Page 12 - ASME SMASIS 2015 Program
P. 12
professor and mechanical engineering
associate chair for undergraduate education
Professor Hiroshi Asanuma university of michigan
chiba university ann arbor, michigan
chiba Japan
the innovation path for any new technology is traditionally wrought with
hurdles and smart material technologies are no exception. While smart
the presenter, su, shahinpoor, nejhad, Hihara, felli, paolozzi, aimmanee, materials promise many beneits and new capabilities for industry opening
furuya, adachi et al. are establishing the concept “disaster mitigation and the door to leap-frog technologies, this presents an even more challeng-
sustainable engineering” which intends to enable sustainability as well as ing r&d environment laden with unknowns such as undeined customer
disaster mitigation, efectively and economically. It will be successfully driven engineering speciications, lack of smart material and architectural
realized by “smart structures and materials.” their conventional applica- device design models, limited performance and lifetime data, and
tions have been explored in aerospace ields, etc., but after the Japanese shortage of supporting computer tools . this talk will describe the Gm/um
earthquake and tsunami disasters on march 11, 2011, the presenter et al. sms innovation framework that exploits smart materials basic research to
have been considering a new direction. serious disasters may occur propel transformative device technologies into the marketplace to
today, or may not occur for a long period of time. structures and devices reinvent the automobile. this framework will be demonstrated through
for disaster mitigation consume lots of money. so, they have to be used series of disruptive technologies examples for the automotive industry:
daily to produce something useful such as energy for their monitoring, luxurious smas interior motion devices, smart hood for pedestrian
maintenance, corrosion suppression, self-repair, and so on. compact and protection, and door closure experience. for each, this presentation will
deployable structures are also very useful. the presenter et al. started to walk through the rigorous design process which elicits customer driven
consider several structures based on the above mentioned concept such engineering speciications, synthesizes model-based device designs, and
as Smart Inlatable tsunami Airbags, Smart river Banks, Multifunctional experimentally characterizes integrated technologies. this framework
Artiicial forests, Smart Shelters, Smart furniture, and so on, which will be requires a solid scientiic smart material foundation which supports the
introduced in this presentation in addition to some other related challeng- design eforts through critical smart material and device research on
es in the world. performance and lifetime issues. for example, customer preference studies
were conducted to establish key actuator parameter speciications and
identify new actuator opportunities that create an impression of quality and
luxurious motion from smas wire devices (deployable grab handle and
Biography console). another example is the necessary step of model-based design
and integrated system experimental characterization to meet the challeng-
asanuma received doctor of engineering from the university of tokyo.
after being a research associate at Institute of Industrial science, the ing packaging and timing constraints of an active deployable hood for
university of tokyo, an associate professor at chiba university, visiting pedestrian protection (active lift and ultrafast smas latch technologies).
professor at university of Wollongong and sapienza university of rome, finally, improving the customer’s experience with a car door in terms of feel
he became a professor in the department of mechanical engineering, and sound through the critical stages of closing, settling and sealing,
chiba university. He served as a chair of m&p (materials & processing) requires an understanding of the interaction of the many components and
division of Jsme (the Japan society of mechanical engineers). He started subsystems involved. a deep empirical and model-based study of the door
active material systems-technical section of the division. He has been system identiied new opportunities for smart materials technologies to
organizing sessions on smart materials and structural systems for break existing design tradeofs and provide new functionality (active
mechanical engineering congress Japan as a chief organizer jointly with dielectric seals, shape memory polymer build adapters). all of these
m&p, m&m (materials & mechanics), d&d (dynamics & design) and space applications require a signiicant smart materials foundation with material
engineering divisions of Jsme. He also served as spIe conference and architectural performance models, as well as lifetime issues (shake-
co-chairs etc., and chairs/organizers of many other symposiums and down, aging, etc) and practical implementation knowledge (manufacturing,
workshops on smart materials and structures. He has published over 70 interfaces, etc). this smart material knowledge base along with an
journal papers, 90 conference papers, several books and patents, and has extensive device architecture library and user-based design methodolo-
been in collaboration/cooperation with over 30 universities/institutes/ gies/processes has been captured and incorporated into computer design
companies around the world. He has delivered keynote/invited presenta- tools for faster transition of emerging smart material research into competi-
tions about 50 times. He is a Jsme fellow and an Iop fellow. tive automotive products.
