Page 10 - ASME SMASIS 2015 Program
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and devices” project for rafael. He is also a founding member of the application scenarios, the speciic pros and cons of the considered de
Aerospace vehicle Systems Institute (AvSI; international materials for the development of actuators and generators are discussed
efort to develop standardized shape memory alloy actuation test methods thoroughly.
for the characterization of properties and eventual certiication of SMA-
based components for civilian and military aerospace applications. finally, practical examples of actuators and sensors are provided to show
the maximum performances that can be achieved today by using currently
available de materials.
Rocco Vertechy rocco vertechy is associate professor at the Industrial engineering
Industrial engineering department department of the university of bologna, where he leads the research
university of bologna activities on advanced actuation technologies and renewable energy
bologna, Italy robotic systems. He is mechanical engineer (2001) and phd in mechanics
of machines (2005). rocco was: research assistant at the department of
Mechanical engineering, university of Canterbury (new Zealand); visiting
Abstract researcher at the robotics locomotion laboratory, stanford university
(California); Assistant professor at the perceptual robotics Laboratory of
dielectric elastomer transducers (dets) are a promising technology for the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Italy). he is very active in the ield of
the development of solid-state actuators and generators. dets comprise dielectric elastomers (de) since 2003, with a strong expertise on:
one or more sheets of incompressible dielectric elastomer (de) that are multi-physics modeling, numerical simulation and electromechanical
sandwiched between compliant electrodes to form a deformable characterization of de materials; conception, optimization, manufacturing,
capacitor. In actuator mode, electrostatic attraction between the opposite- integration and control of de-based transducers. He has authored more
ly charged electrodes of the det is used to convert electricity into than 50 papers published in major IsI journals, books and international
mechanical energy. In generator mode, mechanical energy is converted conferences in the ield of mechatronics and robotics (nearly 30 papers
into direct electricity via the variable-capacitance electrostatic generator focused on de transducers). he has been scientiic responsible in a
number of funded research projects related to the application of de
properties of dets which make them suited for transduction applications transducers for machine actuation and energy harvesting.
are: low mass density; large deformability; high energy density; rather
good electro-mechanical conversion eiciency; moderate or low cost;
solid-state monolithic embodiment with no sliding parts; easy to manufac-
ture, assemble and recycle; good chemical resistance to corrosive
environments; silent operation.
the design of efective and optimized dets requires the knowledge of a
set of relevant electromechanical properties of the employed de
materials, which make it possible (1) to appropriately choose materials in
accordance to a prescribed application and (2) to accurately predict their
static and dynamic behavior.
In this context, this presentation reports the results of the complete
experimental characterization of several well-known and widely-employed
de materials; namely: acrylic elastomer, silicone elastomer, natural rubber
and styrene-based synthetic rubber. as regards electrical properties,
results on dielectric susceptibility, dielectric strength and conductivity are
provided, which include their dependency on mechanical strain. as
regards mechanical behavior, results for hyperelasticity, plasticity,
viscosity, Mullins efect and mechanical rupture are provided for diferent
biaxial states of deformation.
results have been acquired using the same experimental apparatus,
which have been purposely developed for the testing of de materials, and
are presented in a form that provides the practicing engineer with the
essential information required for the design of new kinds of det
10 actuators and generators. In particular, after the identiication of the
optimal electromechanical properties of an ideal de material in these two
and devices” project for rafael. He is also a founding member of the application scenarios, the speciic pros and cons of the considered de
Aerospace vehicle Systems Institute (AvSI; international materials for the development of actuators and generators are discussed
efort to develop standardized shape memory alloy actuation test methods thoroughly.
for the characterization of properties and eventual certiication of SMA-
based components for civilian and military aerospace applications. finally, practical examples of actuators and sensors are provided to show
the maximum performances that can be achieved today by using currently
available de materials.
Rocco Vertechy rocco vertechy is associate professor at the Industrial engineering
Industrial engineering department department of the university of bologna, where he leads the research
university of bologna activities on advanced actuation technologies and renewable energy
bologna, Italy robotic systems. He is mechanical engineer (2001) and phd in mechanics
of machines (2005). rocco was: research assistant at the department of
Mechanical engineering, university of Canterbury (new Zealand); visiting
Abstract researcher at the robotics locomotion laboratory, stanford university
(California); Assistant professor at the perceptual robotics Laboratory of
dielectric elastomer transducers (dets) are a promising technology for the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Italy). he is very active in the ield of
the development of solid-state actuators and generators. dets comprise dielectric elastomers (de) since 2003, with a strong expertise on:
one or more sheets of incompressible dielectric elastomer (de) that are multi-physics modeling, numerical simulation and electromechanical
sandwiched between compliant electrodes to form a deformable characterization of de materials; conception, optimization, manufacturing,
capacitor. In actuator mode, electrostatic attraction between the opposite- integration and control of de-based transducers. He has authored more
ly charged electrodes of the det is used to convert electricity into than 50 papers published in major IsI journals, books and international
mechanical energy. In generator mode, mechanical energy is converted conferences in the ield of mechatronics and robotics (nearly 30 papers
into direct electricity via the variable-capacitance electrostatic generator focused on de transducers). he has been scientiic responsible in a
number of funded research projects related to the application of de
properties of dets which make them suited for transduction applications transducers for machine actuation and energy harvesting.
are: low mass density; large deformability; high energy density; rather
good electro-mechanical conversion eiciency; moderate or low cost;
solid-state monolithic embodiment with no sliding parts; easy to manufac-
ture, assemble and recycle; good chemical resistance to corrosive
environments; silent operation.
the design of efective and optimized dets requires the knowledge of a
set of relevant electromechanical properties of the employed de
materials, which make it possible (1) to appropriately choose materials in
accordance to a prescribed application and (2) to accurately predict their
static and dynamic behavior.
In this context, this presentation reports the results of the complete
experimental characterization of several well-known and widely-employed
de materials; namely: acrylic elastomer, silicone elastomer, natural rubber
and styrene-based synthetic rubber. as regards electrical properties,
results on dielectric susceptibility, dielectric strength and conductivity are
provided, which include their dependency on mechanical strain. as
regards mechanical behavior, results for hyperelasticity, plasticity,
viscosity, Mullins efect and mechanical rupture are provided for diferent
biaxial states of deformation.
results have been acquired using the same experimental apparatus,
which have been purposely developed for the testing of de materials, and
are presented in a form that provides the practicing engineer with the
essential information required for the design of new kinds of det
10 actuators and generators. In particular, after the identiication of the
optimal electromechanical properties of an ideal de material in these two