Page 6 - Cannabis News Florida August 2021 Revised
P. 6

Florida’s Resource for
                                                                                                                                Medical & Business
                                                                                                                               Cannabis Developments

                                                                                                                                  PO Box 812708
                                                                                                                             Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708
        Back Cover Story: CANNABIS SPOTLIGHT: Erik Range                                                                       Phone: (561) 368-6950

        Continued from page 32                                 How did you get started within the cannabis
        the communities disproportionally impacted by prohibition.    industry?                                         CHARLES FELIX
                                                                I got my start back in 2015 after a vacation trip to Steamboat   CAROL FELIX
        What field are you in within the cannabis space?       Springs, CO. On that trip I was exposed to what a legal adult use   Publishers

          I wear a number of hats in this space, I began with my first   cannabis industry could look like. Once I returned home to   NANCY LAMMIE
        company ART420 which is poised for a relaunch at the end of   Florida, I quickly began to study our laws and make connections   JMC Graphics
        2021 or early 2022. For select clients, I also provide consulting   to key individuals in the state and less than a month later my first   Art/Production
        services through my boutique consulting firm RGW & Associates   cannabis company, ART420 LLC, was registered with the State of
        LLC. However, I am most known for my work as the Board   Florida.                                               JUDY GRAMM
        Chairman for the largest minority non-profit in the space,                                                      Editorial Manager
        Minorities 4 Medical Marijuana. And more recently, I became the   Are you personally a MJ card holder?
        founder and CEO of Legacy Farms Group LLC (Dba          Until recently, I did not have a medical condition under Florida   CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
        Hemp&fork) which is the first black-owned hemp food manufac-  law that would warrant me becoming a patient. However, within   Daniel Casciato • Barbara Fallon
        turer and hemp heart brand in the country.             the last month I have been speaking with my doctor about getting   Vanessa Orr •  Lois Thomson

                                                               my card to assist in my treatment plan. So I think the next time   SUBSCRIPTIONS
        How can people in Florida benefit from the compa-      I’m asked that question the answer will be, yes.         One Year - $45
        ny you represent?                                                                                               Two Years - $70
          Well, individuals interested in improving their life through a   Do you see Florida moving forward with recre-  Three Years - $85
        healthier diet can benefit from our hemp hearts which are a super   ational Marijuana/cannabis and how will that
        food containing all the essential amino acids, omega 3 and omega   affect your business?                        To subscribe, call (561) 368-6950
        6, plant protein and so many other vital nutrients. Consumption   I do see it moving forward eventually. However, I don’t antici-  Or email:
        of plant-based foods, which our hemp hearts are, has been on a   pate any impact on my business because we deal with an entirely
        steady incline for the last decade and showing no signs of slow-  different part of the plant that can’t get you high, only get you   All rights reserved. Reproduction
        ing. So we believe Florida distributors and retail businesses can   healthy. So essentially, Adult Use or Medical won’t affect us.  In   In whole or part without written
                                                                                                                        permission is prohibited.
        benefit economically by adding our products to their inventory   fact, our products compliment consumption under either pro-  Copyright ©2020
        and making them available to their customers.          gram because they introduce a more whole plant ideology into the

        Cannabis News Florida                                                                                                                              August 2021                          27
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