Page 23 - South Florida Hospital News Nov 2021
P. 23

Cover Story:  ImageFIRST Rises Through the Challenges
        of the Pandemic and Increasing Costs                                                                                next month in

        Continued from page 1                                                                                               South Florida
        other donations, ImageFIRST has donated over $600,000 to   everybody safe, and at the same time, make sure that patients   Hospital News
        benefit the children’s research hospital since the partnership   feel comfortable. Some of our products are designed to do that,
        began.                                                 such as the gown line and scrub lines we manufacture.”     and Healthcare
          ImageFIRST’s goal has always been to help positively impact   This past year, ImageFIRST took its RFID technology to   Report...
        patient care and make life easier for the staff that is taking care   another level in terms of their ability to manage scrub pro-
        of the patients.                                       grams and fluid resistant gowns. During the pandemic last

          “We manage the linen program so your staff can focus on the   year, the company started manufacturing its own line of fluid
        patient,” says Juffre. “Many of our products are designed to   resistant isolation gowns.                             • 2021 – A Year
        increase patient satisfaction. Most health systems, hospitals,   “We added RFID chips to all our scrubs and isolation gowns   in Review
        and doctors, have two top priorities: patient care and staff   to track what's coming and going, as well as to better manage
        engagement. The linen is just a by-product of helping our   our clients’ needs.” says Juffre. “RFID technology is big in the
        clients achieve their number one and number two goals.”   medical world, and we've always been on the cutting edge of   • What’s Ahead in
          The rising costs of supplies this past year has impacted many   that in terms of tracking inventory, especially as it comes to
        healthcare facilities and has been difficult for everybody, Juffre   scrubs. Our ScrubVAULT® System helps them manage scrubs,   Healthcare Real Estate?
        acknowledges.                                          mops, towels, and other products. It has been great for our
          “Prices and inflation are going through the roof right now,”   clients.”
        he says. “These challenges are real. Inflation is at a 13-year   The ScrubVAULT® System allows full accountability for the   • Outsourcing – Year-
        high, everything is going up and the price of gasoline is also   scrubs being used and by whom. Providers are able to better   end Business Strategies
        impacting the deliveries of supplies.”                 manage their inventory because the system relies on UHF
          While price increases are inevitable at any company,   RFID chip technology. This ensures providers have the scrubs
        ImageFIRST aims to only increase prices once a year, and they   they need when they need it, making it more beneficial to them   • Healthcare Marketing
        have been able to maintain that through 2021.          and ultimately, also to their patients by freeing up staff to focus   & Public Relations –
          “One thing we're doing for our clients right now is eating all   more on patient care.
        of the increased costs rather than unexpectedly increase the   Health systems right now should be looking for true partners   What Works?
        cost to our customer. We were able to hold our pricing firm for   that want to work with them through the rest of the pandemic
        2021 and delay any increases until next year,” says Juffre.   and through these rising costs, adds Juffre.
        “We're doing that by becoming more efficient with routing and   “ImageFIRST has always been a company that truly wants to   • Healthcare’s Spiritual
        in our production facilities. Creating a partnership with our   be the partner our customers can't live without,” he says. “I   Community
        clients is key and part of that partnership is trying to ensure   encourage them to do that with all their vendor partners. Let's
        that our clients can take care of patients right now and not   get through this together and let’s make sure that patients get
        worry about unprojected costs.”                        the best care they can.”                                     For more information
          Juffre says another one of their client’s pain points is balanc-                                                   on advertising and
        ing patient care with patient safety.                                                 For more information, visit    editorial opportunities, call
          “Something that most health systems want to do is maintain                 or call
        a good connection with their patients,” he says. “With social                   (800) 368-3676. Please note: New    (561) 368-6950 today!
        distancing and mask mandates, it's been a challenge. What                    customers should call (800) 932-7472.
        we're trying to do is be a resource to them so they can keep

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                           November 2021                         23
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