Page 21 - South Florida Hospital News Nov 2021
P. 21


             VITAS Elevates Quality of Life for Patients, Employees in South Florida

          On March 13, 2020, the                        states and the District of   House COVID-19 Task Force and the   pet volunteers visited and entertained
        Trump      administration                       Columbia every day. More   Centers for Disease Control and    patients through windows
        declared  COVID-19    a                         than 10,000 employees     Prevention, enabling quick adaptation to   • A variety of Zoom and phone-in sup-
        national emergency, unlock-                     carry out our incredibly   changing policies and safety guidelines.   port groups (available in English and
        ing billions in federal                         rewarding mission: to pro-  We stocked up on personal protective   Spanish) continue to help families and
        resources to reduce the                         vide comfort and dignity to   equipment to keep our teams and patients   community members through challenging
        spread of the novel coron-                      patients and their families as   safe during routine care in every imagina-  times—and also facilitated a nationwide
        avirus.                                         they face the end of life   ble setting. Additionally, we staffed every   virtual celebration of Veterans Day
          Weeks later, Governor                         together.                 VITAS location with an infection control   VITAS recognized and addressed the
        Ron    DeSantis   signed                          Through     education,  manager to oversee COVID-protocol com-  growing personal needs of our staff during
        Executive Order 20-91, out-                     resource sharing, and volun-  pliance and respond to potential risks.    this period by expanding employee bene-
        lining a “Safer at Home” pol-                   teer efforts, VITAS also sup-  The advantages of our highly mobile,   fits to include Teladoc appointments, an
        icy intended to protect      BY KATHLEEN        ports numerous partner    flexible approach to care became especially   Employee Assistance Program, and extra
        Floridians through tempo-     CORONADO          organizations and initiatives   apparent during the pandemic and contin-  paid time off.
        rary isolation.                                 dedicated to improving    ue today. VITAS’ mobile technology and   Through it all, VITAS kept employees’
          While the full statewide shutdown last-  quality of life for vulnerable people   telehealth capabilities allow us to deliver   insurance premiums down, avoided lay-
        ed slightly more than a month, those of us   throughout the communities we serve:   complex modalities and symptom relief in   offs, and continued to provide competitive
        in healthcare are still coping with lingering   veterans groups, food banks, disaster relief   heavily restricted settings, transition eligi-  merit-based pay increases companywide.
        restrictions, a changing care landscape,   initiatives, and many more.    ble patients to hospice 24/7, and involve   I’m proud to work for a South Florida
        and reasonable concerns from patients,   Most VITAS teams—comprising a    physically distant family members in their   healthcare provider that understands the
        their families, and our peers and partners   physician, nurse, aide, chaplain, social   loved ones’ care.     importance of protecting and caring for its
        in the industry.                     worker, volunteer, and bereavement spe-  Our embrace of telehealth also ensures   employees. Hospice and palliative care are
          Driven by compassion and a commit-  cialist—care for patients wherever they   that patients, families, and staff at partner-  people-focused specialties, and VITAS has
        ment to our community, South Florida   call home. We’ve built a mobility-first care   ing facilities receive the psychosocial and   never failed to support the people who
        providers and clinicians have continued to   model using leading-edge technology and   spiritual support they require, whenever   provide that care.
        treat and support patients in person   operational practices to ensure seamless   they require it, from VITAS chaplains and   If you’re looking for a fulfilling career
        through the most restrictive periods of the   care coordination and uninterrupted sup-  social workers.       centered on helping others in their most
        pandemic.                            port for patients with advanced illness in   VITAS employees and volunteers   challenging moments, I encourage you to
          VITAS Healthcare—the nation’s leading   any setting.                    worked hard to keep up with beloved tra-  join our talented team of compassionate
        provider of end-of-life care, and a corner-  During COVID-19, VITAS has gone   ditions and much-appreciated services   professionals.
        stone of South Florida healthcare for more   even further to protect our staff, partners,   amid COVID-19 restrictions:
        than 40 years—is no exception.       patients, and their families without sacri-  • Special parades thanked our fellow   Learn more about our mission and apply
          Our hospice and palliative care services   ficing quality of care.      healthcare workers and uplifted isolated         today at
        support over 18,000 patients with      From the earliest days of the pandemic,   care facility residents          Kathleen Coronado is a general manager
        advanced illness and their loved ones in 14   VITAS has coordinated with the White   • Music therapists and lovable Paw Pals   for VITAS Healthcare in Broward County

                      t Time to Foccus on Quality
              Is It

                      Life for Y
              of L                             our Patients?

              Rely o
                     on the experts in hospice aand palliative care

                     uidance and support.
              for gu
              National  H ospice and P alliativ e Car e M onth is the ideal time to r emind our S outh
              Florida h       e colleagues and par tners of the v alue of our inter disciplinar y medical
              specialty  and its emphasis on conv ersations, commfor t, and quality of life.
                     our patients and their families face the cchallenges of an adv
              When yo                                                       anced illness,
              VIT AS   H ealthcare specialists can help b y answering questions exploring optionsering questions, exploring options,
                      H Healthcar
                               e specialists can help by answ
              VITTAAS® H
              and facili itating conv ersations to identify patient ’ goals, v alues, and pr efer ences for
              comfort-f focused car e.
              We’re a
                     available 24/7/365—including aafter hours, weekends, and
              holiday                                                              e that
                     ys—to help you and your patients embrace healthcar
                      s on comfort and quality of lifee near the end of life.

                                                          AS app today
                                          Download the VIT A           .

                                          800.93.VIT A   T A                            |  Since 1980
                                                   AS | VIT

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                           November 2021                          21
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