Page 14 - ASME SMASIS 2015 Program
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designs often dictate that these systems are pushing the frontiers of SOME EFFORTS TO IMPROVE STRuCTuRAL DEFECT IMAGING
design knowledge thus making them susceptible to unanticipated failure uSING uLTRASONIC TESTING
mechanisms. finally, in terms of new directions, the concepts of formal
ShM veriication and validation procedures will be discussed because
such procedures are necessary to facilitate the transition of sHm research Francesco Lanza di Scalea
to in situ deployment on actual structures. the discussion of these three department of structural engineering
topics will inherently identify outstanding research issues for sHm university of california san diego
technology development. this talk will conclude with same inal com- san diego, ca usa
ments on the role of sHm in the goal of providing cradle-to-grave system
state awareness, which is a grand challenge for engineers in the 21st Abstract
this presentation will present advances in ultrasonic tomography for the
3d visualization of internal laws in solids. In particular, improvements to
Biography the conventional tomographic imaging algorithms have been made by
utilizing a mode-selective image reconstruction scheme that exploits the
charles “chuck” farrar has over 30 years of experience at los alamos speciic displacement ield, respectively, of the longitudinal wave modes
national Laboratory (LAnL). he is currently the director of LAnL’s and the shear wave modes, both propagating simultaneously in the test
engineering Institute. While at LAnL, he earned a ph.d. in civil engineer- volume. the speciic mode structure is exploited by an adaptive weight
ing from the university of new Mexico in 1988. the irst ten years of his assignment to the ultrasonic tomographic array. such adaptive weighting
lanl career focused on performing experimental and analytical structural forces the imaging array to look at a speciic scan direction and better
dynamics studies for a wide variety of systems including nuclear power focus the imaging onto the actual law (ultrasound relector). In addition,
plant structures subject to seismic loading, and weapons components passive-only defect imaging will be discussed based on match ield
subject to various portions of their stockpile-to-target loading environ- processing and difuse ields, with application to wind turbine blades.
ments. Currently, his research interests focus on developing integrated
hardware and software solutions to structural health monitoring problems
and the development of damage prognosis technology. the results of this Biography
research have been documented in over 300 refereed journal articles,
book chapters, conference papers, los alamos reports, numerous francesco Lanza di Scalea (ph.d. 97) is currently a professor of Structural
keynote lectures at international conferences, and most recently in a book engineering and the director of the nde & structural Health monitoring
co-authored with prof. keith Worden entitled structural Health monitoring Laboratory at the university of California San diego. Lanza di Scalea’s
A Machine Learning perspective. In 2000 he founded the Los Alamos research and teaching interests are in non-destructive evaluation,
dynamics Summer School. his work has been recognized at LAnL structural health monitoring and experimental mechanics. Lanza di Scalea
through his reception of the inaugural los alamos fellows prize for was awarded the ucsd structural engineering department’s best
technical leadership and by the structural Health monitoring community teacher award (2011), the structural Health monitoring person of the year
through the reception of the inaugural lifetime achievement award in award (2007), the american society for nondestructive testing research
Structural health Monitoring. he is currently working jointly with engi- fellowship award (2002, 2006 and 2010), the american society for
neering faculty at university of california, san diego to develop the los nondestructive testing faculty Grant award (2003), the ucsd Hellman
Alamos/uCSd engineering Institute. this initiative is also developing a faculty fellowship (2000 and 2002), and the us Institute for International
formal, degree-granting educational program in the closely related areas education fulbright Scholarship (1995). he currently serves on the
of validated simulations and structural health monitoring. Additional editorial board of Journal of Intelligent materials systems and structures,
professional activities include an associated editor position for earthquake experimental mechanics, research in nondestructive evaluation, and
engineering and structural dynamics, and the development of a short structural Health monitoring: an International Journal. He is a member of
course entitle structural Health monitoring using statistical pattern the railway maintenance committee (ar060) of the us transportation
recognition that has been ofered more than 30 times to industry and research board.
