Page 11 - ASME SMASIS 2015 Program
P. 11
symposIum 3 magneto-mechanical behaviorS oF Ferromagnetic
mechanical moDeling, DeSign anD Simulation oF high-
department of mechanical engineering
ensta paristech
Eugenio Dragoni palaiseau cedex france
department of engineering science
university of modena and reggio emilia
reggio emilia, Italy Abstract
ferromagnetic shape memory alloys (fsma) are promising candidates for
Abstract sensors and actuators for their high-frequency response and large
reversible strain. the aim of this lecture is the analysis of the magneto-me-
While engineering applications of the superelastic efect are quite well chanical behaviors of fsma. In this regard, we study, both experimentally
established and understood for the manufacturing of medical devices with and theoretically, the martensite reorientation in fsma. firstly, a 2d/3d
peculiar properties, the use of the shape memory efect for building solid magneto-mechanical energy analysis is proposed and incorporated into
state actuators is still characterized by a trial-and-error approach. although phase diagrams for a graphic study of path-dependent martensite reorienta-
the thermo- mechanical phenomena behind the behavior of smas are tion in fsma under 3d loadings. criteria and material requirements for
theoretically well known, there is an open challenge for engineering obtaining reversible strain in cyclic loadings are derived. the energy analysis
methods to assist the designer in exploiting these alloys for the develop- predicts that fSMA in 2d/3d conigurations (multi-axial stresses) has much
ment of industrial devices. this talk describes the research work performed more advantages than that in 1d coniguration, e.g., higher output stress and
in the last ive years at the university of Modena and reggio emilia to identify more application lexibility. Secondly, to validate the predictions of the energy
simple but efective design rules for SMAs based actuators and motors, analysis, 2d experiments are performed on fsma and results reveal that the
either linear or rotary. the presentation concentrates on the development of intrinsic dissipation and the transformation strain due to martensite reorienta-
smas devices, which try to overcome the stroke limitations of conventional tion are constant in all tested 2d stress states. moreover, preliminary results
actuators without compromising with the force generated. It will be shown validate that the output stress of fSMA in 2d coniguration (magnetic ield
that the class of passive mechanical springs can fruitfully be turned into with biaxial stresses) is larger than that in 1d coniguration, and the output
intelligent high-performance devices upon replacement of the material with stress can be increased by increasing the auxiliary stress. finally, to predict
a shape memory alloy. the basic theoretical modeling behind the design of the magneto-mechanical behaviors of fsma in general multi-axial loadings, a
unconventional devices will be addressed, together with laboratory 3d constitutive model is developed within the framework of thermodynamics
prototypes demonstrating the feasibility of all the concept explored. of irreversible processes. all the martensite variants are considered and the
temperature efect is also taken into account. Model simulations agree well
Biography with all the existing 1d/2d experiments. the model is further incorporated
into inite element analysis for studying the non-linear bending behaviors of
eugenio dragoni completed his degree in mechanical engineering at the
university of bologna, Italy, in 1982 and served there as assistant fSMA beams. the sample-geometry efect and the material anisotropic efect
professor of machine design in the department of mechanical engineer- are systematically investigated.
ing from 1983 to 2000. In november 2000 he moved as full professor of
machine design to the university of modena and reggio emilia where he
currently holds the position of director of the department of engineering Biography
science and leads the research group of Intelligent machine design.
eugenio dragoni has authored about a hundred journal papers on research interests are mechanics of phase transition in smart and
subjects including computational mechanics, mechanical behavior of multifunctional materials, thermomechanical and multiphysics coupling,
adhesives and non-metals, engineering applications of smart materials. theory of plasticity and fatigue of materials and structures, simulation of
the main focus of dragoni’s research is on modeling, design and welding process, crashworthiness. a total of 70 publications in peer-re-
simulation of actuators and motors based on shape memory alloys. He has viewed international journals and conferences, delivered over 25 invited
iled several international patents on smart devices incorporating the key-note lectures in recent years; served as reviewer for several interna-
shape memory efect. dragoni is a member ASMe and a fellow of the tional journals, served as scientiic committee members for many
Italian association for stress analysis (aIas). Within aIas he has started conferences served as an expert et the european committee as well as at
and now chairs the working groups on “Joining systems” and “smart the state administration of foreign expert of china.
materials and mems”. He is associate editor for the International Journal
of adhesion and adhesives, the Journal of adhesion and meccanica and
serves on a regular basis as reviewer for many international journals.
