Page 17 - ASME SMASIS 2015 Program
P. 17
Biography Biography
Dr. Zuzanna S. Siwy received her PhD in 1997 from the Silesian University Mehmet C. Ozturk (Fellow, IEEE) received the B.S. degree in electrical
of Technology, Gliwice, Poland, and habilitation in 2004. From 2000– engineering from Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, in 1980, and the
2003 she was a Fellow of the Foundation for Polish Science, and the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Michigan Technological
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the Institute for Heavy Ions University, Houghton, MI, USA, in 1983. He continued his graduate studies
Research (GSI) in Darmstadt, Germany. After conducting postdoctoral at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA, under Jimmie J.
research at the University of Florida, Gainesville, in July 2005, Dr. Siwy Wortman receiving the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineer-
joined the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of ing in 1988. After graduation, he joined the faculty in his department. His
California, Irvine. In 2007, she became the Fellow of the Alfred von Sloan research focused on advanced processes for Si CMOS with emphasis on
Foundation. In 2009, Dr. Siwy was awarded the Presidential Early Career Group IV epitaxy, self-aligned contacts and their applications in source/
Award for Scientists and Engineers as well as the Bessel Award from the drain engineering. His group proposed and demonstrated the recessed
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. In 2013 she became a Fellow of the SiGe source/drain technology and pioneered work on self-aligned
American Physical Society. Her current research interests focus on using germanosilicide contacts to SiGe alloys. His current research is focused
synthetic pores as templates for biomimetic channels, and building on modeling and fabrication of lexible thermoelectric devices for
sensors for cells and particles. harvesting heat from the human body. Professor Ozturk is serving as the
director of the NCSU Nanofabrication Facility and as the deputy director
of the NSF sponsored nano-systems engineering research center,
Advanced Self-powered Systems of Integrated sensors and Technologies
energy harveStIng - much ado about (almoSt) nothIng?
Self-Powered Integrated SenSorS and technologIeS
for health and envIronmental monItorIng
Professor norbert Schwesinger
Professor mehmet c. ozturk Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Electrical & Computer Engineering München, Germany
NC State University
Raleigh, NC USA
abstract This paper provides a snapshot of the current state of energy harvesting.
Although not complete, it displays serious problems of energy harvesting
Advanced Self-powered Systems of Integrated sensors and Technologies
(ASSIST) is a nano-systems engineering research center sponsored by based on selected examples. However, there are also criteria called, allow
National Science Foundation (NSF). The vision of the Center is aimed at for a sensible use of energy harvesters. Energy Harvesting is currently a
pioneering a paradigm shift towards data driven health management and non-controversial area in engineering. The funding policy in most Western
enable revolutionary advances in the quality of global health care. To industrialized countries faces projects of energy harvesting very benevo-
achieve this vision, the Center is using nanotechnology to realize lent. On the other hand, it is hard to ind results, looking to applications
self-powered, wearable, wireless, multi-modal sensing to monitor health and EHs (Energy Harvester) as products. Only a few companies operate in
and environment over long periods of time with maximum comfort. To this ield. Their products show a comparable low output of electrical
create hassle-free systems, ASSIST platforms rely entirely on energy energy. However, the question arises whether this view on energy
harvested from the human body in the form of heat (thermoelectric) or harvesting is still preserved as long as such a contradiction exists.
motion (piezoelectric). The harvested energy is used to run a multitude of Therefore, it is necessary to analyze what energy harvesting can aford at
sensors to achieve a comprehensive assessment and correlation of all. Energy harvesting is trying to turn waste energy from artiicial
human health and environment. ASSIST harvesters employ nano-technol- processes or free environmental energy into electrical energy. In order to
ogy to achieve best-in-class performances and they emphasize lexibility use energy loss of each kind electrical, corresponding energy transducers
and small form-factor for comfort. While multi-modal harvesting is aimed are required. While free environmental energy is largely inexhaustible,
at realizing uninterrupted energy harvesting, the ASSIST platforms also available energy sources of technical processes are exhaustible. In
employ state-of-the-art nano-enabled supercapacitors to store the industrial processes, losses are inevitable, but engineers are constantly
unused energy to further increase the available power and system striving to reduce them. Processes with high eiciency show low losses
functionality. In parallel, research is carried out to develop novel and are therefore not suitable for energy harvesting. Processes with corre-
low-power sensors and circuits to signiicantly cut down the power spondingly high losses are suitable in principle for energy harvesting.
