Page 34 - South Florida Hospital News Nov 2021
P. 34


                                                        Level-funded Health Plans

          I just returned from                           health plan to self-fund-  the end of the plan year in the form of a   fully-insured plans and quotes can often
        MJBizCon,    the   largest                       ing can seem daunting for   refund to the employer for lower claims or   be obtained within hours whereas level-
        cannabis conference of the                       smaller employers. The   a premium increase on the stop-loss insur-  funded plans require employees to com-
        year. This year, I heard from                    good news is that there is   ance renewal for higher claims. Stop-loss   plete a medical questionnaire and have
        dispensary owners across the                     a hybrid solution called   coverage is an essential part of this   deadlines for submission. It’s also impor-
        country that many haven’t                        level-funded health plans   arrangement because it limits an employ-  tant to have an accurate census when
        been quoted level-funded                         for employers that want   er's financial responsibility for claims over   quoting because a census change can dras-
        health plans. It’s open enroll-                  to move away from fully   a certain amount, either on a per-employ-  tically alter the rates. If this is an option
        ment — a time many business                      insured health care but   ee basis or for the entire covered popula-  you’re interested in for January 1, you
        owners are reviewing their                       are not yet ready to com-  tion.                             should be looking at your options now.
        health plan options — so I                       pletely     self-insure.  Some carriers offer fully customizable   As always, please feel free to reach out
        thought this would be a good                     Without going into too   benefits. It is possible to create copays for   with any questions. I have helped employ-
        time to discuss these. I spoke   BY SUMMER       much detail, they look   lab and x-ray, emergency room visits, and   ers design employee benefits packages
        to   several  dispensaries     WESTERBUR         like a fully-insured health   more. In the fully-insured market, these   since 2004.
        whose benefits were offered                      plan to the employee.    are frequently applied to a member’s
        through a payroll company. They are fre-  Your broker can help you design copays   deductible, so level-funded health plans   Summer Westerbur, founder of Kairos
        quently limited to a few fully-insured   for doctor visits, pharmaceuticals, and   allow us to customize an employee bene-  Insurance Group, is experienced in all types
        plans and lack the ability to shop the   other benefits. With a level-funded plan,   fits package to fit the employer’s needs.   of insurance including employee benefit pack-
        market. It’s important to have an inde-  an employer pays a health carrier the   Wellness plans and teledoc visits can be   ages, product liability, general liability, profes-
        pendent health broker who has access to   same monthly amount to cover the esti-  included with these plans.    sional liability and building insurance. Kairos
        all plans, especially considering today’s   mated cost for expected claims, the pre-  Level-funded plans are more complicat-  also has expanded to include a Cannabis
        health insurance premiums.           mium for stop-loss insurance that covers   ed to quote and set up, but they can offer   Division to address the unique challenges fac-
          Level-funded health plans were histor-  health care costs over a set dollar amount,   a multi-year strategy rather than shopping   ing the cannabis industry and its employees.
        ically offered to large businesses; today   and plan administration costs. If total   rates at renewal every year. Carriers will   For more information, contact
        carriers offer plans to employers with ten   claims costs are higher or lower than   often accept fully-insured group applica-
        employees. Moving from a fully insured   expected, the carrier makes adjustments at   tions through the last day of the month for    or call (719) 331-1832.

         34                       November 2021                                                                                                                                       Cannabis News Florida
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