symposIum 3 magneto-mechanical behaviorS oF Ferromagnetic
mechanical moDeling, DeSign anD Simulation oF high-
department of mechanical engineering
ensta paristech
Eugenio Dragoni palaiseau cedex france
department of engineering science
university of modena and reggio emilia
reggio emilia, Italy Abstract
ferromagnetic shape memory alloys (fsma) are promising candidates for
Abstract sensors and actuators for their high-frequency response and large
reversible strain. the aim of this lecture is the analysis of the magneto-me-
While engineering applications of the superelastic efect are quite well chanical behaviors of fsma. In this regard, we study, both experimentally
established and understood for the manufacturing of medical devices with and theoretically, the martensite reorientation in fsma. firstly, a 2d/3d
peculiar properties, the use of the shape memory efect for building solid magneto-mechanical energy analysis is proposed and incorporated into
state actuators is still characterized by a trial-and-error approach. although phase diagrams for a graphic study of path-dependent martensite reorienta-
the thermo- mechanical phenomena behind the behavior of smas are tion in fsma under 3d loadings. criteria and material requirements for
theoretically well known, there is an open challenge for engineering obtaining reversible strain in cyclic loadings are derived. the energy analysis
methods to assist the designer in exploiting these alloys for the develop- predicts that fSMA in 2d/3d conigurations (multi-axial stresses) has much
ment of industrial devices. this talk describes the research work performed more advantages than that in 1d coniguration, e.g., higher output stress and
in the last ive years at the university of Modena and reggio emilia to identify more application lexibility. Secondly, to validate the predictions of the energy
simple but efective design rules for SMAs based actuators and motors, analysis, 2d experiments are performed on fsma and results reveal that the
either linear or rotary. the presentation concentrates on the development of intrinsic dissipation and the transformation strain due to martensite reorienta-
smas devices, which try to overcome the stroke limitations of conventional tion are constant in all tested 2d stress states. moreover, preliminary results
actuators without compromising with the force generated. It will be shown validate that the output stress of fSMA in 2d coniguration (magnetic ield
that the class of passive mechanical springs can fruitfully be turned into with biaxial stresses) is larger than that in 1d coniguration, and the output
intelligent high-performance devices upon replacement of the material with stress can be increased by increasing the auxiliary stress. finally, to predict
a shape memory alloy. the basic theoretical modeling behind the design of the magneto-mechanical behaviors of fsma in general multi-axial loadings, a
unconventional devices will be addressed, together with laboratory 3d constitutive model is developed within the framework of thermodynamics
prototypes demonstrating the feasibility of all the concept explored. of irreversible processes. all the martensite variants are considered and the
temperature efect is also taken into account. Model simulations agree well
Biography with all the existing 1d/2d experiments. the model is further incorporated
into inite element analysis for studying the non-linear bending behaviors of
eugenio dragoni completed his degree in mechanical engineering at the
university of bologna, Italy, in 1982 and served there as assistant fSMA beams. the sample-geometry efect and the material anisotropic efect
professor of machine design in the department of mechanical engineer- are systematically investigated.
ing from 1983 to 2000. In november 2000 he moved as full professor of
machine design to the university of modena and reggio emilia where he
currently holds the position of director of the department of engineering Biography
science and leads the research group of Intelligent machine design.
eugenio dragoni has authored about a hundred journal papers on research interests are mechanics of phase transition in smart and
subjects including computational mechanics, mechanical behavior of multifunctional materials, thermomechanical and multiphysics coupling,
adhesives and non-metals, engineering applications of smart materials. theory of plasticity and fatigue of materials and structures, simulation of
the main focus of dragoni’s research is on modeling, design and welding process, crashworthiness. a total of 70 publications in peer-re-
simulation of actuators and motors based on shape memory alloys. He has viewed international journals and conferences, delivered over 25 invited
iled several international patents on smart devices incorporating the key-note lectures in recent years; served as reviewer for several interna-
shape memory efect. dragoni is a member ASMe and a fellow of the tional journals, served as scientiic committee members for many
Italian association for stress analysis (aIas). Within aIas he has started conferences served as an expert et the european committee as well as at
and now chairs the working groups on “Joining systems” and “smart the state administration of foreign expert of china.
materials and mems”. He is associate editor for the International Journal
of adhesion and adhesives, the Journal of adhesion and meccanica and
serves on a regular basis as reviewer for many international journals.