Page 20 - ASME SMASIS 2015 Program
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asme 2015 adaptIve structures & materIals asme asms tc Gary anderson aWard
systems prIZe

Alper Erturk
Seung-Bok Choi Georgia Institute of technology
Inha university

dr. alper erturk is an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at
after receiving a doctoral degree about the research on the smart material Georgia tech where he leads the smart structures and dynamical
application to a lexible robot system, he is continuously working on the systems laboratory. dr. erturk’s research program is centered on the
application ields of various smart materials including electro-rheological intersection of smart structures and dynamical systems for various
luid, magneto-rheological luid, piezoelectric materials and so on. As a interdisciplinary problems such as energy harvesting and bio-inspired
result, so far he has published more than 400 refereed international locomotion. He published more than 130 articles in archival journals and
journal papers. many of his journal papers have been selected as conference proceedings, 4 book chapters, 2 books, and his articles have
most-cited paper, most-downloaded paper and highlight paper (for received more than 4300 citations (h-index: 32) according to Google
example, one of his papers has been selected as 2014 Highlight paper of scholar. dr. erturk co-authored or advised the best student papers of the
sms). He wrote two books in the area of smart materials and their 2009, 2010 (coauthor), and 2012 (advisor) asme smasIs conference and
applications; piezoelectric Actuators: Control Applications of Smart top cited articles in smart materials and structures, Journal of Intelligent
materials (Isbn: 978-1-4398-1808-4), april 2010, taylor & francis Group material systems and structures, Journal of vibration and acoustics, and
crc press and magnetorheological fluid technology: applications in Journal of sound and vibration. He received the 2013 sigma xi best ms
vehicle systems (Isbn: 978-1-4398-5673-4), november 2012, taylor & thesis Advisor Award and thank a teacher Certiicates at Georgia tech.
francis Group crc press. He has also contributed as a chapter author of He is a coauthor of the journal paper that received the inaugural (2015)
many edited books. asme energy Harvesting best paper award. dr. erturk serves as an
associate editor for Journal of Intelligent material systems and structures
He is now serving as a chief-editor of frontiers in materials – smart materi- (2012-present), smart materials and structures (2013-present), acta
als, and also serving as an associate editor for many international journals mechanica sinica (2013-present), and asce Journal of energy engineering
including smart materials and structures, Journal of Intelligent material (2015-present). He received his phd in engineering mechanics from
systems and structures, advances in mechanical engineering, Internation- virginia tech in 2009. previously he received his bs (high honors) and ms
al Journal of mechanics and so forth. He has received several awards degrees from metu (ankara, turkey) in 2004 and 2006, respectively. dr.
regarding smart materials research ield including Best paper Award (part erturk’s ms thesis on structural dynamics of spindle-tool systems received
d –Journal of automobile engineering) from Institute of mechanical the thesis of the year award of the metu parlar foundation in 2006. In
engineers, uk., distinguished young engineers award from national 2008, he became the inaugural recipient of the liviu librescu memorial
academy of korea engineers, and distinguished engineer award from scholarship at virginia tech. dr. erturk is an elected member of the asme
korea academy of science and technology. recently, he is actively technical committee on vibration and sound (2011-2014, 2014-2017) under
serving for many international conferences; program committee member the design engineering division and the asme adaptive structures and
at annual spIe smart structures conference, international advisory material systems branch (2011-present) under the aerospace division. He
committee member at biannual International conference on er suspen- was also the founding chair (2012-2014) of the asme energy Harvesting
sion and mr fluid and conference chairman at several international technical committee. He served on the organization committees of
conferences such as the 2nd International conference on mechatronics, various asme conferences (smasIs, Idetc) and the spIe smart struc-
robotics and automation , Zhuhai, china, 2014. 3. 8- 9, and 2014 interna- tures/nde conference. dr. erturk established the energy Harvesting
tional conference on measurement, Instrumentation and automation, symposium of asme smasIs in 2012, and he is the current co-chair for the
shanghai, china, 2014. 4. 23-24. now, he is a chief vice president of korea topical area of active and passive smart structures and Integrated
society of noise and vibration engineers, fellow members of the national systems at spIe smart structures/nde. dr. erturk is a recipient of the
academy of engineers of korea and korea academy of science and prestigious nsf career award (2013) in dynamical systems. His share of
technology. externally sponsored research at Georgia tech exceeds $1.5m.


the asme adaptive structures and materials system prize is presented to the Gary anderson early achievement award is given for notable
a member of the technical community who has made signiicant contribu- contribution(s) to the ield of Adaptive Structures and Material Systems.
tions to the advancement of the sciences and technologies associated the prize is awarded to a young researcher in his or her ascendancy
with adaptive structures and/or material systems. the $1,000 cash award whose work has already had an impact in his/her ield within Adaptive
and certiicate are meant to recognize scientiic contributions as measured structures and material systems. the winner of the award must be within
20 by leadership, technical publications, and advances made. seven years of terminal degree at the time of nomination.
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