Page 36 - South Florida Hospital News Nov 2021
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                                                                          Level-funded                                           BUSINESS
                                                                          Health Plans                                           DIRECTORY

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                                         November 2021

                                      2019 Cannabis Business Award’s Publication of the Year

                                      Is CBD Toxic to the Liver?

                    BY MICHELLE WEINER, DO, MPH,

          In recent years, the use of cannabidiol (CBD) as medicine has
        risen at astronomical rates, providing medical patients with a
        more traditional approach to treating various health complica-
        tions. In contrast to the progression of CBD use nationwide,
        there have been many concerns regarding CBD's toxicity to the
        human liver. In an effort to mitigate public health risks brought
        upon by an increase in CBD use coupled with resulting poten-
        tial liver toxicity, many research studies have been conducted to                                                         Dr. Jeff Konin
        identify whether CBD is a safe alternative form of medication.
          Unfortunately, a great deal of these studies have failed to con-                                                  NCAA Drug
        duct reliable research due to many protocol, experimental, and
        conclusive flaws. In April 2019, a study titled "Hepatoxicity of   Dr. Michelle Weiner   Domenick Nicholas Maglione
        a Cannabidiol-Rich Cannabis Extract in the Mouse Model" was                                                           Testing for
        published in Molecules journal despite the numerous study   In addition to flawed publications, the current state of CBD
        flaws. In this study, extremely high doses of isolated   use and administration is illogical and elementary. For   Cannabis – Why
        Cannabidiol (CBD) extract were administered to six individual   instance, CBD is typically never dosed based on distinct prop-
                                                               beyond a reasonable dose. This then poses yet another issue;  Does It Matter?
        mice. The administered dose of CBD given to a small organism   erties such as genetics, meaning patients could be receiving far
        such as a mouse was notably high, more than 100 times the
        dose of Epidiolex, a CBD schedule 5 pharmaceutical indicated   CBD is inaccessible for many patients due to its cost. Some
        for infantile seizure disorders in children. CBD was adminis-  patients may be paying hundreds of dollars for a 1000mg CBD   BY DR. JEFF KONIN
        tered as an isolate (contributing to heightened potency) and   product like a tincture, when in reality, an ideal dosing system
        formulated with hexane, a Neurotoxin. The study reported that   could reveal that those same patients may need less for suffi-  In 1986, the National Collegiate
        75% of the mice had died (this would suggest that 4.5 of the six   cient treatment, therefore making CBD medication more   Athletic Association (NCAA) adopted a
        mice had died). This study had generated much attention from   affordable. Expensive CBD products may also be pushing   drug testing policy that included testing
        the media, resulting in a distribution of flawed science especial-  patients away and more towards unregulated products, which   for cannabis, or as it was labeled at the
        ly related to liver toxicity.                                                             Continued on page 30   time, marijuana. The policy stated that a
                                                                                                                       positive test would result in one full year
                                                                                                                       suspension from athletic eligibility and
                                    Cannabis  Spotlight                                                                the suspension would follow a student
                                                                                                                       athlete if he or she opted to transfer
                                                                                                                       schools. For a majority of the time, the
           Jesse Channon                                                      ments; Forage, the industry’s first cannabis   threshold for a positive test was 5
           CHIEF GROWTH OFFICER                                               product discovery tool which will be coming   nanograms per milliliter. In June of
                                                                                                                       2019, the THC threshold used for NCAA
                                                                              to Florida soon; and the CNC card, the
           OF COLUMBIA CARE                                                   industry’s first credit card.            drug testing was increased from 15 to 35
                                                                                                                       nanograms per milliliter, and the penalty
         What benefits do you see for patients                                What field are you in within the         for a positive test was adjusted to a 6-
         throughout Florida within this space?                                cannabis space?                          month suspension, or essentially 50% of
           The cannabis industry is evolving really quick-                      In my role, I lead teams focusing on digital   participation. The increased threshold
         ly. It’s a great time for patients to start exploring                capabilities, dispensary growth and corpo-  was supported by “wanting to be fair
         the power of the plant and all its various forms,                    rate branding, as well as launching new   and to eliminate penalizing students
         whether they are actively medicating or just                         technologies and product commercialization   who test positive as the result of passive
         starting to learn more. I think one of the great                     initiatives.                             inhalation of smoke.”
         things about the Florida market is how accessible                                                              The official banned language states:
         medical cannabis is to patients. We have 14 dis-                     How can people in Florida benefit        Cannabinoids - Marijuana, Synthetic
         pensaries across the state that serve a growing    Jesse Channon     from the company you represent?          cannabinoids (Spice; K2; JWH-018;
         number of patients.                                                    The days of transactional dispensaries are   JWH-073),  Tetrahydrocannabinol
                                                               over. Our new retail brand, Cannabist, which all of our Florida   (THC). According to the NCAA Drug-
         What motivates you to be a part                       Columbia Care dispensaries will be converting to by the end of   Testing Program 2020-2021 all cannabi-
         of the cannabis Industry?                             this year, was designed to elevate the patient journey by inspir-  noids are banned with no allowed med-
           The pace of growth of this industry keeps me excited. There   ing, informing, and providing quality products to consumers   ical exception request. The language fur-
         is so much opportunity for innovation at every single level,   of all experience levels. We believe Cannabist will set the tone   ther reads as follows: “Cannabinoids
         and I love being part of teams that bring those ideas to fruition.   as the new industry standard and make sure the cannabis com-  include cannabis and cannabidiol
         I was thrilled to bring my tech background and apply it to an   munity feels supported and engaged every time they walk   (CBD). Cannabis use is linked to anxi-
         emerging industry where some of these advancements didn’t   through our doors.                                ety, panic reactions, respiratory damage,
         exist including our Virtual.Care platform for virtual appoint-
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