Page 16 - ASME SMASIS 2015 Program
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technical expert consultant to three 4-star air force Generals focusing on increase solar cell potential, make them environmentally robust (including
technical problems in the air force systems command, space command making use of thermophilic species to improve thermal stability), and
and material command. In a similar manner he served 6 years as a increase charge transfer rates. In parallel with this work to restructure the
member of the naval research advisory committee as a technical expert molecules of photosynthesis, we have used our knowledge of the natural
to the assistant secretary of the navy and the chief of naval research. He system to help design and implement fully artiicial solar cell architectures
has received the “key to the city” of his hometown of danville, virginia for that combine both harvesting and storage, with performance and cost that
lifetime achievement. He is currently a fellow of the american Institute of are already promising.
Aeronautics and Astronautics. he has written several books in the ield
and more authored than 100 technical publications in his chosen ield. he
has also been recognized by his african american peers as the 2002 Biography
receipt of the black engineer of the year “president’s award”. His
professional ailiations include, Senior Lifetime Member and fellow of the John madden and his team at the university of british columbia (ubc)
aIaa, fellow of the american society of mechanical engineers, and apply electrochemically driven smart materials to create artiicial muscle,
senior member of the spIe. sensors, solar cells and energy storage devices. the team is developing a
solar charged battery, stretchable and transparent tactile interfaces, and
an actively controllable neurovascular catheters. John is a professor of
uSING PHOTOSyNTHETIC PROTEINS TO HARVEST AND STORE electrical & computer engineering at ubc. His bachelor’s degree in
SOLAR ENERGy physics is also from ubc. He holds a master’s in biomedical engineering
from McGill university and a ph. d. in Mechanical engineering from MIt.
madden is an author on over 100 papers and several book chapters in the
Professor John Madden ield of electroactive polymers.
electrical and computer engineering
university of british columbia
vancouver, canada
photosynthesis is impressive for its conversion of solar energy to stored Professor Zuzanna Siwy
chemical potential energy with nearly perfect quantum eiciency. here we physics and astronomy
report on the use of photosynthetic reaction centers in solar cells. these university of california, Irvine
reaction centers are protein scafolds containing dyes that absorb Irvine, ca usa
photons. charge is separated through an electron cascade. the reaction
centers take the place of p-n junctions in conventional solar cells, but Abstract
squander far fewer photons. the aim of our work and that of a number of
other teams in the ield is to extract this separated charge to electrodes. A nanopores have garnered much scientiic interest due to their applica-
second aim of ours is to store the resulting potential energy. Built-in tions in modeling biological systems and as use for biosensors. their size
storage, if it can be done inexpensively, could provide a solution to a creates a system in which transported ions interact with the pore walls.
major challenge posed by substantial use of solar and other renewables these nanoscale efects have led to the devolvement of ion controlling
on the grid – namely the matching of supply and demand. devices such as diodes and transistors with a broad range of applications.
past studies of ionic diodes have mainly focused on electrostatic
devices have been demonstrated in which the reaction centers are interactions between the passing ions and molecules, and the pore walls.
attached to electrode surfaces, collecting light. one charge (either I will describe our experiments on using hydrophobic interactions at the
positive or negative) is then transferred to the electrode, by tunnelling for nanoscale to control transport of ions, molecules, and the solvent. We
example, thanks to its proximity. the opposing charge is exchanged with showed that a hydrophobic pore could become wetted i.e. illed with
an active molecule dissolved in solution. the latter charge is then condensed water or aqueous solution of salt when a suiciently high
transported across the solution and exchanged with a second electrode, electric ield was applied across the membrane. the wetting process was
as in dye-sensitized solar cells. In a second approach the reaction centers reversible thus when the voltage was lowered or switched of, the pore
are dissolved in solution, with a soluble acceptor molecule receiving came back to a closed state due to water evaporation in the pore. the
electrons from one side of the reaction center, and a donor providing wetting-dewetting transition was dependent on the pore opening
electrons on the other. An electrochemical potential is then developed diameter and salt concentration.
across two selective electrodes, as in photogalvanic solar cells. both
approaches are shown to work, and the second in principle can store I will also discuss our most recent results on building biomimetic ionic
energy until the acceptors and donors recombine. further work is needed diodes and valves based on nanopores whose length and aspect ratio are
to make these devices practical since current densities are much lower comparable to these of biological channels. I will talk about ion rectiica-
16 than expected in an eicient device and cell potentials are usually low. In tion due to charge patters induced in polarizable materials.
