Page 21 - ASME SMASIS 2015 Program
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This ASMS award was established in memory of Professor Garcia’s There are two best-paper awards established by the ASME Adaptive
extraordinary contributions in scholarship, education, and service to the Structures and Materials Systems Technical Committee (ASMS TC):
ield of smart materials and adaptive structures. 1) Structural Dynamics and Control Best Paper Award and 2) Materials and
Systems Best Paper Award. Papers published in journal publications
2015 Ephrahim Garcia Best Paper Award relevant to smart materials and structures and conference proceedings
sponsored by the ASMS committee are eligible for the best-paper
S. Daynes, R.S. Trask and P.M. Weaver, “Bio-Inspired Structural Bistability competition. Nominated papers are sent out for review. The winners of
Employing Elastomeric Origami for Morphing Applications,’’ Smart this year’s awards are listed below.
Materials and Structures, 23, 125011, 2014
2015 Best Paper in Structural Dynamics and Control

Y. Tummala, A. Wissa, M. Frecker, and J. E. Hubbard, “Design and
Stephen Daynes Optimization of a Contact-Aided Compliant Mechanism for Passive
RMIT University
Bending,” ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 6(3), 2014.

Yashwanth Tummala
Richard S. Trask The Pennsylvania State University
University of Bristol

Aimy Wissa
Paul M. Weaver University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
University of Bristol

Abstract Mary Frecker
The Pennsylvania State University
A structural concept based upon the principles of adaptive morphing cells
is presented whereby controlled bistability from a lat coniguration into a
textured arrangement is shown. The material consists of multiple cells
made from silicone rubber with locally reinforced regions based upon
kirigami principles. On pneumatic actuation these cells fold or unfold James Hubbard
based on the fold lines created by the interaction of the geometry with the University of Maryland
reinforced regions. Each cell is able to maintain its shape in either a
retracted or deployed state, without the aid of mechanisms or sustained
actuation, due to the existence of structural bistability. Mathematical
quantiication of the surface texture is introduced, based on out-of-plane
deviations of a deployed structure compared to a reference plane. Abstract
Additionally, inite element (FE) analysis is employed to characterize the
geometry and stability of an individual cell during actuation and retraction. A contact-aided compliant mechanism (CCM) called a compliant spine (CS)
This investigation highlights the critical role that angular rotation, at the is presented in this paper. It is lexible when bending in one direction and
centre of each cell, plays on the deployment angle as it transitions through stif when bending in the opposite direction, giving it a nonlinear bending
the elastically deployed coniguration. The analysis of this novel concept stifness. The fundamental element of this mechanism is a compliant joint
is presented and a pneumatically actuated proof-of-concept demonstrator (CJ), which consists of a compliant hinge (CH) and contact surfaces. The
is fabricated. design of the compliant joint and the number of compliant joints in a
compliant spine determine its stifness. This paper presents the design
and optimization of such a compliant spine. A multi-objective optimization
problem with three objectives is formulated in order to perform the design
optimization of the compliant spine. The goal of the optimization is to 21
minimize the peak stress and mass while maximizing the delection,
subject to geometric and other constraints. Flapping wing unmanned air
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