Page 35 - 16_17_Autumn_Spring_Euro_TD_eCatalog
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Training Venues                                      Cancellations and Refunds
         ASME Training & Development courses are held in quality training   If for any reason you should not be able to attend, ASME will give
         venues, selected for accessibility, quality of facilities and hospitality   you a complete refund up to 21 days prior to the start date of the
         services. Maps and directions for each location can be found on the   course. Cancellations made less than 21 days before the first day
         venues’/hotels’ websites, and will be confirmed to delegates prior to   of the course forfeit the full course fee. Substitutions are welcome. All
         their attendance at their chosen course.             cancellations must be received via email, fax or letter to ASME Europe
                                                              Office Registration Service. Applicable refunds will be made in the same
         Course Schedule                                      manner as the original payment was received. ASME retains the right to
         Registration starts at 08:00. Courses run from 08:30 to 17:00 unless   cancel a course until three weeks prior to the scheduled presentation date.
         otherwise noted.
         Accommodation                                        In case of government intervention or regulation, military activity,
         Delegates are responsible for booking, paying and cancelling their   strikes or other circumstances that make it impossible or inadvisable
         own hotel reservations. Priority rate hotel rooms have been secured   for any of these courses to take place at the time and place provided,
         at the training venues or in hotels very close by. Instructions on how   delegates will waive any claim for damages or compensation except
         to book your hotel room are sent with the confirmation of the course   the amount paid for registration. There shall be no future liability on
         registration.                                        the part of either party.

         Registration                                         Travel
         On our website at you can register   ASME is not responsible for the purchase of non-refundable airline/
         directly online or download the PDF registration form and send the   train tickets or the fees associated with cancelling or changing travel
         completed and signed version to: ASME Europe Office, Boulevard   arrangements. Please contact ASME to confirm that the course is
         du Souverain 280, 1160 Brussels (Auderghem). For more information,   running before purchasing tickets. ASME retains the right to cancel a
         contact ASME Europe Office (listing below).          course until three weeks prior to the scheduled presentation date.
         Payments of Registration Fees                        Visas and Letters of Invitation
         All payments must be remitted in Euros or GBP (for courses held in   If you require a letter of invitation for the ASME Training &
         the United Kingdom) and must be received prior to the course by   Development Course as part of a visa application, you must submit
         credit card or wire transfer. Participants with outstanding payments   a written request to ASME Europe Office via email or fax. Please
         will be asked for a proof of payment or a credit card guarantee   note that only after full payment of your registration fees will ASME
         upon their arrival at the registration desk. If none of these can be   provide an official invitation letter.
         supplied, the delegate will be refused permission to attend the   Accreditation – CEUs and PDHs
         course. For wire transfer payments: after registering, the delegate
         will receive an invoice, which will include all the necessary details   ASME Training & Development has been accredited as an Authorised
         regarding the transfer. Any bank charges involved will be the   Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education   GENERAL INFORMATION
         delegate’s responsibility. Any additional fees that will be charged   and Training (IACET). ASME Training & Development is certified to
         by the delegate’s bank must be included in the total funds transfer,   award CEUs and PDHs to attendees participating in ASME training.
         in addition to the course registration fee. All bank transfers should   Accredited CEUs and PDHs meet the requirements for professional
         reach ASME Europe Training & Development Registration Services   licensure, although specific requirements vary per country. You are
         within 14 days after receipt of invoice to secure the delegate’s seat.  encouraged to check your local requirements. You will receive a
                                                              certificate upon completion of your course, indicating the number of
         Confirmation of Registration                         Continuing Education Units (CEUs) that you received, and you must
         A confirmation letter will be sent to all participants upon receipt of   be present for the entire course to receive a certificate. CEUs can
         full payment of registration fees along with a complete outline of the   also be applied towards ASME Certificate Programmes.
         course content one week prior to the course start date.
                                                              Copyright © 2016 ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
         VAT                                                  All rights reserved, including conversion to other media. Statements
                                                              made by the speaker do not necessarily represent the position of ASME.
         Training course registration fees include full training programme,
         course material, coffee breaks and lunches. Please be aware that    No recording or videotaping may be conducted by the participants
         all indicated rates for the courses are exclusive of VAT. The following   without consent from ASME. ASME does not assume responsibility
         VAT rates per country apply (and may be subject to change):    for any missing or damaged articles for any of its registrants.
         Denmark 25%, Great Britain 20%, Spain 21%, The Netherlands 21%,    Registrants are responsible for all personal belongings during the
         and Italy 22%.                                       length of the course while in hotel meeting rooms – this includes
                                                              all breaks, lunch and overnight.
                                                              All requests for training records information are processed by the ASME
         Delegates must declare their eligibility for a discount at the time of   Customer Care department. All records of course enrolment and
         making the initial reservation. The following discounts apply:  completion are stored in the ASME database and are available to the
                                                              student by contacting ASME Customer Care at
         •   ASME Members: Preferential ASME membership rates will apply
           to all currently registered individual ASME members.  Prices are subject to change without notice.
         •   Student Discount: Full-time undergraduate students save 50%.  Contact Information
         •   Group Reservation Discount: Send three people to the same   For more information on ASME Training & Development, visit our website
           course and save 10%. Send two people to the same course and   by typing in any browser or contact:
           save 5%.
                                                              ASME Europe Office
         Groups must register at the same time. For group registrations,    Boulevard du Souverain 280
         email ASME Training & Development at
                                                              1160 Brussels, Belgium
                                                              Telephone: +32.2.743.1543
                                                              Fax: +32.2.743.1550
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