Page 33 - South Florida Hospital News Nov 2021
P. 33


                                  RWB Launches Phase 1 of Cultivation Expansion

                                                    in $1.3 Billion Florida Market

            Red White & Bloom Brands Inc. has   the site received regulatory approval to   Florida plans with the activation of   Florida project from the highly-talent-
          initiated phase one of an aggressive   commence operations on Sept. 29,   thirty 16’ x 40’ customized, self-con-  ed local labor market.
          three-phase development strategy for   2021. In anticipation of receiving the   tained growing pods. With a targeted   “We brought this site into production
          its two cultivation centers in Florida to   cultivation license, RWBFL had pre-  Q4 launch, the pods are anticipated to   ahead of forecast and ahead of budget
          ensure the Company produces suffi-  pared mother stock in advance, and   yield almost 10,000 pounds of dried   and I’m very proud of our Florida
          cient inventory for the existing and sev-  these plants arrived at the greenhouse   flower per year representing a current   team,” said Brad Rogers, CEO of Red
          eral new dispensary openings planned   the morning of Sept 30, 2021.   medical market value of USD        White & Bloom. “Despite being rela-
          for the first quarter 2022. Red White &   The flower production in the initial   $30,000,000. Phase three of the   tively new players in the Florida mar-
          Bloom Florida LLC, a Red White &   Apopka licensed area is capable of pro-  Company’s initial launch in the State   ket, I feel we have the most talented
          Bloom Brands subsidiary, acquired a   ducing 85 g per plant, with projected   will be the activation of the 113,000 sq.   team of PhDs and horticulturalists, and
          45,000 sq. ft. greenhouse with 4.7 acres   annual revenue from this area is in   ft. indoor grow facility in Sanderson,   an incredible grow infrastructure to
          in Apopka, Florida in July 2021. Phase   excess of USD $10,000,000 and opera-  Florida. Projecting a Q4 2021 harvest   bring the highest quality products, rich
          one of the company’s initial plans for   tions having commenced on Sept 30,   schedule in the Apopka facility, the   in terpenes and cannabinoid content, to
          cultivation in Florida, the build-out of   2021. Additionally, the newly designed   company has added additional cultiva-  some of the best retail locations in the
          Apopka, is now complete. In addition,   grow will supply phase two of the   tion specialists specifically for the   state starting in Q1 2022.”

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                                                                                                       July 29-31, 2022
                                                                                                             Rosen Centre Hotel
                                                                                                               Orlando, Florida

                                                                                                         The Inaugural

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                                                                                              For more info view this link:

                    This conference is designed to foster education on
                                the use of cannabis in sports!

        Cannabis News Florida                                                                                                                          November 2021                         33
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