Page 31 - Cannabis News Florida August 2021 Revised
P. 31

Coming                        Publisher’s Note

              next month in                      Publisher’s Note
              South Florida
             Hospital News                                                     Get Vaccinated!
             and Healthcare
                  Report...                      I have one message for August … GET VACCINAT-

                                                ED NOW! If you’re over the age of 12, have no

             • Real Estate Update               underlying medical conditions that prevent vaccina-
                                                tion, then it’s time to stop playing Russian Roulette
               • Alzheimer’s Care
                                                with your life and the lives of your families, friends
               • Addiction/Mental               and community. Florida is facing another Pandemic
                Health/Recovery                 surge. We currently live in one of three states respon-
            • Financial Community               sible for 40 percent of all COVID cases. And even
                 & Healthcare -                 though we don’t have exact statistics available
             Innovations & Trends               through the State, just look at the actions of our local
                                                healthcare systems. Once again, many are adjusting
            • Banking Programs for
                                                visitation policies, looking at limiting elective surger-
              Physician Practices               ies, as well as realizing the “buck needs to stop” with
              • Cyber Security &                their own employees —and requiring mandatory vac-
              Legal Consequences                cinations.
               • New Services &                  We need to acknowledge that we all live in a coun-
                                                try with thousands of roads and millions of cars, so
           Products to Reduce Falls
                                                we have stop signs, traffic lights and laws. And the
             • COVID 19 Updates                 alternative to these laws would be inevitable car crashes at every intersection. So, while thousands of Floridians are
                                                adamantly against mandatory vaccination and believe it won’t happen to them or it’s worth the gamble; guess what every-
                                                one (especially the 20 – 40-year-olds), time’s up. This is no longer a potentially fatal illness of just the 65 and over popula-
              For more information              tion. You can’t negotiate your way out of COVID-19 and its Delta variant. It’s your turn to make a differ-
                on advertising and              ence … and it just might save your life or the person you breathe on next.
            editorial opportunities, call

              (561) 368-6950 today!                                                                                      Charles Felix

                                                     You can reach Charles Felix at

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