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Malpractice Insurance

                                 EXPERT ADVICE                                            When it comes to ultrasound systems
                                                                                            The Machine Makes

                    Annual Liability Coverage

                          Review Smart Idea                                                         ƋĘå %ĜýåųåĹÏå

                 for Healthcare Professionals

            BY VANESSA ORR                               ance. According to Keeper
                                                         Security, nearly two-thirds
          To stay healthy, it’s                          of healthcare organiza-
        important to get an annual                       tions globally have experi-
        physical. In the business                        enced cyberattacks in their
        world, it’s just as impor-                       lifetimes, while 53 percent
        tant to do an annual                             have been attacked within
        review of liability coverage                     the last 12 months
        to make sure that your                             “It can cost a minimum
        company or practice is                           of $20,000 to $30,000 to
        managing risk should an                          clean up a cyberattack,”
        unexpected or potentially                        said Gompers. “If you suf-
        costly event occur.                              fer a big hit and have a lot
          “Businesses change over       Bill Gompers     of information stolen, it
        time—for example, a                              can cost hundreds of thou-
        physician practice might hire new doc-  sands of dollars.”
        tors or invest in new equipment—so it’s   Even general liability insurance poli-
        vital to make sure that the company has   cies need to be reviewed as it is important
        the right types of coverage in the correct   to know the responsible party in case of
        amounts,” explained Bill Gompers, CFE,   an accident. “If someone slips and falls in
        healthcare providers’ insurance specialist   the waiting area or falls off an exam table,
        at Danna-Gracey. “While you can’t com-  who is responsible?” asked Gompers.
        pletely avoid risk, the question is how   “While a lot of doctors think that their
        much you want to take on yourself and   landlords’ policies cover this, they may
        how much you want to share with the   not, and it can get very expensive if
        insurance company.                   someone suffers a serious injury.”                    The Latest Siemens Healthineers
          “A lot of practices and companies    Gompers also advises clients to look
        think that they have the right coverage,   into regulatory liability insurance and       ACUSON Sequoia Ultrasound System,
        but find out that they don’t have what   employment practices liability insurance                now available in Florida
        they need when they need it,” he added.   as companies can lose money as a result              exclusively from Med-Lab.
        “It’s like when a hurricane strikes; a   of everything from claims based on alle-
        homeowner may think that their screen   gations of billing errors, to shadow-
        enclosure is covered, but find out after   auditing expenses, to being sued for not
        it’s damaged that they didn’t have the   enrolling an employee in a benefits pro-
        proper rider on their policy.”       gram.                                     eŸ ± ŸŅĹŅčų±ŞĘåųØ ƼŅƚų ĵ±ÏĘĜĹå ĜŸ ƼŅƚų ĜĹŸƋųƚĵåĹƋţ
          He adds that when purchasing liability   “If the government comes in to audit   ¥Ņƚűƴå ĵ±ŸƋåųåÚ ĜƋŸ ŧƚĜųĩŸţ ¥Ņƚ ĩĹŅƵ ĘŅƵ ƋŅ ĵ±ĩå ĜƋ ŸĜĹčţ
        policies, buyers can be misled or not   you, you need to have someone repre-
        understand what the policies cover as   senting you,” he said of the insurance    ƚƋ ±Ƌ ± ÏåųƋ±ĜĹ ŞŅĜĹƋØ ƋĘå ŅĹĬƼ Ƶ±Ƽ ƋŅ ŞƚŸĘ ƼŅƚų
        carriers’ policy forms are not uniform   that covers legal expenses as well as pro-
        and have exclusions that allow them to   vides reimbursements for regulatory   ŞåųüŅųĵ±ĹÏå üƚųƋĘåų ĜŸ ƋŅ ±ÚŅŞƋ ± ĵŅųå ±Úƴ±ĹÏåÚ
        offer lower rates.                   fines and penalties. “Any of these issues   ĜĹŸƋųƚĵåĹƋţ ‰Ę±ƋűŸ ƵĘåųå aåÚěX±Æ ÏŅĵåŸ ĜĹţ
          Healthcare providers can choose from   can slow or stop the flow of money into
        a number of liability coverages, including   a practice.”
        professional liability insurance (medical   Working with agencies that are health-  Discover Your Dream Machine
        malpractice); workers’ compensation   care providers’ insurance specialists can
        insurance; regulatory liability insurance;   not only reduce risk, but ensure peace of   •  New DAX (deep abdominal)
        employment practices liability insurance   mind and provide you and your organi-
        (EPLI); commercial general liability   zation with value-added services.         transducer penetrates up to 40cm.
        insurance; cyber liability insurance and   “Don’t just work with an order-taker—  •  Image patients of all sizes accurately and consistently.
        employee benefits liability insurance.    work with professionals who understand
          “One of the most important liability   your business and can give you prudent   •  Intuitive features you’ll appreciate right out of the box.
        coverages—that many practices don’t   advice,” said Gompers. “Things change,   •  Exceptional image quality and color sensitivity.
        know they need—is employment prac-   and it’s important to know that your
        tices liability insurance,” said Gompers.   assets are protected.              ƽ  (YXXMRK IHKI GSQTSRIRXW TVIWIVZI WMKREP ǻHIPMX]
        “You are at risk every time you discipline   “I have people say, ‘I haven’t had this   •  Faster, clearer imaging with minimal degradation.
        someone, fire them, or accept their resig-  coverage in 10 years and I’m saving
        nation; companies can also be sued for   money on premiums because there       •  Image deeply without compromising diagnostic integrity.
        sexual harassment and discrimination.”   haven’t been any claims,’” he added.
          EPLI protects businesses against the   “That’s like saying that you have life
        high costs of lawsuits due to discrimina-  insurance and you don’t need it because
        tion, harassment, wrongful termination   you haven’t collected on it. You need it
        and other potential charges stemming   when you need it.”
        from employment practices, and can
        cover the costs of legal defense, settle-   To schedule your company’s annual
        ments and other court fees.                    review, contact Bill Gompers at
          With cybercrime on the rise, it is also, (888) 777-7173
        important to carry cyber liability insur-       or visit                  We Bring the Future into Focus

                          Visit us on the web at                                                           to Request a Demo

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