Page 8 - ASME SMASIS 2015 Program
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symposIum 1 society of mechanical engineers asme, the materials Information society
asm, and the canadian society of mechanical engineers csme. naguib is
serving as associate editor for the Iop Journal of smart materials and
Development oF nano-StructureD conDuctive polymer structures, Journal of cellular plastics and cellular polymers. He has been
BASED HyBRID MATERIALS FOR SuPERCAPACITOR ELECTRODE organizing and chairing various technical sessions, symposia and
DEVELOPMENT seminars at international conferences in the ield.

Professor Hani Naguib
department of mechanical and Industrial engineering
university of toronto,
toronto ontario canada symposIum 2

With the rapid development of energy storage devices, a high-perfor-
mance, lightweight, and highly lexible material for supercapacitor
electrodes is desired. Herein, we report several novel experimental Professor Christopher Lynch
techniques, which allows the creation of high speciic capacitance mechanical and aerospace engineering
electrode materials suited for scalable manufacturing. by experimentally university of california, los angeles
realizing a nanostructured polymer or nanoparticle matrix scafold with a los angeles, ca usa
thin coating layer of electrically conductive polymers, high performance
supercapacitors can be achieved. ultrasonication-assisted in-situ Abstract
polymerization and solvent casting method resulted in speciic capaci-
tances upwards of 357.07 f/g at a relatively high scanning rate of 10mv/s. controlling magnetism in individual nano architected elements presents
the efect of sample composition was quantiied to identify the optimal an interesting set of challenges together with a large array of available
nanoparticle/ecp ratio that yields the best performance. three-dimen- design parameters. the highest level challenge is to come up with a
sional morphology was shown to have a contributing efect on the strategy that can go beyond a demonstration of achieving strain mediated
supercapacitor charge storage performance. additionally, the possibility magnetoelectric control by also identifying and demonstrating a process-
of electrospun peo ibre used as scafold materials was also investigated. ing route amenable to large scale manufacturing. this challenge has led
the idea of 3d printing nano-sized ibres has become an attractive topic us to focus on using a sol-gel pZt thin ilm on a Si substrate as the
in recent years. the successful fabrication of fully controlled nanoibre piezoelectric layer with a means to achieve local in-plane piezoelectric
growth allows further control of nanocomposite morphology, enabling strain components that are not clamped by the substrate. once this has
accurate mathematic modeling and signiicant improvements to be made been accomplished, the next challenge is to demonstrate that this strain is
towards a fully marketable high performance supercapacitor device. suiciently large to control magnetism in individual nanoscale islands. this
talk will address how micromagnetics elements were coupled to piezo-
electric elements and used as a design code with several examples of the
types of elements that this enables. this will be followed by a presentation
of the experimental work that led to a demonstration of the ability to
Hani naguib is a professor at the university of toronto, holder of a canada control individual magnetic islands. the talk will close with a discussion of
research chair in smart and functional materials, and director of the a large family of magnetic elements that is enabled by this technology.
toronto Institute for advanced manufacturing. His major expertise is in the
area of manufacturing of emerging materials including: smart and adaptive
materials; nanostructured polymers and biopolymers. In particular, his Biography
group interest is in electroactive polymers, conductive polymers,
dielectrics, and shape memory polymers with applications in artiicial professor lynch’s research is focused on fabrication, characterization, and
muscles, electronic textiles and energy harvesters. He has numerous modeling of multiferroic materials. He is currently the modeling thrust
refereed publications, scholarly addresses, and technical seminars to date leader of the nsf-tanms nerc and the ucla pI of the af center on
in the ield. naguib is the recipient of many honors and awards such as the shock properties of Granular materials with cal tech as lead. His
canada research chair, the premier’s early research award of ontario, modeling work includes the development of micromechanics coupled to
the canada foundation of Innovation, and the faculty early teaching electric ield, phase ield modeling, and micromagnetics modeling.
award. He is a professional engineer in canada, a chartered engineer in
u.k., a fellow of the Institute of materials minerals and mining Iom3 in uk, He joined the faculty of mechanical engineering at Georgia tech in 1995
fellow of the american society of mechanical engineers, fellow of the and ucla in 2007. He served as the chairman of the adaptive structures
8 society of plastics engineers and fellow of the canadian society of and material systems of asme, as chair of the aerospace division
mechanical engineers. He has been serving on the technical divisions executive committee of asme, as founder and general chair of the asme
board of directors for the society of plastics engineers spe, the american conference on smart materials adaptive structures and material systems
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