Page 21 - Cannabis News Florida August 2021 Revised
P. 21


                                             Cover Story:  Boulenger Looking Forward to Creating
                 South Florida's
                     Monthly                 Own Legacy at Baptist Health South Florida
             Healthcare Newspaper

                                             Continued from page 1                tient footprint in the four counties that   employees and 4,000 allied physicians—
                   PO Box 812708             University in St. Louis.             we serve.                           they are dedicated to our not-for-profit
              Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708        “I went straight from Washington    “We have a very detailed strategic plan   mission and are our number one
               Phone: (561) 368-6950                                              that we will continue to follow,” added   strength.”
                                             University to an administrative residency
                                             at South Miami Hospital, and have since   Boulenger, noting that as a senior execu-  “We have a tremendous team of com-
                      Website:               held a succession of leadership roles,   tive, he had a hand in crafting the plan.   passionate, committed individuals who
   including CEO of Homestead Hospital   “We are not going to miss a beat.”    come together every day to care for each
                                                                                   Baptist Health recently opened the new   other and our community,” he added.
                                             and CEO of Baptist Hospital, as well as
                                                                                  $43.7 million Fishermen’s Community   Boulenger said that the aging popula-
                   CHARLES FELIX             COO of Baptist Health,” said Boulenger.   Hospital in Marathon, and will soon   tion—or silver tsunami—is another con-
                    CAROL FELIX              “These positions provided me with expe-  open another hospital in Doral. The   cern as it will not only affect staffing but
                     Publishers              rience in a number of settings from   health system plans to open more access   will cause a significant financial impact
                                             working in rural community hospitals to   sites such as urgent care centers and   to hospitals’ bottom lines.
                   NANCY LAMMIE              large tertiary hospitals to corporate posi-  ambulatory centers in the future.    “As more people face chronic illnesses
                       Editor                tions.”                               “We’re also looking to expand our   and age into the Medicare Advantage
                                               While Keeley will continue advancing
                   JUDY GRAMM                the health system’s initiatives until his   institutes and hire more physicians, and   ranks, it will challenge funding for hos-
             Editorial Manager & Webmaster   retirement, Boulenger has already taken   we are recruiting the best and brightest   pitals; we rely on a certain measure of
                                             on the day-to-day activities of the office.   from across the country to work at   commercial insurance to keep our mar-
                   JMC GRAPHICS                “It’s not uncommon to have this type   Baptist Health,” said Boulenger. “Our   gin of excellence,” he said.
                    Art/Production           of transition period, especially with a   goal is to make it so patients don’t have   “We also need to decide where and
                long-term, iconic leader like Brian,” said   to leave Miami for specialized care.”   how much to spend on digital transfor-
                    412-877-5321             Boulenger. “We’ve already worked      Boulenger looks forward to facing   mation,” he added. “As we saw with the
                                             together for 25 years in an extremely col-  whatever challenges the future brings.    pandemic, people want different ways to
              CONTRIBUTING WRITERS           laborative way; he has been a great men-  “Healthcare is always challenging;   connect with us for scheduling, to get
                   Daniel Casciato           tor over the years.”                 that’s what makes it such a stimulating,   test results and to access timely informa-
                   Barbara Fallon              As the new CEO, Boulenger plans to   rewarding industry in which to work,”   tion. We have to modernize and improve
                    Vanessa Orr              continue to advance the strategic initia-  he said. “The cost of healthcare is always   these interactions.”
                    Lois Thomson             tives of the health system.          an issue, and we’re doing our best to   As Boulenger transitions into the role
                                               “At the core, that means helping peo-  lower costs by providing value-based   of CEO, he said he is humbled and hon-
                                             ple in the community live the healthiest   opportunities, leveraging technology and   ored to be asked to serve the health sys-
                                                                                                                      tem and the community in an expanded
                                                                                  research, and improving access.”
                                             lives possible,” he said. “To do that, we
               LOOK FOR OUR                  need to support our caregivers in innova-  Like many other industries, healthcare   and more meaningful way.
                 NEXT ISSUE                  tive ways, which includes expanding into   is struggling to find an adequate number   “No one can replace Brian Keeley, and
                                             telemedicine and creating more value-  of skilled caregivers. “All healthcare   any leader would be foolish to try,” he
               IN SEPTEMBER                  based care opportunities by expanding   organizations are dealing with projected   said. “My plan is to take the incredible
                                             our primary care services and our outpa-  shortages, which is why our focus is on   culture he built and continue to work
                 TO REACH US                                                      supporting Baptist Health’s 24,000   from it—and enhance it.”
                 ADVERTISING                 Cover Story: Melida Akiti of Memorial Healthcare System
                 OR EDITORIAL
                 Call (561) 368-6950         Continued from page 1
                     or e-mail               taking care of the community.        to a place where we will not be talking   the new board chair of the Health
    “We’re community minded, meaning   anymore about health equity or even   Foundation of South Florida, the region’s
                                             that  Memorial invests in the South   inequity in regard to obtaining health   largest  philanthropic  organization
                                             Broward district, not only financially, but   care.”                     focused on achieving health equity in
                                             by getting involved as well," she says. “The   The most important lesson that Akiti   historically disadvantaged communities.
               SUBSCRIPTIONS                 staff are all volunteers in different organi-  has learned in her career to date has been   Akiti has served on the Health

