Page 13 - Cannabis News Florida August 2021 Revised
P. 13


                                   Traumatology – Impacting People and Education

          Exposure to traumatic events is not                                             effort to educate and expose   competitive advantage to graduates and
        rare and has been consistently found in                                           students to added details about   ultimately a major benefit to communi-
        epidemiological studies. The World                                                the impact of traumatic events   ties served.
        Mental Health Surveys of adults were car-                                         on our population, South      In keeping with our program values of
        ried out among nearly 70,000 partici-                                             University’s Master of Arts in   providing service, ethical practice, and
        pants from 24 countries ranging in eco-                                           Clinical Mental Counseling   evidenced based care, we are committed
        nomic status from low to high (Eur J                                              program (CACREP-accredit-   to fostering the well being of our world
        Psychotraumatol (2017) 8(5): This data                                            ed) has integrated many     community.
        showed that at some time in their life                                            aspects of traumatology into
        70.4% of the respondents had experi-                                              their curriculum. The purpose             For more information, visit
        enced at least one type of a traumatic                                            is to prepare emerging coun-
        event.                                                                            selors with the tools to assist in   programs/counseling-and-psychology/
          The literature informs us that adults                                           providing service in response    clinical-mental-health-counseling-ma.
        and particularly children who sustain a     BY DR. THOMAS CHRISTIANSEN            to a variety of traumatic events   Dr. Thomas Christiansen is Clinical
        traumatic physical injury or a hospital-        AND DR. SHERRIE RAZ               occurring across the globe.        Mental Health Counseling Program
        ization can expect to experience a range                                          Whether it be tragic events like   Director. Dr. Sherrie Raz is Clinical Mental
        of mental health problems related to the   practice during the hospital admission   the Surfside Condominium   Health Counseling Adjunct Faculty Member
        hospitalization or the injury. Sub -  process (   Collapse, or natural disasters such as      and contributing author.
        sequently, due to the trauma they may   toc/ 14470349/2014/23/1).        hurricanes or earthquakes, our interns
        experience changes in physical health   Therefore, it is not surprising that due   and alumni will be positioned to provide
        and functioning occur (Injury, Nov.2013,   to, physical trauma, hospital trauma,   Psychological First Aid, and triage trau-  Programs, credential levels, technology,
        Vol.44, Is,11, pgs.1383-1390.)       childhood trauma, the COVID pandem-  ma cases for the benefit of victims and   and scheduling options vary by school and
          Forty-one research papers were     ic, etc., and the mental health sequelae   their families.               are subject to change. Not all programs
        reviewed on the relationship between   that come with the array of traumatic   South University Professors, Dr.   are available to residents of all U.S. states.
        mental health and traumatic physical   events happening in our world today,   Thomas Christiansen and Dr. Sherrie   South University, West Palm Beach,
        injury. The studies, subsequently showed   that Trauma and Resilience trained   Raz, in partnership with Jane Miller, of   University Centre, 9801 Belvedere Rd.,
        that, “post- traumatic stress disorder,   Mental Health Counselors, and Social   The Alliance for Kids, have devised a   Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411. © 2021
        depression and anxiety were frequent   Workers, will be at premium. These   unique teaching program for Mental   South University. All rights reserved. The
        sequelae associated with traumatic phys-  front-line workers will be of the utmost   Health Counselors. South University’s   Clinical Mental Health Program located at
        ical injury.” (Injury,2013). It appears   importance for Physicians and their   goal is for those who graduate to possess   South University, West Palm Beach, is
        from the review, that these mental health   patients in the hospital setting.   the designation of Field Traumatologist.   fully accredited by the Council for the
        symptoms were inconsistently, and poor-  South University is responding to the   South University, West Palm Beach, is   Accreditation of Counseling and Related
        ly identified and treated, and screening   aforementioned mental health research   proud to be part of this unique training   Educational Programs (CACREP).
        for this symptomology is not routine                                     initiative which potentially will offer a
                                             on trauma and recent tragic events. In an

         20                       August 2021                                                                                                                          South Florida Hospital News
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