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          Volume 18 • Issue 2 • $5.00                 August 2021
                                             OUR 18TH YEAR SERVING THE HEALTHCARE COMMUNITY!

                Profiles In                            DCMA President Installed                                                Profiles In

                Leadership                   Advocates to Impact Quality via Leadership                                        Leadership

                                                          BY BARBARA R. FALLON

                                               Some people respond to the loosening of COVID-19
                                             restrictions by cautiously dipping a toe to test the waters
                                             and others dive in headfirst to make up for lost time.
                                             Judging from the enthusiastic and comprehensive list of
                                             goals newly installed Dade County Medical Association
                                             President Jose David Suarez, M.D., outlined at inaugural
                                             ceremonies, he falls into the latter category!
                                               In addition to supporting progress of past years, Dr.
                                             Suarez plans to use the DCMA platform to further elevate
                                             the status of the medical profession, increase morale of col-
                                             leagues, encourage physician leadership and knowledgeable   Dr. Jose David Suarez
                                             advocacy with legislators, enhance membership recruit-
                                             ment, support outreach programs/ funding to guide and support police dealing with    Albert Boulenger
                     Melida Akiti
                                             community mental health issues, and increase formal and informal communications to
                                             provide a clear voice for physicians in communities they serve.
           Melida Akiti of                     According to Dr. Suarez, often the medical professional is frustrated with a perceived   Boulenger
                                             antagonistic environment of regulatory agencies, government interference, insurance
                Memorial                     barriers, politics and health disparities resulting in a suicide rate 2 to 3 times the general   Looking Forward
               Healthcare                                                                         Continued on page 18      to Creating

                  System                                                 Education                                          Own Legacy

               BY DANIEL CASCIATO                       University of Miami School                                     at Baptist Health

          As the Vice President of Ambulatory                                                                              South Florida
        and Community Services at Memorial           of Nursing and Health Studies
        Healthcare System, Melida Akiti man-
        ages a network of primary care practices              Unveils S.H.A.R.E.™                                               BY VANESSA ORR
        and urgent care centers that impact the
        delivery of medical care and treatments            Branding campaign takes shape,                               In 2022, Albert ‘Bo’ Boulenger will
        to residents in South Broward and               revealing new name, visual identity,                           take over as CEO of Baptist Health
        beyond.                                                                                                        South Florida, replacing Brian E. Keeley,
          Akiti says she has always been com-        and social media channels for simulation                          who has been its CEO for the past 35
        munity minded and is mission driven.                                                                           years. And while Boulenger says that
        Previously, she served as Chief                      BY ROBIN SHEAR                                            Keeley has served as an outstanding
        Administrative Officer of the Jackson                                                                          mentor, he was not the first.
        Mental Health Hospital, overseeing     When it first opened in 2017, it was known simply as                     “My father was a hospital CEO, and
        Ambulatory Services and Primary Health   the Simulation Hospital. Now, just in time for its fourth             he was also a medic in World War II and
        Centers and the Correction Health     anniversary this September, the five-story, 41,000-                      part of the Greatest Generation, and that
        Services. She was drawn to the position   square-foot hub for health care innovation, located at               was inspiring to me,” explained
        at Memorial Healthcare System because   5030 Brunson Drive, Coral Gables, FL, has a name befit-                Boulenger, who has been with Baptist
        she loved its mission.                ting its unique stature.                                                 Health since 1985.
          “The position available at Memorial   The University of Miami School of Nursing and                           “Because my father ran a number of
        was able to transform the primary care in   Health Studies (SONHS) is proud to announce the                    large hospitals around the country, I got
        light of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)   launch of a branding campaign for the Simulation                      to observe the collaboration between
        coming up—how we were able to impact   Hospital  Advancing  Research  and  Education                           physicians, nurses and staff in this
        individuals who were uninsured into   (S.H.A.R.E.™).                                       Cindy L. Munro      unique ecosystem, and I knew that I
        becoming insured,” she says. “That was   “I am so pleased to have a brand for the hospital that                wanted to be a part of such a challeng-
        basically the reason why I accepted the   underscores its substantial impact on our school, stu-               ing, rewarding profession,” he added.
        position because I saw it as transforma-  dents, and community,” says Dean Cindy L. Munro. “We are at the forefront of this   “Healthcare really chose me.”
        tional. There were a lot of assumptions   field, and the added tagline, ‘Advancing Research and Education,’ ties directly to our   Boulenger, who spent part of his
        made about how the ACA was going to   strategic plan and mission.”                                             youth in Tampa, received his undergrad-
        be the cure-all, do-all for everyone in   The marketing team for SONHS developed a brand identity to cement public recog-  uate degree from the University of
        regard to health care insurance.”     nition for S.H.A.R.E.™, a vibrant location where on-site, mixed-reality, and virtual   Florida and his master’s degree in health
          Akiti notes that Memorial is an organ-  simulation activities take place in a variety of customizable clinical, research, and aca-  care administration from Washington
        ization that believes in the mission of   demic settings.
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