Page 30 - South Florida Hospital News Nov 2021
P. 30

Florida’s Resource for
                  Medical & Business
                 Cannabis Developments

                   PO Box 812708
               Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708
                 Phone: (561) 368-6950       Back Cover Story:  Is CBD Toxic to the Liver?

        Continued from page 36

          CHARLES FELIX                      poses the risk of E-cigarette or Vaping Use Associated Lung   while it won’t cure fatty liver disease, it can prevent its devel-
          CAROL FELIX                        Injury depending on the route of CBD administration, product   opment. And should disease occur, it may be able to decrease
          Publishers                         source and third-party lab testing.                    inflammation to in the organ, protecting it against further
                                               It is important to acknowledge that CBD does provide health   damage.
          NANCY LAMMIE                       benefits to the human body. As misinformation begins to   Furthermore, CBD users are being presented with unreliable
          JMC Graphics                       spread, the use of CBD for various health advantages will   information, potentially causing some patients to turn to more
                                             inevitably diminish out of fear for liver toxicity. The endo-  conventional medication such as opioids. The untrustworthy
          JUDY GRAMM                         cannabinoid system (ECS) is found in all mammals and con-  nature of many CBD-related studies is tampering with lives,
          Editorial Manager                  sists of receptors (CB1 and CB2) endogenous cannabinoids,   public health, the economy, business owners, the entire hemp
                                             and enzymes that facilitate their production or break them   industry, and so on.
          CONTRIBUTING WRITERS               down. The ECS is responsible for regulating many of our   The spread of misinformation regarding CBD use is critically
          Daniel Casciato • Barbara Fallon   homeostatic control processes.                         hazardous for two primary reasons; CBD users will be deterred
          Vanessa Orr •  Lois Thomson          When the liver gets damaged, inflamed, or dysfunctional,   by unreliable publications which express potential toxicity at
                                             the body starts to release more endocannabinoids to solve the   abnormal doses, and the hemp industry will be shattered by a
          SUBSCRIPTIONS                      problem. A healthy liver is correlated with a modest activity of   devastating drop in CBD use.
          One Year - $45                     the endocannabinoid system. In fact, this particular organ has   Nevertheless, in order to combat such damaging circum-
          Two Years - $70
          Three Years - $85                  a relatively low concentration of the ECS components.   stances, more research must be conducted to determine a more
                                             However, inflammation in the liver causes endocannabinoids   practical dosing system (potentially basing dosage on weight,
          To subscribe, call (561) 368-6950   to be very active in this area.                       height, gender, genetics, etc.) and at which dose CBD may
          Or email:   Unfortunately, an overactive endocannabinoid system plays   pose a threat towards liver toxicity.
                                             a role in the development of fatty liver disease (1). CBD mod-
          All rights reserved. Reproduction   ulates the CB1 and CB2 receptors by stopping particular com-  Dr. Michelle Weiner, Spine and Wellness Centers of America,
          In whole or part without written    pounds that make these receptors disrupt the liver. CBD                       can be reached at (305) 974-5533
          permission is prohibited.          ensures the proper functioning of a system that balances us. So            or
          Copyright ©2021

                                                                                  Back Cover Story:  Cannabis  Spotlight:

                                                                                  Jesse Channon

                                                                                  Continued from page 32
                                                                                  How did you get started within the cannabis industry?
                                                                                    I was recruited by Columbia Care in 2019 to leverage my strengths, experience
                                                                                  and history of business growth. I was familiar with cannabis before I joined, but
                                                                                  quickly learned that it is a far more complex and sophisticated science than I ever
                                                                                  could have imagined. It’s been a really inspiring journey to see, from beginning to
                                                                                  end, the process of growing such high-quality cannabis and sharing it with others
                                                                                  who share in the passion or are just excited to try it for the first time.

                                                                                  Are you personally a MJ card holder?
                                                                                    No, we relocated to Georgia from New York and the medical program has not
                                                                                  come online yet.

                                                                                  Do you see Florida moving forward with recreational
                                                                                  Marijuana/cannabis and how will that affect your business?
                                                                                    I think a recreational program is on the horizon, yes. Patients and their medical
                                                                                  needs will always be prioritized, but we are well positioned to support the influx of
                                                                                  customers once an adult-use program comes online. Our Cannabist locations are
                                                                                  designed to support patients (and eventually customers) of all experience levels.
                                                                                  When Florida eventually goes recreational, I think we’ll see an increased demand
                                                                                  for more ranges of products and brands, which we’ll be excited to provide.

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