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The ASME Europe Office                               Join the Faculty of ASME

         Based in Brussels since 2007, the ASME Europe Office is a liaising   Outstanding Instructors
         platform between the New York headquarters and any company
         or individual linked with ASME in Europe. On top of providing   ASME training courses provide tailored learning programmes
         customer care for any technical query, ASME Europe manages the
         organisation of training courses across the continent.  designed specifically to develop advanced technical skills
                                                              and to help engineering professionals meet today’s challenges.
         For more information and to register, please visit:
         europe or contact Europe Training & Development by phone:    Our high-level instructors skilfully use their knowledge and
         +32.2.743.1543.                                      extensive experience to develop dynamic training programmes,

         ASME Training & Development Courses                  critical to enhancing the skills and know-how of mechanical
                                                              engineers and technical professionals across a wide range
         ASME Training & Development offers continuing education   of expertise.
         opportunities to engineers and technical professionals around the
         globe. Ideally located in the heart of Europe, the ASME Europe
         Office contributes to the organisation and promotion of Training &
         Development courses across the continent. Convenient proximity to
         its European members and Codes and Standards users allows the
         ASME Europe Office to provide personalised customer care and to   Why ASME Instructors are the best in their field:
         guarantee high quality events for all ASME audience. Over 10,000   •    Most are ASME Code Committee members. They understand
         engineers annually follow ASME training courses through public   and can communicate code and standards and their
         courses and online learning programmes covering a wide range of
         engineering topics.                                    relevance and impact on safety, quality and integrity.
         ASME Training & Development courses can be divided into two   •    Our instructors are superb trainers with real-life experience
                                                                in their areas of practice.
         distinctive categories:                              •    They enjoy sharing their expert knowledge—inspiring and
     ABOUT ASME EUROPE  the premier training event in Europe for mechanical engineers and   GET MORE INFORMATION TODAY:
         Public Training Courses
                                                                developing other mechanical professionals.
         The ASME Europe Office organises numerous public courses in
         Europe. ASME Training and Development courses are positioned as
         technical professionals. Renowned subject matter experts share
         their experience and best practices through practical courses in the
         following fields:
         •   Boilers and Pressure Vessels
                                                              Murat Dogru
                                                                                            Tanguy Roelens
         •   Piping and Pipelines
                                                                                            Corporate Relations
                                                              Community and Corporate
         •   Bolting
         •   Fluids and Heat Transfer
                                                              ASME EUROPE OFFICE
         •   Nuclear
                                                                                            Telephone: +32.2.740.2254
                                                              Telephone: +32.2.743.1543
         •   Welding and Brazing                              Relations Manager             ASME EUROPE OFFICE
                                                              Email:        Email:
         In-Company Courses
         The ASME Europe Office also organises tailor-made in-company
         training programmes. The staff liaises with companies and
         instructors in order to provide training courses that can be
         customised according to the company’s needs. The two- to five-day
         courses can accommodate between seven and 25 participants. The
         office makes every effort to offer the trainings at every requested
         location and on preferred dates.

         Location and Contact Information

         ASME Europe Office
         Boulevard du Souverain 280
         1160 Brussels, Belgium
         Telephone: +32.2.743.1543
         Fax: +32.2.743.1550

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