Page 26 - Cannabis News Florida August 2021 Revised
P. 26

How COVID-19 Is Increasing Consolidation

                                in Healthcare and Propelling Digital Transformation

          Following the COVID-19                                                  How Consolidation Could Help        be how AI transforms clinical care and
        pandemic, many U.S. health-                                               Drive Digital Transformation        patient outcomes. As the technology
        care providers are emerging in                                              The pandemic forced many healthcare   continues to demonstrate its ability to
        a weakened state financially. As                                          organizations to see the need for tele-  transform care, growing interest and a
        pandemic-related   federal                                                health,  and many are now looking to   necessity to adopt will propel consolida-
        grants and subsidies sunset,                                              enhance their current capabilities. The   tion in order to deploy AI at scale.
        what strategies must providers                                            timing for this self-identified “need”
        take to ensure they’re financial-                                         couldn’t be better as there are a substan-  Now Is the Time to Partner or
        ly secure going forward? Some                                             tial number of private equity related   Pursue M&A
        options include M&A, partner-                                             groups that have raised massive amounts   With telemedicine, AI and data analyt-
        ships and even restructuring                                              that now need to be invested.       ics poised to transform healthcare in the
        for   those  hit  hardest.,                                               Additionally, the increased “supply” of   coming years, now is the time for health-
        However, M&A and partner-                                                 money is actually greater than the   care organizations to look for the right
        ships not only offer a chance to   BY CHAD BESTE AND VIN PHAN             “demand” for funds which is leading   partner, acquisition, or buyer to help
        be financially healthy, but they                                          toward escalating valuations, which in   them advance and scale their digital
        also   present  healthcare             The pandemic also forced healthcare   turn draws additional interest thereby   transformation. With vast amounts of
        providers with an opportunity to acceler-  providers to adopt telehealth overnight as   creating an ideal environment for organ-  cash available at PE firms, buyers are
        ate and scale digital transformation plans,   in many cases, patients could no longer   izations to help drive their digital strate-  eager. And as the pandemic subsides
        including telehealth capabilities.    come in for a doctor’s visit or therapy ses-  gies in 2021 and beyond.    organizations will need to reduce risk, so
                                             sion. Payers like Medicare and insurance   Beyond telemedicine, consolidation   they’re prepared for future events, while
        COVID-19, Challenges and             companies also significantly loosened the   can also help healthcare organizations   also advancing and scaling telehealth, as
        Opportunities Within the U.S.        rules for telemedicine during the pandem-  develop their data analytics maturity and   patients, payers and regulators look to
        Healthcare System                    ic. And while some of these payments will   AI capabilities. Healthcare organizations   use this care model to reduce costs and
          COVID-19 presented a new risk that   remain, it’s likely new regulations around   are lagging when it comes to data analyt-  improve patient outcomes.
        organizations hadn’t considered before.   patient data, privacy and guidelines   ics, as currently, only 24% of organiza-
        While the pandemic is now under control,   around how and when to use telehealth   tions use advanced analytics. While some   Chad Beste is Principal, Healthcare
        future variants or new zoological diseases   will be put in place. According to BDO’s   healthcare organizations are still uncer-  Advisory, and Vin Phan is Partner,
        could present a risk that providers are   2021 Healthcare Digital Transformation   tain about how data analytics can drive   Healthcare Transaction Advisory Services,
        unprepared for. Some organizations may   Survey, 75% of healthcare organizations   success, in the coming years, we’re likely         BDO USA LLP.
        evaluate their risk and conclude they need   reported they were investing in telemedi-  to see more interest in consolidation and
        to consolidate to be better prepared for   cine to improve the patient experience in   partnerships to advance data analytics,   Contact:
        future challenges. According to BDO’s   2020—that’s up from just 42% in 2019.   across both the clinical and financial side   Alfredo Cepero, Managing Partner
        2021 Healthcare CFO survey, 28% of   Many of these organizations are looking to   of organizations.             305-420-8006 /
        healthcare CFOs are considering a merger   find the right vendor to improve their   Finally, AI has garnered significant
        in 2021, 24% are considering a joint ven-  capabilities, but some may be interested in   interest from the healthcare industry in   Angelo Pirozzi, Partner
        ture, 20% are considering selling to anoth-  acquiring or partnering with a telehealth   recent years. While current AI opportu-  646-520-2870 / apirozzi@bdo.comhat is
        er organization and 17% are considering   start up.                       nities are more centered in revenue cycle
        acquiring another organization.                                           optimization, the long-term benefit will

                                                                                       P.O. Box 19268         Plantation        FL        33318

            A message from our President

           So, You Thought You Didn’t Need to Be Vaccinated Against COVID-19!

             How selfish, how foolish. As of this writing, COVID-19 positivity rates have   ing in hospitals are vaccinated. Less than half of
           almost doubled over the last couple of weeks. Single day positivity in one of our   the staff working at skilled nursing facilities are
           counties was at 11 percent! Ninety plus percent of the current COVID-19 hospi-  vaccinated. So, in the face of these new COVID-
           tal admission are unvaccinated. Why?                                  19 variants, how are we to stop the spread of the
             As it was for measles, mumps, and polio, vaccinations have proven to be   infections? The answer is that we need to get
           extremely effective in minimizing the pain, suffering, and death associated with   more people vaccinated. You need to be a better
           these diseases. So, why is COVID-19 any different? Let me save you time, there   neighbor.
           is no good reason!                                                      In the last month in Broward County, we have
             In a recent statement by the American Hospital Association, they lay out very   gone from an average number of cases of 139 (7-
           clearly what our message should be to people that have failed to get vaccinated.   day average) to the most recent being 547!
           They are:                                                             Almost a fourfold increase. Statewide, for the
             • COVID-19 vaccinations are safe.                                   period 7/09/21 – 7/15/21, 45,604 cases with a
             • COVID-19 vaccinations are effective at reducing both the risk of becoming   positivity rate of 11.5%. Wake up! The excuses
           infected and spreading the infection to others.                       we have heard up to now are bogus, the vaccine
             • COVID-19 has a significant risk of transmission both before the onset of   is safe and, as a community, we need to drive   Jaime Caldwell
           symptoms and in the absence of symptoms. These risks are substantially higher   towards higher vaccination levels. Even in the
           among unvaccinated individuals.                                       counties having higher vaccine compliance, we
             • Among unvaccinated individuals, COVID-19 infections pose a substantial   are seeing surges in the number of COVID-19 infections of, mostly, the unvacci-
           risk of severe illness and death and may lead to long-term adverse impacts to   nated. Do you want things to get back to normal, get vaccinated.
           health. These risks are higher among those individuals with certain underlying   This is not a hoax; you could possibly die without a vaccination. Even worse,
           health conditions, like many patients in hospitals or who are seen in hospital-  you might be the cause of someone else dying, young and old, because they
           based ambulatory settings.                                            weren’t as lucky as you were. For once, think not only about yourself, but oth-
             Some sobering information. Little more than half of healthcare workers work-  ers!

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                               August 2021                            7
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