Page 25 - Cannabis News Florida August 2021 Revised
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Senior Drivers Needed for Memory and Driving Study

                               Research to Advance Real World Knowledge for Driving Safety

               BY BARBARA R. FALLON          the National Institutes                         patterns. Recorded changes   by the team to translate and sync driving
                                             of Health grant, will                           in driver behavior will be   behavior with indices of cognitive change
          Researchers  at  Florida  Atlantic  support experts from                           compared with results from   that will contribute to real world applica-
        University (FAU) are currently recruiting   FAU’s Christine E. Lynn                  a panel of cognitive tests   tions. The end goal is to develop an early
        750 drivers over 65 years old to enroll in a   College of Nursing, col-              including global cognition,   warning alert for older drivers with evi-
        3-year confidential study of memory and   laborating with the                        executive function, memo-  dence-based data collection.
        driving behaviors. Participants will have   College of Engineering                   ry, visuospatial, visual atten-  Dr. Newman noted that current screen-
        an initial baseline cognitive function   and Computer Science                        tion, and language selected   ing and evaluation services are only able to
        screening and driving behavior profile   and the Charles E.                          for both sensitivity to early   test a small number of individuals with
        established and then normal driving pat-  Schmidt College of                         subtle changes in cognition   cognitive concerns, missing many who
        terns will be tracked by inconspicuous in-  Science  to  merge                       in order to set a baseline for   need to know if they require treatment.
        vehicle sensors and evaluated every three   healthcare and technol-                  driver risk according to age,   Now, researchers also will evaluate the end
        months for three years (13 data points) to   ogy in a study of senior                sex and model of car.    users’ response to the novel driving sen-
        correlate thinking, memory, and judge-  memory and driving     Dr. Laurie Martinez     “This groundbreaking   sors installed and propose improvements
        ment with driving behavior.          behaviors. The study is                         study is designed to detect   to increase acceptability by older drivers.
          According to Project Coordinator,   designed to formulate a                        subtle changes that may    “Fully powered, long-term tests of an
        Laurie Martinez, PhD, MSN, MBA, RN, a   low cost early warning system of mild cog-  indicate changes in cognition” Dr.   array of sensors to determine the ability to
        certificate of confidentiality certifies that   nitive changes and their impact on driving   Martinez said.    detect cognitive change, examine what
        only the research team has access to the   by monitoring attention, orientation and   Lead investigator, Ruth Tappen, RN,   changes are detected and which sensor
        results and that personal data cannot be   judgement during normal driving.   EdD, FAAN, and co-lead David Newman,   data is most sensitive to these changes has
        released to law enforcement, insurance   The In-vehicle Sensors to Detect   PhD, are heading the research effort with   the potential to advance current science
        companies, department of motor vehicles   Cognitive Change in Older Drivers project   an interdisciplinary team of experts collab-  and improve quality of public health and
        or family members unless authorized by   is a 5-year longitudinal study that will   orating from the fields of engineering,   safety,” he said.
        the individual participants.         sync data collected through inconspicuous   computer science, neurology, psychology,   Dean of FAU’s College of Nursing Safiya
          There is no cost to senior participants   cameras and GPS modems that sense and   cognitive testing, on-road driver testing,   George, PhD, agrees, “This research has
        who must have a valid driver’s license,   record motion and orientation detection,   memory and wellness.     the potential to shift the paradigm in cog-
        lease or own a car, and speak English or   vision, driver eye movements, and driving   Dr. Tappen is an expert gerontologist   nitive evaluation of older adults to facili-
        Spanish. It will require regular meetings   scene awareness. Researchers will track   with extensive experience in dementia   tate earlier detection of cognitive changes
        with researchers (over three years) to col-  and record driving behaviors such as travel   research and a professor and Eminent   that have real-world application and
        lect the data and participant input. Seniors   patterns to account for miles driven dur-  Scholar in FAU’s Christine E. Lynn College   impact public health and driving safety.”
        will receive up to $350 in gift cards from   ing the day and night as well as number of   of Nursing; while Dr. Newman is an asso-  Regular sensor data downloads, cogni-
        Publix, Walmart and Amazon for their   trips; abnormal driving such as getting   ciate professor and a statistician in FAU’s   tive screenings and participant input will
        time and opinion of in-vehicle sensor sat-  lost, losing focus, and near-collision   Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing.   be conducted and analyzed at FAU Boca
        isfaction. They can opt to receive annual   events; reaction time when stopping at a   Research indicates that 33% of drivers   Raton and Davie campuses over a 3-year
        feedback on their cognitive screening or   stop sign or traffic light; and braking pat-  have some level of cognitive decline and   period. The study is open to the commu-
        leave the study at any time.         terns; as well as ignoring traffic signals.   50% of those continue to drive after a diag-  nity residents and can accommodate regu-
          This cutting-edge research, funded by a   Data will take into account weather and   nosis of dementia.      lar winter visitor schedules.
        $5.3 million National Institute on Aging of   other factors that may influence driving   Concern for traffic safety and opportu-
                                                                                 nity to detect early cognitive change in the   To join or ask questions, call Dr. Laurie
                                                                                 health of older drivers, who represent a   Martinez at (845) 705-8982, email driving-
                                                                                 significant population, is the genesis of or visit
                                                                                 this groundbreaking research, according to
                                                                                 Dr. Tappen. Algorithms will be developed

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