Page 2 - Cannabis News Florida August 2021 Revised
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         Back Cover Story: CANNABIS PHYSICIAN SPOTLIGHT: Bart Hershfield, MD

         Continued from page 32
         cannabis medicine knowledge, or to educate patients who they certify about doses,   How did you get started within the cannabis industry?
         frequency or means of administration. Having medical cannabis legal in Florida is   When I first heard about “medical marijuana” 25 years ago, I was skeptical,
         a good start, but we can do better.                                     assuming it was just an excuse for people to smoke legally. And when I was told
           With the privilege of having medical cannabis in Florida comes responsibility for   that it actually could reduce pain and anxiety, I assumed it was only because people
         the certified patients, the dispensaries, and particularly for the qualified physicians.   smoked themselves stupid.
         How is a patient to know that recreational doses are not appropriate for medical   Years later, after multiple failed back surgeries and a decade of opioids which had
         purposes if they haven’t been educated? Dispensaries can help educate patients, and   escalated to 440 milligrams morphine equivalents per day, a family member asked
         some have very knowledgeable staff. But as with physicians, dispensary employees   about trying MMJ. She didn’t have the benefit of a cannabis medicine specialist to
         are only required to have a knowledge of the legal requirements associated with   guide her, but over time figured out a regimen which not only allowed her to
         Florida’s medical marijuana law. There is no statutory requirement for clinical   decrease her opioids by 91%, but also resulted in regaining her energy. She felt like
         knowledge, which is why one young budtender instructed one of our patients not   she got her life back. Another family member with military PTSD couldn’t tolerate
         to inhale from a vape pen, because if could make her cough! As in every other field   the side effects of the antidepressants and Xanax prescribed by the VA, turned to
         of medicine, isn’t it ultimately the responsibility of the MMJ physician to ensure   alcohol to self-medicate, and when that didn’t work tried recreational doses of MJ.
         that patients are receiving appropriate and optimal treatment           After being educated on medical doses, he has been using a small fraction of the
           And can that be accomplished during a 10-minute initial certification visit, or   cannabis he used before, with better results, and with a feeling of having regained
         during an assembly line certification event in a hotel banquet room? All of us know   control of his life.
         this is happening, because patients tell us their horror story experiences when they   Once I learned about the existence of the endocannabinoid system and under-
         transfer to us for recertification. Putting profit before good patient care has never   stood the science of cannabis medicine, I became a true believer and advocate. At a
         been acceptable in medicine, and it shouldn’t be in cannabis medicine, either.   time in my career throughout which I was an employed emergency medicine and
           Working with like-minded medical cannabis physicians, I hope that cannabis   urgent care physician, when I should have been thinking about retirement, we
         medicine will evolve into the medical specialty that is needed to educate physicians,   opened a medical cannabis practice so that we could “Pay it Forward”—help others
         to partner with dispensaries and the Department of Health, and to advocate legisla-  as we have been helped. It is also professionally rewarding to be able to help people
         tively for patients, so that together we can help medical cannabis patients obtain the   with a treatment that is so much safer and better tolerated than the prescription
         best results, at the least cost, and with the least side effects.       medications that are traditionally used.

         Cannabis News Florida                                                                                                                              August 2021                          31
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