                  One Year $40               zations. We know the pulse of the district   consistent since she first started working   Foundation board since 2014.
                                             and we know their areas of need and inject   in healthcare.                “The foundation’s goal is to ensure
                  Two Years $60              ourselves in those areas of needs.”    “The most important lesson has been   health equity among all individuals in
                 Three Years $75               Akiti lived in Panama before migrating   to listen to everyone,” she says.   Miami-Dade,” she says. "We offer grants
                                             to the United States. In Panama, she served   “Everyone has a thought, feelings, and   of over six to eight million dollars
                                             as a clerical administrative staff at the   needs to be heard.”          throughout the year to all health care
                   To subscribe,             Panama Canal Department – a U.S. Army   Akiti has always held a passion for   related, not-for-profit, organizations in
               call (561) 368-6950           unit for the defense of the Panama Canal   helping vulnerable communities, and   order to advance the health care of indi-
                                             Zone. She earned her Master of Social   part of that passion expands to her work   viduals. My goal as a board chair is to be
               or subscribe online at
                                             Work from Barry University and her   in identifying and breaking down the   able to dive into the community in the
      Master’s Degree in Psychology at Saint   barriers of social determinants of health   three surrounding counties and be able
                    ____________             Mary University. She did her clinical psy-  that often impede access to healthcare   to work with their influencers. Many

                                             chology rotations at Matías Hernández   and other services. She’s a board member   times, we tend to bring things to under-

               All rights reserved. Reproduction    hospital Psiquiatrico de Panama.   for ChildNet, the nonprofit that protects   served communities instead of working
               in whole or part without written    "My short term goal is to be able to   abused, abandoned and neglected chil-  with them for their advancement. What
            permission prohibited. Copyright © 2020.  develop self-equity among all individuals,   dren in Broward and Palm Beach   we plan to do this year is something
                                             regardless of one’s ability to pay and   Counties, and Board Emeritus for   called impact investment in which we
                                             regardless of their ethnic composition or   Hispanic Unity of Florida, an organiza-  plan to bring billions of dollars into these
                                             sexual orientation,” she explains. “Self-  tion that empowers immigrants and oth-  counties and work with their influencers
              Don’t forget to include        equity means that people will be able to   ers to become self-sufficient, productive   to improve the health of the communi-
                                             live longer because they have access to   and civically engaged. In addition, she   ties.”
           South Florida Hospital News       health insurance and, more than just   was appointed to the Broward County
               & Healthcare Report           insurance, quality health care. My long   Homeless Continuum of Care Coalition.   For more information, visit
                                             term goal is to be able to eventually come   Earlier this year, Akiti was named as
              in your Marketing Plans
          Call Charles at 561-368-6950 for a Media Kit

         12                        August 2021                                                                                                                          South Florida Hospital News
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