government agencies in Asia, Australia, europe and the u.S. In January of
2007 he was elected to fellow of the american society of mechanical
engineers and in 2012 he was elected as a fellow of los alamos national
designs often dictate that these systems are pushing the frontiers of SOME EFFORTS TO IMPROVE STRuCTuRAL DEFECT IMAGING
design knowledge thus making them susceptible to unanticipated failure uSING uLTRASONIC TESTING
mechanisms. finally, in terms of new directions, the concepts of formal
ShM veriication and validation procedures will be discussed because
such procedures are necessary to facilitate the transition of sHm research Francesco Lanza di Scalea
to in situ deployment on actual structures. the discussion of these three department of structural engineering
topics will inherently identify outstanding research issues for sHm university of california san diego
technology development. this talk will conclude with same inal com- san diego, ca usa
ments on the role of sHm in the goal of providing cradle-to-grave system
state awareness, which is a grand challenge for engineers in the 21st Abstract
this presentation will present advances in ultrasonic tomography for the
3d visualization of internal laws in solids. In particular, improvements to
Biography the conventional tomographic imaging algorithms have been made by
utilizing a mode-selective image reconstruction scheme that exploits the
charles “chuck” farrar has over 30 years of experience at los alamos speciic displacement ield, respectively, of the longitudinal wave modes
national Laboratory (LAnL). he is currently the director of LAnL’s and the shear wave modes, both propagating simultaneously in the test
engineering Institute. While at LAnL, he earned a ph.d. in civil engineer- volume. the speciic mode structure is exploited by an adaptive weight
ing from the university of new Mexico in 1988. the irst ten years of his assignment to the ultrasonic tomographic array. such adaptive weighting
lanl career focused on performing experimental and analytical structural forces the imaging array to look at a speciic scan direction and better
dynamics studies for a wide variety of systems including nuclear power focus the imaging onto the actual law (ultrasound relector). In addition,
plant structures subject to seismic loading, and weapons components passive-only defect imaging will be discussed based on match ield
subject to various portions of their stockpile-to-target loading environ- processing and difuse ields, with application to wind turbine blades.
ments. Currently, his research interests focus on developing integrated
hardware and software solutions to structural health monitoring problems
and the development of damage prognosis technology. the results of this Biography
research have been documented in over 300 refereed journal articles,
book chapters, conference papers, los alamos reports, numerous francesco Lanza di Scalea (ph.d. 97) is currently a professor of Structural
keynote lectures at international conferences, and most recently in a book engineering and the director of the nde & structural Health monitoring
co-authored with prof. keith Worden entitled structural Health monitoring Laboratory at the university of California San diego. Lanza di Scalea’s
A Machine Learning perspective. In 2000 he founded the Los Alamos research and teaching interests are in non-destructive evaluation,
dynamics Summer School. his work has been recognized at LAnL structural health monitoring and experimental mechanics. Lanza di Scalea
through his reception of the inaugural los alamos fellows prize for was awarded the ucsd structural engineering department’s best
technical leadership and by the structural Health monitoring community teacher award (2011), the structural Health monitoring person of the year
through the reception of the inaugural lifetime achievement award in award (2007), the american society for nondestructive testing research
Structural health Monitoring. he is currently working jointly with engi- fellowship award (2002, 2006 and 2010), the american society for
neering faculty at university of california, san diego to develop the los nondestructive testing faculty Grant award (2003), the ucsd Hellman
Alamos/uCSd engineering Institute. this initiative is also developing a faculty fellowship (2000 and 2002), and the us Institute for International
formal, degree-granting educational program in the closely related areas education fulbright Scholarship (1995). he currently serves on the
of validated simulations and structural health monitoring. Additional editorial board of Journal of Intelligent materials systems and structures,
professional activities include an associated editor position for earthquake experimental mechanics, research in nondestructive evaluation, and
engineering and structural dynamics, and the development of a short structural Health monitoring: an International Journal. He is a member of
course entitle structural Health monitoring using statistical pattern the railway maintenance committee (ar060) of the us transportation
recognition that has been ofered more than 30 times to industry and research board.
government agencies in Asia, Australia, europe and the u.S. In January of
2007 he was elected to fellow of the american society of mechanical
engineers and in 2012 he was elected as a fellow of los alamos national