consumption. This talk will provide an overview of the energy harvesting, However, energy harvesting targets to a circumstance opposite to the
storage and sensing modalities used in ASSIST wearables. trend of technical developments. EH occupies in industrial processes 17
obviously a niche that permanently decreases development. Loss of
Biography Biography
Dr. Zuzanna S. Siwy received her PhD in 1997 from the Silesian University Mehmet C. Ozturk (Fellow, IEEE) received the B.S. degree in electrical
of Technology, Gliwice, Poland, and habilitation in 2004. From 2000– engineering from Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, in 1980, and the
2003 she was a Fellow of the Foundation for Polish Science, and the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Michigan Technological
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the Institute for Heavy Ions University, Houghton, MI, USA, in 1983. He continued his graduate studies
Research (GSI) in Darmstadt, Germany. After conducting postdoctoral at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA, under Jimmie J.
research at the University of Florida, Gainesville, in July 2005, Dr. Siwy Wortman receiving the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineer-
joined the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of ing in 1988. After graduation, he joined the faculty in his department. His
California, Irvine. In 2007, she became the Fellow of the Alfred von Sloan research focused on advanced processes for Si CMOS with emphasis on
Foundation. In 2009, Dr. Siwy was awarded the Presidential Early Career Group IV epitaxy, self-aligned contacts and their applications in source/
Award for Scientists and Engineers as well as the Bessel Award from the drain engineering. His group proposed and demonstrated the recessed
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. In 2013 she became a Fellow of the SiGe source/drain technology and pioneered work on self-aligned
American Physical Society. Her current research interests focus on using germanosilicide contacts to SiGe alloys. His current research is focused
synthetic pores as templates for biomimetic channels, and building on modeling and fabrication of lexible thermoelectric devices for
sensors for cells and particles. harvesting heat from the human body. Professor Ozturk is serving as the
director of the NCSU Nanofabrication Facility and as the deputy director
of the NSF sponsored nano-systems engineering research center,
Advanced Self-powered Systems of Integrated sensors and Technologies
energy harveStIng - much ado about (almoSt) nothIng?
Self-Powered Integrated SenSorS and technologIeS
for health and envIronmental monItorIng
Professor norbert Schwesinger
Professor mehmet c. ozturk Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Electrical & Computer Engineering München, Germany
NC State University
Raleigh, NC USA
abstract This paper provides a snapshot of the current state of energy harvesting.
Although not complete, it displays serious problems of energy harvesting
Advanced Self-powered Systems of Integrated sensors and Technologies
(ASSIST) is a nano-systems engineering research center sponsored by based on selected examples. However, there are also criteria called, allow
National Science Foundation (NSF). The vision of the Center is aimed at for a sensible use of energy harvesters. Energy Harvesting is currently a
pioneering a paradigm shift towards data driven health management and non-controversial area in engineering. The funding policy in most Western
enable revolutionary advances in the quality of global health care. To industrialized countries faces projects of energy harvesting very benevo-
achieve this vision, the Center is using nanotechnology to realize lent. On the other hand, it is hard to ind results, looking to applications
self-powered, wearable, wireless, multi-modal sensing to monitor health and EHs (Energy Harvester) as products. Only a few companies operate in
and environment over long periods of time with maximum comfort. To this ield. Their products show a comparable low output of electrical
create hassle-free systems, ASSIST platforms rely entirely on energy energy. However, the question arises whether this view on energy
harvested from the human body in the form of heat (thermoelectric) or harvesting is still preserved as long as such a contradiction exists.
motion (piezoelectric). The harvested energy is used to run a multitude of Therefore, it is necessary to analyze what energy harvesting can aford at
sensors to achieve a comprehensive assessment and correlation of all. Energy harvesting is trying to turn waste energy from artiicial
human health and environment. ASSIST harvesters employ nano-technol- processes or free environmental energy into electrical energy. In order to
ogy to achieve best-in-class performances and they emphasize lexibility use energy loss of each kind electrical, corresponding energy transducers
and small form-factor for comfort. While multi-modal harvesting is aimed are required. While free environmental energy is largely inexhaustible,
at realizing uninterrupted energy harvesting, the ASSIST platforms also available energy sources of technical processes are exhaustible. In
employ state-of-the-art nano-enabled supercapacitors to store the industrial processes, losses are inevitable, but engineers are constantly
unused energy to further increase the available power and system striving to reduce them. Processes with high eiciency show low losses
functionality. In parallel, research is carried out to develop novel and are therefore not suitable for energy harvesting. Processes with corre-
low-power sensors and circuits to signiicantly cut down the power spondingly high losses are suitable in principle for energy harvesting.
consumption. This talk will provide an overview of the energy harvesting, However, energy harvesting targets to a circumstance opposite to the
storage and sensing modalities used in ASSIST wearables. trend of technical developments. EH occupies in industrial processes 17
obviously a niche that permanently decreases development. Loss of