Page 12 - Cannabis News Florida August 2021 Revised
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          Serving You as You Have Served Us
                                                                                                     Miami Dade College,

          The honorable men and                         • the effect of military
        women of the United                            service and deployments on                  Medical Campus Brings
        States Armed Forces and                        family members; and
        their   families  have                          • how to provide compe-                Affordable Education to the
        answered our country's                         tent and compassionate care
        call to serve with dedica-                     for current and former                      Healthcare Community
        tion, courage and sacri-                       female and LGBTQ service
        fice.                                          members
          An estimated 22 million                       Active work for the                Nestled in the heart of the hospital district,
        active duty service mem-                       Military  and    Veteran          Miami Dade College Medical Campus offers
        bers and veterans are cur-                     Program at Holy Cross             programs specializing in healthcare careers.
        rently living in the United                    Health has been underway          The addition of the new state-of-th-art Center
        States. With the addition   BY ELYCE BISHOP ,   since July 2019. The MilVet      for Learning, Innovation and Simulation
        of their dependents and       MSN, RN          Program launched publicly         building provides students the opportunity to
        family members, that                           in March of 2020, and as the      practice their skills with the evidence-based
        total is nearly 70 million. As a society, we   COVID-19 pandemic reached Florida,   principles and clinical skills required in clini-
        have incurred a moral obligation to care   the focus our work at Holy Cross      cal environments in the real world. The build-
        for these individuals that have sacrificed   changed drastically. We are proud to   ing houses labor and delivery rooms, an oper-
        so much with reverence, compassion,   have the in-person cultural competency     ating room suite, 10 examination rooms, a
        and true understanding. We know that   training underway again and have          simulated ambulance, and a home health
        this population has unique health con-  trained over 1,000 clinical and non-clin-  apartment.                             BY MARIE BERNARDIN
        cerns and are in need of competent,   ical colleagues.                             As one of the largest and most affordable
        accessible and culturally sensitive pri-  We must take care of the 80-85% of     colleges in the country, MDC ranks first in Florida in economic mobility,
        mary and specialty care services.    veterans that do not get their care at the   making it the easy choice for students to create lasting change in their
          In order to properly address the holis-  VA. Veterans want to be understood and   lives. With its focus on ensuring advancement of our diverse community,
        tic needs for this population, we at Holy   communicated with effectively. It’s more   the Medical Campus takes its “Students First” motto to heart. The
        Cross Health are proud to give back to   than just ‘thank you for your service,’ it   Student Services division assists students from the application process
        those who have given so much for us   is also delivering to them patient-cen-    straight through to graduation. As an MDC Shark, students have access
        through our Military and Veterans    tered care that keeps their sacrifice at top   to various support services such as tutoring, learning labs, scholarships,
        Health Program (MilVet). Providers, cli-  of mind. There are gaps in clinical care   and career services.
        nicians and staff have undergone training   needs and as a community we need to    Medical campus’ award-winning faculty, record breaking programs, and
        to understand and correctly respond to   step up to fill those gaps. That’s what   dedicated staff provides an exceptional learning environment that is
        the health concerns and challenges spe-  programs like MilVet accomplish.        meant to challenge students and empower them to achieve their dreams.
        cific to this military community.      Making sure the healthcare team is        Whether choosing Nursing, Respiratory Care, Surgical Technology,
          The goal of this program is to provide   aware of the presence of a service mem-  Dental Hygiene, or one of the other 25 programs that MDC Medical
        military service members, veterans and   ber, veteran and/or family members dur-  Campus has to offer, it has the healthcare program for you.
        their families convenient access to high-  ing the patient registration process, the
        quality, culturally sensitive, people-cen-  program has created and is supplying              To learn about the programs offered at MDC Medical Campus,
        tered health care services that meet their   patient bracelets, patient room magnets,                      visit or call (305) 237-4000.
        specific needs.                      special badge clips and military branch                               Marie Bernardin is Director, Student Services.
          It’s vital that providers and staff are   flags/posters.
        trained and educated in military and vet-  We owe this focused care to our veter-
        erans health. The training and education   ans and their families who have selflessly
        program is designed to help providers   sacrificed for our country. Holy Cross
        understand and respond to the health   Health endeavors to be active and former
        concerns and challenges specific to the   service members trusted health partner
        military community. In training, we   for life.
        review:                                                                                 Subscribe to...
          • understanding military culture,     Elyce Bishop, MSN, RN is a proud Navy   SOUTH FLORIDA HOSPITAL NEWS
        including the nuances of various military   spouse, FirstChoice Float Pool Nurse
        service branches;                       Manager and MilVet Program Champion        & HEALTHCARE REPORT today!
          • key illnesses, injuries and occupa-  and Trainer at Holy Cross Health. She can
        tional exposures associated with military    be reached at (954) 776-3215 or                  Subscribe online at
        service and military deployments; as well
        as mental health disorders like PTSD,                                                        or call 561-368-6950
        addiction, and sleep disturbances

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                                                                                                                   e Rd., Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411. © 2021 South
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                   F inancial aid available for those who qualify   C .  ar eer placement as sistance for all gr aduates.  F or consumer information,  visit
        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                               August 2021                          21
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