Page 15 - Cannabis News Florida August 2021 Revised
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Cover Story: DCMA President Installed

        Continued from page 1                light the individual achievements of mem-  past 20 years, beginning with Beth Israel   fessionals with Haitian-American, Cuban-
                                             bers and the organizational impact DCMA   Medical Center. He previously served as   American,  African  American  and
          “Through educational forums and
        opportunities to participate, I hope to   provides the Miami Dade community. For   faculty at Nova School of Medicine,   European ancestry and ethnicity in our
        involve our membership - from medical   example, during the pandemic, DCMA   Florida International University, and the   ranks. The expertise and diversity among
        students and residents to faculty and prac-  was involved in procuring quantities of   University of Miami. He is a Delegate for   our members better prepare us to practice
        ticing physicians - in an advocacy role in   PPE not only for physicians but also for   the Florida Medical Association. Dr.   in this mecca of academic medicine which
        shaping our futures. I also hope we can   their families and community members;   Suarez graduated from Universidad   cares for a melting pot of diverse cultures,
        infuse the philosophy that it is OK to seek   promoting information regarding vaccine   Central del Este and trained at Christiana   races, religions and to deal with a range of
        help. Most physicians are naturally drawn   safety and availability; and working with   Care in Delaware. In Spring 2021 he was   socio-economic levels which contribute to
        to helping others and we need to recognize   local government to provide vaccinations.   awarded the DCMA Quality Designation   health disparities, accessibility, and afford-
        when to ask for help for ourselves when   “The DCMA was the only area medical   recognizing academic achievement, lead-  ability,” he explained.
        stress impacts either our professional or   association who recognized that safety of   ership, and community service to help   Dr Suarez pointed out that all DCMA
        personal lives,” he said, “as evidenced in   our doctors’ families was also at risk and   patients gain understanding of medical   officers are volunteering their time; how-
        this pandemic year, or during severe   provided masks as a preventative meas-  quality in the Miami Dade area.   ever, physicians can help educate and
        weather events or unexpected disasters   ure,” he said                     He worked at the University of Miami   influence opinions within hospital com-
        which impact our health system.”       During the pandemic turbulence,    Health System at the first academic family   munities to enhance understanding of
           Dr. Suarez also plans to sponsor more   DCMA officials were invited as trusted,   medicine department in the U.S. with Dr.   issues and funding for solutions. The med-
        organized social interactions - events   knowledgeable experts to engage in con-  Lynn Carmichael (often referred to as the   ical community cannot exist in a vacuum
        which can create and reinforce a culture of   versations with community organizations   Father of Family Medicine). He enjoyed   and benefits from collaboration with hos-
        inclusivity and support for each other to   and businesses, journalists, and govern-  the opportunity of connecting with   pital entities to encourage support of ven-
        create a healthy workplace for doctors and   ment leaders to spread compelling infor-  patients at many levels while caring for   ues, policies and resources to promote
        patients.                            mation on fighting the pandemic answer-  them. He credits his foundation in Family   quality health care delivery, professional
          “Many doctors work in their ‘silo spe-  ing questions and ensuring the public that   Practice Medicine for instilling enthusias-  development and advancement.
        cialties’ and become isolated. By sharing   vaccinations were a route to coming   tic and empathetic sensibilities embracing   “Excellent medical care must be orches-
        information in professional and family-  through the COVID-19 crisis.     the value of social media, community out-  trated. It won’t occur by chance and physi-
        friendly activities we gain a more compre-  Jose David Suarez, M.D., is a Diplomate   reach and his broad scope of goals to   cians are the best advocates for guiding
        hensive view of our role in the health care   for the American Board of Family   enhance the health care experience for   healthcare reform. I am committed to sup-
        environment and how we can positively   Medicine, currently serving as Chief   physicians and their patients.    port DCMA in innovative ways to help
        impact each other and our future,” he   Medical  Officer  and  Designated  During the past 25 years, Suarez gained   deliver quality health care and the healing
        explained.                           Institutional Official of the Family   work experience in the Northeast,   ambiance in a physician/patient relation-
          Additionally, he noted that the content   Medicine Residency Program at Keralty   Southern California and Florida and   ship,” he concluded.
        enriched quarterly DCMA peer reviewed   Hospital Miami, where he was integrally   believes the Dade County Medical
        publication, Miami Medical Journal is a   involved in creation of a mini-MBA pro-  Association has been a leader in inclusivity.   For more information, visit
        valuable communications arm to share   gram with Atlantis University. Dr. Suarez    “I am proud that we have recognized, call (305) 324-8717 or
        research and case studies as well as high-  has focused on medical education over the   the input of male and female medical pro-  email

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         18                        August 2021                                                                                                                          South Florida Hospital News
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