order to achieve the full potential of reaction center-based solar cells,
modiications of the protein complexes are being performed that will
technical expert consultant to three 4-star air force Generals focusing on increase solar cell potential, make them environmentally robust (including
technical problems in the air force systems command, space command making use of thermophilic species to improve thermal stability), and
and material command. In a similar manner he served 6 years as a increase charge transfer rates. In parallel with this work to restructure the
member of the naval research advisory committee as a technical expert molecules of photosynthesis, we have used our knowledge of the natural
to the assistant secretary of the navy and the chief of naval research. He system to help design and implement fully artiicial solar cell architectures
has received the “key to the city” of his hometown of danville, virginia for that combine both harvesting and storage, with performance and cost that
lifetime achievement. He is currently a fellow of the american Institute of are already promising.
Aeronautics and Astronautics. he has written several books in the ield
and more authored than 100 technical publications in his chosen ield. he
has also been recognized by his african american peers as the 2002 Biography
receipt of the black engineer of the year “president’s award”. His
professional ailiations include, Senior Lifetime Member and fellow of the John madden and his team at the university of british columbia (ubc)
aIaa, fellow of the american society of mechanical engineers, and apply electrochemically driven smart materials to create artiicial muscle,
senior member of the spIe. sensors, solar cells and energy storage devices. the team is developing a
solar charged battery, stretchable and transparent tactile interfaces, and
an actively controllable neurovascular catheters. John is a professor of
uSING PHOTOSyNTHETIC PROTEINS TO HARVEST AND STORE electrical & computer engineering at ubc. His bachelor’s degree in
SOLAR ENERGy physics is also from ubc. He holds a master’s in biomedical engineering
from McGill university and a ph. d. in Mechanical engineering from MIt.
madden is an author on over 100 papers and several book chapters in the
Professor John Madden ield of electroactive polymers.
electrical and computer engineering
university of british columbia
vancouver, canada
photosynthesis is impressive for its conversion of solar energy to stored Professor Zuzanna Siwy
chemical potential energy with nearly perfect quantum eiciency. here we physics and astronomy
report on the use of photosynthetic reaction centers in solar cells. these university of california, Irvine
reaction centers are protein scafolds containing dyes that absorb Irvine, ca usa
photons. charge is separated through an electron cascade. the reaction
centers take the place of p-n junctions in conventional solar cells, but Abstract
squander far fewer photons. the aim of our work and that of a number of
other teams in the ield is to extract this separated charge to electrodes. A nanopores have garnered much scientiic interest due to their applica-
second aim of ours is to store the resulting potential energy. Built-in tions in modeling biological systems and as use for biosensors. their size
storage, if it can be done inexpensively, could provide a solution to a creates a system in which transported ions interact with the pore walls.
major challenge posed by substantial use of solar and other renewables these nanoscale efects have led to the devolvement of ion controlling
on the grid – namely the matching of supply and demand. devices such as diodes and transistors with a broad range of applications.
past studies of ionic diodes have mainly focused on electrostatic
devices have been demonstrated in which the reaction centers are interactions between the passing ions and molecules, and the pore walls.
attached to electrode surfaces, collecting light. one charge (either I will describe our experiments on using hydrophobic interactions at the
positive or negative) is then transferred to the electrode, by tunnelling for nanoscale to control transport of ions, molecules, and the solvent. We
example, thanks to its proximity. the opposing charge is exchanged with showed that a hydrophobic pore could become wetted i.e. illed with
an active molecule dissolved in solution. the latter charge is then condensed water or aqueous solution of salt when a suiciently high
transported across the solution and exchanged with a second electrode, electric ield was applied across the membrane. the wetting process was
as in dye-sensitized solar cells. In a second approach the reaction centers reversible thus when the voltage was lowered or switched of, the pore
are dissolved in solution, with a soluble acceptor molecule receiving came back to a closed state due to water evaporation in the pore. the
electrons from one side of the reaction center, and a donor providing wetting-dewetting transition was dependent on the pore opening
electrons on the other. An electrochemical potential is then developed diameter and salt concentration.
across two selective electrodes, as in photogalvanic solar cells. both
approaches are shown to work, and the second in principle can store I will also discuss our most recent results on building biomimetic ionic
energy until the acceptors and donors recombine. further work is needed diodes and valves based on nanopores whose length and aspect ratio are
to make these devices practical since current densities are much lower comparable to these of biological channels. I will talk about ion rectiica-
16 than expected in an eicient device and cell potentials are usually low. In tion due to charge patters induced in polarizable materials.
order to achieve the full potential of reaction center-based solar cells,
modiications of the protein complexes are being performed that will