dr. diann brei joined the mechanical engineering at the university of
professor and mechanical engineering
associate chair for undergraduate education
Professor Hiroshi Asanuma university of michigan
chiba university ann arbor, michigan
chiba Japan
the innovation path for any new technology is traditionally wrought with
hurdles and smart material technologies are no exception. While smart
the presenter, su, shahinpoor, nejhad, Hihara, felli, paolozzi, aimmanee, materials promise many beneits and new capabilities for industry opening
furuya, adachi et al. are establishing the concept “disaster mitigation and the door to leap-frog technologies, this presents an even more challeng-
sustainable engineering” which intends to enable sustainability as well as ing r&d environment laden with unknowns such as undeined customer
disaster mitigation, efectively and economically. It will be successfully driven engineering speciications, lack of smart material and architectural
realized by “smart structures and materials.” their conventional applica- device design models, limited performance and lifetime data, and
tions have been explored in aerospace ields, etc., but after the Japanese shortage of supporting computer tools . this talk will describe the Gm/um
earthquake and tsunami disasters on march 11, 2011, the presenter et al. sms innovation framework that exploits smart materials basic research to
have been considering a new direction. serious disasters may occur propel transformative device technologies into the marketplace to
today, or may not occur for a long period of time. structures and devices reinvent the automobile. this framework will be demonstrated through
for disaster mitigation consume lots of money. so, they have to be used series of disruptive technologies examples for the automotive industry:
daily to produce something useful such as energy for their monitoring, luxurious smas interior motion devices, smart hood for pedestrian
maintenance, corrosion suppression, self-repair, and so on. compact and protection, and door closure experience. for each, this presentation will
deployable structures are also very useful. the presenter et al. started to walk through the rigorous design process which elicits customer driven
consider several structures based on the above mentioned concept such engineering speciications, synthesizes model-based device designs, and
as Smart Inlatable tsunami Airbags, Smart river Banks, Multifunctional experimentally characterizes integrated technologies. this framework
Artiicial forests, Smart Shelters, Smart furniture, and so on, which will be requires a solid scientiic smart material foundation which supports the
introduced in this presentation in addition to some other related challeng- design eforts through critical smart material and device research on
es in the world. performance and lifetime issues. for example, customer preference studies
were conducted to establish key actuator parameter speciications and
identify new actuator opportunities that create an impression of quality and
luxurious motion from smas wire devices (deployable grab handle and
Biography console). another example is the necessary step of model-based design
and integrated system experimental characterization to meet the challeng-
asanuma received doctor of engineering from the university of tokyo.
after being a research associate at Institute of Industrial science, the ing packaging and timing constraints of an active deployable hood for
university of tokyo, an associate professor at chiba university, visiting pedestrian protection (active lift and ultrafast smas latch technologies).
professor at university of Wollongong and sapienza university of rome, finally, improving the customer’s experience with a car door in terms of feel
he became a professor in the department of mechanical engineering, and sound through the critical stages of closing, settling and sealing,
chiba university. He served as a chair of m&p (materials & processing) requires an understanding of the interaction of the many components and
division of Jsme (the Japan society of mechanical engineers). He started subsystems involved. a deep empirical and model-based study of the door
active material systems-technical section of the division. He has been system identiied new opportunities for smart materials technologies to
organizing sessions on smart materials and structural systems for break existing design tradeofs and provide new functionality (active
mechanical engineering congress Japan as a chief organizer jointly with dielectric seals, shape memory polymer build adapters). all of these
m&p, m&m (materials & mechanics), d&d (dynamics & design) and space applications require a signiicant smart materials foundation with material
engineering divisions of Jsme. He also served as spIe conference and architectural performance models, as well as lifetime issues (shake-
co-chairs etc., and chairs/organizers of many other symposiums and down, aging, etc) and practical implementation knowledge (manufacturing,
workshops on smart materials and structures. He has published over 70 interfaces, etc). this smart material knowledge base along with an
journal papers, 90 conference papers, several books and patents, and has extensive device architecture library and user-based design methodolo-
been in collaboration/cooperation with over 30 universities/institutes/ gies/processes has been captured and incorporated into computer design
companies around the world. He has delivered keynote/invited presenta- tools for faster transition of emerging smart material research into competi-
tions about 50 times. He is a Jsme fellow and an Iop fellow. tive automotive products.
dr. diann brei joined the mechanical engineering at the university of