Page 13 - ASME SMASIS 2015 Program
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michigan in 1994 after graduating from arizona state university with her wire’s strain and stress history in-situ. to do this, we generate a careful
ph.d (1993) in mechanical engineering and her bse (1988) in computer calibration of the thermo-electro-mechanical response of the smas wire.
Systems engineering (Magna cum laude). She is currently professor at the then, we use that calibration to create a reverse map of the wire’s
university of michigan and serves as the mechanical engineering electrical resistance history to its stress and strain history. this enables an
associate chair for undergraduate education and as the director of the fast, accurate, and non-destructive measurement of device quality.
design Science program. She is also the co-director of the General
motors/university of michigan smart materials and structures collabora-
tive research laboratory (sms crl) with a range of projects focused on Biography
product innovation utilizing smart materials, smart material maturity and
mechamatronic design tools. dr. Brei’s expertise is in multi-domain christopher churchill received his phd from the department of aerospace
design with technical interests in smart materials and structures, sensors engineering at the university of michigan in 2010. His thesis was in high
and actuators, medical devices. quality thermo-electro-mechanical characterization of shape memory
alloys. after this, he stayed as a postdoc at the university of michigan to
Her research has focused on the underlying design science for device model and optimize smas waste heat engines. currently, he is a research
innovation using smart materials. fundamental to her work is the staf member in the Active Materials & Structures group at hrL Laborato-
synthesis and analysis of smart material actuation and device architec- ries in malibu, ca. His research interests include health monitoring and
tures from conventional ratcheting and spooling to cutting edge architec- fatigue of smas actuators. He also creates active nonlinear structures for
tures such as active knits and active velcro. her smart material architec- vibration and shock mitigation.
tural models along with her multi-domain, multi-stage design methods
have set the foundation for a successful translational research and
development paradigm adopted by industries in the automotive, medical
and aerospace sectors. She has written over 125 referred publications (35
journal and 90 referred conference papers). Apart from her publications,
she has twelve patents and 15 pending, with exclusive licenses with symposIum 5
General Motors and Lynx. dr. Brei who is an ASMe fellow and AIAA
associate fellow, has been an active leader in the smart materials and NEW APPROACHES, NEW APPLICATIONS AND NEW DIRECTIONS
structures community, originating the asme/aIaa adaptive structures FOR STRuCTuRAL HEALTH MONITORING
e-newsletter, adaptive structures national database, and smasIs
Conference. for her research and service contributions she has been
awarded the asme best paper award in structures and structural Dr. Charles R. Farrar
dynamics, asme distinguished service award, Hartwell award, ted the engineering Institute
kennedy team excellence award, and the national multiple sclerosis los alamos national laboratory
society da vinci award and university of michigan college of engineering los alamos, nm
outstanding faculty award for mechanical engineering.
harDware/SoFtware DemonStration: SelF-SenSing oF a the process of implementing a damage detection strategy for aerospace,
SHAPE MEMORy ALLOy ACTuATOR’S MECHANICAL RESPONSE civil and mechanical engineering infrastructure is referred to as structural
VIA ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE MEASuREMENT health monitoring (ShM). the ShM process compliments traditional
nondestructive evaluation by extending these concepts to online, in situ
Dr. Chris Churchill system monitoring on a more global scale. for more than twenty-ive
research Staf years the engineering research community has engaged in extensive
Hrl laboratories research to develop this technology primarily for aerospace, civil and
malibu, ca usa mechanical infrastructure applications. this research evolved from
methods almost exclusively focused on inverse modeling to more general
patter-recognition based approaches and today often encompasses
Abstract attributes of both physical modeling and pattern recognition implement
with machine learning.
compared to solenoids and motors, shape memory alloy (sma) actuator
wires deliver unparalleled power density at a reduced noise, mass and this presentation will focus on three topics. first, in terms of new
cost. sma-powered devices can be very rugged with lifetimes in the approaches, the concept of new methods for human-machine interfaces
millions of cycles, but this lifetime is extremely sensitive to the loading will be introduced in the context of ShM applications. next, new
conditions, i.e. wire stress and strain. these loading conditions can be application areas for ShM will be discussed with speciic emphasis on
diicult to measure without destructive testing, and can change unexpect- large-scale scientiic infrastructure. Such systems are often built at cost
edly due to production tolerances, thermal expansion, and chemical/ exceeding one billion dollars (u.s.) and usually are unique one-of-a-kind 13
mechanical wear and tear. to solve this problem, Hrl laboratories and designs. to fully realize returns on such investments, it is imperative that
General motors r&d have developed a method to determine the smas such systems operate as continuously as possible. yet their unique
michigan in 1994 after graduating from arizona state university with her wire’s strain and stress history in-situ. to do this, we generate a careful
ph.d (1993) in mechanical engineering and her bse (1988) in computer calibration of the thermo-electro-mechanical response of the smas wire.
