Page 25 - ASME SMASIS 2015 Program
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Gold sponsor
IOP Publishing/Smart Materials
published by Iop publishing, smart materials and structures (sms) is a
leading multi-disciplinary journal that is dedicated to technical
advances in smart materials, systems, structures and devices. sms
covers the following research areas: smart materials science, smart General Motors Corporation
sensing and actuation, active control, structural health monitoring
(aerospace, aviation and civil engineering), smart structures,
intelligent systems and robotics, energy harvesting, and smart
biomimetics and bioinspiration. It is one of the highest cited research Student CoMpetItIon SponSor - $500
publications in its ield with a 2014 Impact factor of 2.502.
the url is:
teledyne Scientiic & imaging
leading-edge r&d for today’s fast paced technical market in materials
technology, optics, Information sciences, electronics and Imaging
Gold sponsor
IOP Publishing/Smart Materials
published by Iop publishing, smart materials and structures (sms) is a
leading multi-disciplinary journal that is dedicated to technical
advances in smart materials, systems, structures and devices. sms
covers the following research areas: smart materials science, smart General Motors Corporation
sensing and actuation, active control, structural health monitoring
(aerospace, aviation and civil engineering), smart structures,
intelligent systems and robotics, energy harvesting, and smart
biomimetics and bioinspiration. It is one of the highest cited research Student CoMpetItIon SponSor - $500
publications in its ield with a 2014 Impact factor of 2.502.
the url is:
teledyne Scientiic & imaging
leading-edge r&d for today’s fast paced technical market in materials
technology, optics, Information sciences, electronics and Imaging