We started a faculty   start new. They'll be thinking more along
           • Healthcare Marketing
                                             care, which is growing significantly – not   ambassador program where every stu-  lines of virtual care, like telemedicine,
             & Public Relations –            only because of the graying of America,   dent is assigned a faculty member. I'm   telehealth. That's where a lot of changes
                                             but also because of what the pandemic   one. I have students who are connected   are going to be taking place.
                 What Works?
                                             taught us.                          with me, and I will always be in touch   "So it's exciting. Never a dull moment
                                               "Consumers love (home healthcare)   with them to see how it's going, if they   in healthcare, it's an industry that's so
                                             because they can stay in their own home   have any questions." He said it's been   dynamic, so diverse." And full of oppor-
           • Healthcare’s Spiritual
                                             environment and have service and    extremely effective, because it provides   tunities for professionals with an EMHA.
                  Community                  providers come to them. Physician prac-  students – especially online students
                                             tices need to be managed as well. Then   who need someone to connect with –            For more information, call
                                             you have general outpatient care,   with a direct link to the university.               (561) 297-4444, contact
              For more information
                                             whether it be ambulatory surgery, urgent   "They're doing the program at their own, or visit
                on advertising and           care centers – these are all opportunities   pace, but because of their busy sched-
            editorial opportunities, call
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         16                        November 2021                                                                                                                      South Florida Hospital News
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