Page 15 - ASME SMASIS 2015 Program
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symposIum 6 solid state ornithopter for civil applications that include search and rescue,
atmospheric data collection, wild ire ighting and crop surveys.

project FireFly: bio-inSpireD StepS towarD an organic uav Biography
dr. James e. Hubbard, Jr. is currently the langley distinguished professor
Dr. James E. Hubbard, Jr. at the university of maryland and resident at the national Institute of
langley distinguished professor aerospace. He has an engineering career that is distinguished by more
university of maryland than four decades of scholarship and innovation. He began his career in
college park, md usa 1971 as an engineering oicer in the u.S. Merchant Marine serving in
vietnam. At the age of 19 qualiied for and received an unlimited horse-
power, steam, and diesel engine marine engineering operator’s license
Abstract from the u.s. coast Guard and was one the youngest to get such an
honor. He was also one of only a handful of african american marine
the morpheus laboratory at the national Institute of aerospace has a engineers in the entire u.S. Merchant leet. he also holds a B.S., M.S. and
strategic interest in pursuing a set of critical technologies and feasibility phd from the at the massachusetts Institute of technology and during his
studies that establish a foundation for the future development of a time there he distinguished himself by receiving the Goodwin medal for
practical organic aircraft. the technologies to be developed address the “Conspicuously efective teaching” and the Steward Award for outstand-
critical feasibility issues of 1) highly lexible multifunctional morphing ing community service. His scholarship was also recognized as a scott
structures 2) vehicle lift generation and control, 3) civil applications for foundation fellow and a vertical flight foundation fellow. He was invited
multiple coordinated organic aircraft, and 4) the development of a to join the faculty there as an assistant professor and received one of only
practical integrated vehicle system.  5 awarded nationwide Ibm young faculty development awards. While a
faculty member at MIt he developed the irst Adaptive Structure and was
an organic aircraft, which makes use of biological and evolutionary
approaches to light, has the potential to make many long-envisioned uses granted 2 patents as such. that year he published a seminal paper in the
for autonomous air vehicles a reality. Within two decades, an organic aIaa Journal of Guidance and control entitled, “distributed piezoelectric
vehicle may uniquely serve a civil aeronautics market niche by being safe polymer active vibration control of a cantilever beam”. the work
enough, quiet enough, and agile enough to work in close proximity to exploited the spatially distributed nature of an active piezoelectric ilm as
people and property. It also ofers signiicant potential for light within actuator and used a continuum model of the beam which required no
extraterrestrial atmospheres, thereby providing a practical means of modal truncation for efective vibration control. the result was a time
extensive planetary exploration. the future vehicle is envisioned as optimal controller that was efective over the entire modal spectrum! In the
shown in the igure. terrestrial versions would have a wingspan of about irst text on the subject, Adaptive Structures dynamics and Control, robert
four feet. Clark of duke university cited this work as the irst adaptive structure. his
work in this area has received more than 2500 citations representing an
the organic aircraft would be ecologically neutral, creating no emissions. average 100 citations a year for 25 years. He is internationally known and
It will use highly lexible materials that enable the generation of lift and respected as a founding father of the ield of Adaptive Structures and his
thrust without the need for bearings, linkages, or a separate propulsion original experiment has become an icon of the ield and can be found in
system. Its multifunctional materials will improve light eiciency. Its wings laboratories, classrooms and corporations around the globe. His early
will gather and store energy, serve as an antenna, and host embedded work was the spIe milestone series 167 entitled `selected papers on
sensors. the wings will generate lift and thrust through complex motions smart structures for spacecraft.’ as stated by the editors of this book, the
that actively adapt to the environment, guided by evolutionary computer papers contained in the series ‘were a compilation of those known and
algorithms. the aircraft will be capable of large coniguration changes to considered major steps toward the application of smart structures for
create a wide light envelope, from perching and hovering to high-speed space.’ In addition to the inclusion of both early publications of Hubbard’s
tucked-wing dives. It would be intelligent, thereby enabling autonomous work, his papers received some 15 citations from other contributing
operations. through advanced sensors, many of which would be integral to authors who published in the series. another notable contribution came at
the multi-function materials used, it would adapt to changes in its health or the 12th International congress on acoustics when dr. Hubbard presented
its environment, ofering protection to itself and those around it if failures an invited paper entitled, “modeling of an active constrained layer
occur. It will communicate with a larger system of vehicles and carry out damper” which was the irst paper published deining this novel concept.
coordinated multi-vehicle missions that are impossible today. terrestrial Since then Active Constrained Layer damping has evolved into a ield in
missions may include search and rescue, neighborhood security, large- and of itself. He has cofounded 3 companies and holds more than 2 dozen
scale atmosphere sampling, and the detailed inspection of large struc- patents in the ield of Adaptive Structures.  his company’s product line has
tures.  been recognized with the award of the smart structure product Innova-
tion award in 1999 from the International society for optical engineering
dr. Hubbard, director and founder of the morpheus laboratory, will (spIe) in a national competition. He has won the charles stark draper
present an overview of research results from project firely. these results engineering vice presidents annual award for best technical patent.
include new smart skin sensors, passive and active wing morphing While serving there as chief of advanced sensors. for 8 years dr.
architectures, advances in state space modeling of lapping wing vehicles Hubbard also served as a member of the national academy of engineer- 15
for robust. project firely is a light based program to ultimately develop a ing’s air force studies board, dr. Hubbard served his country as a
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