Systems engineering (Magna cum laude). She is currently professor at the then, we use that calibration to create a reverse map of the wire’s
university of michigan and serves as the mechanical engineering electrical resistance history to its stress and strain history. this enables an
associate chair for undergraduate education and as the director of the fast, accurate, and non-destructive measurement of device quality.
design Science program. She is also the co-director of the General
motors/university of michigan smart materials and structures collabora-
tive research laboratory (sms crl) with a range of projects focused on Biography
product innovation utilizing smart materials, smart material maturity and
mechamatronic design tools. dr. Brei’s expertise is in multi-domain christopher churchill received his phd from the department of aerospace
design with technical interests in smart materials and structures, sensors engineering at the university of michigan in 2010. His thesis was in high
and actuators, medical devices. quality thermo-electro-mechanical characterization of shape memory
alloys. after this, he stayed as a postdoc at the university of michigan to
Her research has focused on the underlying design science for device model and optimize smas waste heat engines. currently, he is a research
innovation using smart materials. fundamental to her work is the staf member in the Active Materials & Structures group at hrL Laborato-
synthesis and analysis of smart material actuation and device architec- ries in malibu, ca. His research interests include health monitoring and
tures from conventional ratcheting and spooling to cutting edge architec- fatigue of smas actuators. He also creates active nonlinear structures for
tures such as active knits and active velcro. her smart material architec- vibration and shock mitigation.
tural models along with her multi-domain, multi-stage design methods
have set the foundation for a successful translational research and
development paradigm adopted by industries in the automotive, medical
and aerospace sectors. She has written over 125 referred publications (35
journal and 90 referred conference papers). Apart from her publications,
she has twelve patents and 15 pending, with exclusive licenses with symposIum 5
General Motors and Lynx. dr. Brei who is an ASMe fellow and AIAA
associate fellow, has been an active leader in the smart materials and NEW APPROACHES, NEW APPLICATIONS AND NEW DIRECTIONS
structures community, originating the asme/aIaa adaptive structures FOR STRuCTuRAL HEALTH MONITORING
e-newsletter, adaptive structures national database, and smasIs
Conference. for her research and service contributions she has been
awarded the asme best paper award in structures and structural Dr. Charles R. Farrar
dynamics, asme distinguished service award, Hartwell award, ted the engineering Institute
kennedy team excellence award, and the national multiple sclerosis los alamos national laboratory
society da vinci award and university of michigan college of engineering los alamos, nm
outstanding faculty award for mechanical engineering.
harDware/SoFtware DemonStration: SelF-SenSing oF a the process of implementing a damage detection strategy for aerospace,
SHAPE MEMORy ALLOy ACTuATOR’S MECHANICAL RESPONSE civil and mechanical engineering infrastructure is referred to as structural
VIA ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE MEASuREMENT health monitoring (ShM). the ShM process compliments traditional
nondestructive evaluation by extending these concepts to online, in situ
Dr. Chris Churchill system monitoring on a more global scale. for more than twenty-ive
research Staf years the engineering research community has engaged in extensive
Hrl laboratories research to develop this technology primarily for aerospace, civil and
malibu, ca usa mechanical infrastructure applications. this research evolved from
methods almost exclusively focused on inverse modeling to more general
patter-recognition based approaches and today often encompasses
Abstract attributes of both physical modeling and pattern recognition implement
with machine learning.
compared to solenoids and motors, shape memory alloy (sma) actuator
wires deliver unparalleled power density at a reduced noise, mass and this presentation will focus on three topics. first, in terms of new
cost. sma-powered devices can be very rugged with lifetimes in the approaches, the concept of new methods for human-machine interfaces
millions of cycles, but this lifetime is extremely sensitive to the loading will be introduced in the context of ShM applications. next, new
conditions, i.e. wire stress and strain. these loading conditions can be application areas for ShM will be discussed with speciic emphasis on
diicult to measure without destructive testing, and can change unexpect- large-scale scientiic infrastructure. Such systems are often built at cost
edly due to production tolerances, thermal expansion, and chemical/ exceeding one billion dollars (u.s.) and usually are unique one-of-a-kind 13
mechanical wear and tear. to solve this problem, Hrl laboratories and designs. to fully realize returns on such investments, it is imperative that
General motors r&d have developed a method to determine the smas such systems operate as continuously as possible. yet their unique