Page 16 - Why Foxfire?
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Top Producer Agent Network


         Our agents are proactive throughout our working circle introducing our region and our clients’ properties to potential
         buyers and investors. Our agents have strong backgrounds in construction, appraisals, farming, timber, wildlife/
         fisheries, forestry, surveying, education and public relations. These backgrounds form strong networks which in
         turn drive our sales.

                            Richard is the founder and CEO of Foxfire Realty as well as Grist,                Born and raised in Pennsylvania, Joseph “Buck” Williams’ career
                            Inc.  Richard  is  a  1979  graduate  of  West  Virginia  University  with        in the timber industry spans 3 states and 3 decades and 6 years.
                            a BS degree in Forest Resource Management. He holds real estate                   President and CEO of the award-winning timber harvesting
                            brokerage licenses in both VA and WV, is a licensed Auctioneer                    company, Jayfor Logging, Buck currently works with Foxfire Realty
                            as well as a Registered Forester. Married for 35 years to his wife                as both sales associate and right-hand man.
                            Mary, they have two children and a grandson and live on Meadow
                            Mountain overlooking the Williamsburg Valley. Richard’s favorite
                            saying is “Everything starts with the land.”

                            Historian and long-time promoter of West Virginia, David Sibray                   Broker,  auctioneer,  and  personal-property  appraiser,  Randy
                            joined forces with Foxfire as a realtor, public relations advisor, and            Burdette has for more than a quarter century been a state and
                            consultant in matters of historic real estate. He is the owner of Sibray          national leader in the profession of auctioneering and is past
                            Public Relations, a member of the W.Va. Press Association, and                    director of the National Auctioneers Association. He was the
                            publisher of West Virginia Explorer.                                              founder of Riverbend USA Auction Company and joined the
                                                                                                              Foxfire Realty team as a principal auctioneer and real estate agent.

                                                                                                             A real estate agent, naturalist and expert in park management,
                            Realtor and construction consultant Jim Shannon was the founder of               Roger Pence recently returned to the region after developing
                            T.J. Shannon Construction, Inc., of Wadsworth, Ohio, from which he               parks in Oregon and Virginia. He has served as a stewardship
                            retired in 2008, and in that capacity he had been recognized among               coordinator for a regional conservation-land trust in North
                            the top 500 remodelers in the United States. Jim is a Paul Harris                Carolina and serves on the board of the Greenbrier Land
                            Fellow and licensed pilot.                                                       Conservation Trust.

                            Joseph “Butch” Robertson joined the Foxfire group after a career                 Born and  raised in  the southeastern  West Virginia area, Matt
                            as a Greenbrier County educator. Robertson brings experience to                  Hall has been in land title protection and management since his
                            the group after working as an engineer, chemist and mathematics                  graduation from Glenville State College. A native of White Sulphur
                            instructor. He was a charter  member of the  staff that started the              Springs, Matt has called Rainelle home for many years, devoting
                            Greenbrier Community College that is now a branch of Bluefield                   a long career with the forestland department of MeadWestvaco
                            State.                                                                           Corporation in Rupert. Matt is a professional Land Surveyor and
                                                                                                             Forest Technician.
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