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Bob McReynolds has been working as a welding and metallurgical   Mahmoud Nagi Shatla, M.Sc., Ph.D., CEng FIMechE, is a
         engineer in the defence and infrastructure industries since 1993.   chartered mechanical engineer and has been elected as a fellow
         He has worked in engineering and quality roles on nuclear power   of the UK Institution of Mechanical Engineers. At Shell UK Onshore
         plant modifications, repairs and new constructions. Outside of the   Assets Mechanical Division, Dr. Shatla is responsible for the
         nuclear industry, McReynolds has also worked on improving the   inspection, maintenance, repair and assets startup/shutdown
         laser and resistance welding operations of a defence subcontractor   decisions relevant to mechanical-static equipment for all Shell
         and performed weld quality inspections during the fabrication of   U.K. onshore assets. He is also the director of Technical Integrity
         major bridge components. He is licensed as a Professional Engineer   Solutions Ltd., Aberdeen, U.K., which specialises in consultancy jobs
         in the Metallurgical discipline in the state of California and is an   relevant to static equipment and piping risk based inspection (RBI),
         American Welding Society Certified Welding Engineer. He has a   fitness-for-service and repair. Dr. Shatla has conducted/supervised
         Bachelor’s degree in Metallurgical Engineering from the Illinois   mechanical design of hundreds of pressure vessels, tanks, heat
         Institute of Technology, a Master’s degree in Materials Engineering   exchangers, and air coolers, per ASME VIII DIV. 1, ASME VIII DIV.
         from San Jose State University, and graduated from the College   2, PD 5500, EN 13445, API 650, API 620, TEMA, API 660, API 661,
         of Oceaneering as an underwater weld inspector. Presently,   and BS EN 14620. He earned his M.Sc. in mechanical engineering
         McReynolds is the Manager of Welding and Materials Engineering    from the American University in Cairo and his Ph.D. in mechanical
         on the construction site of a new nuclear power plant.  engineering from the Ohio State University.

         Jim E. Meyer, P.E., has over 40 years’ experience in refining   William K. Sowder, Ph.D., is a senior consultant in the nuclear
         petrochemical, chemical, power generation and industrial facilities.   industry. He works with manufacturers and suppliers to develop
         He is a principal engineer at Louis Perry and Associates, a full   management systems, which meet requirements of codes and
         service engineering and architectural firm. Meyer is experienced   standards such as ASME NQA-1-2008, ISO 9001: 2008 and IAEA
         in overall project coordination/management, pressure equipment,   GS-R-3. Sowder worked for the ITER Project on site in France
         piping design, analysis, specifications, support design, mechanical   and helped to develop the ITER interfaces with international
         system requirements and documentation requirements. In particular,   organisations such as IAEA, JSME and ISO. He works with code and
         areas of his technical competence include ASME piping and   standard writing organisations (SO) such as ASME, JSME and IAEA.
         pressure vessel codes, stress analysis, field troubleshooting piping   Sowder is a member of Section III Committees, NQA-1 Committees,
         system support, vibration, and expansion problems. An ASME   the ISO 9001 TC 176 US TAG and is an ASME BNCS member.
         member who has been involved in the ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3
         Section Committees for over 35 years, he is currently chair of the   Rick Swayne is a senior consultant with Reedy Engineering. He
         ASME B31.3 Process Piping Section Committee, chair of the ASME   has worked in many different areas of the nuclear power industry for
         B31 Standards Committee, and serves on the ASME Board on   over 20 years. Swayne has experience in design, fabrication, quality
         Pressure Technology Codes and Standards. Meyer has also served   assurance, inservice inspection, and repair, replacement,
         as chair of ASME B31.1 Power Piping Code Section Committee.   and modification activities.
         Most recently, Meyer co-authored chapters in the ASME Boiler and
         Pressure Vessel Companion Guide, 4th Edition, covering the ASME   Robert Wilson is an Engineering Consultant with TWD Technologies
         B31.1 Power Piping Code and the B31.3 Process Piping Code.  in Burlington, Ontario, Canada and former engineering professor
                                                              at Sheridan College. He is a member of the B31.1 Power Piping
         Norman P. Moreau, P.E., is president and a senior management   Section Sub Group on Design. Wilson has taught piping design and   COURSE INSTRUCTORS
         consultant for Theseus Professional Services, LLC., and has been   engineering courses for 30 years. He has been involved with the
         involved in software development and quality assurance for over 20   design, analysis, layout and support of piping systems since 1963,
         years. Moreau serves on the ASME Committee on Nuclear Quality   with petrochemical, power, steel, mining and processing companies
         Assurance (NQA). He has made significant contributions in computer   in North America and Europe and is currently working as a piping
         software and records management. He was recently elected to   stress engineer with experience in Caesar II, Caepipe and Autopipe
         be the chair of the Subcommittee on Software Quality Assurance,   analysis programmes. He is the author of Detail Engineering and
         and he is also vice chair of the Subcommittee on Engineering and   Layout of Piping Systems and is the former chair of ASME’s Ontario
         Procurement Processes.                               Section.

         Larry Mullins has over 40 years of experience in the field of
         Non-destructive Examination (NDE). He has worked in a variety of
         capacities within this discipline, including inspection, technology
         development and deployment. He is currently an independent
         consultant and Director at NxtNdT, Inc. Mr. Mullins has developed
         and taught courses covering a wide variety of NDE topics, such
         as advanced ultrasonic training. He has also developed advanced
         modules for examiner training, as well as in-depth NDE training for
         the U.S. Navy. Mr. Mullins earned his BS in Materials from University
         of Massachusetts – Amherst. He is a member of the ASME Section
         V Volumetric and surface subcommittees (including its various
         working and task groups); the Vice Chair of the ASME Committee on
         Certification of NDE and QC Personnel (ANDE); a Regional Director
         for ASNT; and a member of the American Welding Society.

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