Page 20 - Why Foxfire?
P. 20

Print Advertising

                                                                                   We routinely run full page print advertising in the
                                                                                   award-winning Greenbrier Valley Quarterly, which has a re-
                                                                                   gional distribution of approximately 6,000 households, plus
                                                                                   1,100 copies distributed at The Greenbrier Resort and Green-
                                                                                   brier Sporting Club. This magazine caters to a higher-end
                                                                                   clientele and has a significant distribution in the Charleston
                                                                                   and Huntington areas.

                                                                                   Foxfire also features properties in full-page color ads in the
                                                                                   local real guides published once a month by the area local
                                                                                   papers, plus additional distribution boxes throughout the
                                                                                   area. This means that your property will have exposure to
                                                                                   over 14,000 households in the region on a monthly basis.

        Foxfire Realty Magazine

        25,000 copies of our latest full color, 24-page “Heritage Edition”, have been distributed
        through local and regional newspapers, distribution areas and an extensive mailing list.

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