Page 7 - ASME SMASIS 2015 Program
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after receiving a doctoral degree about the research on the smart material systems from basic understanding of the material properties to implement-
application to a lexible robot system, he is continuously working on the ing them in a number of applications. the process typically consists of the
application ields of various smart materials including electro-rheological following steps:
luid, magneto-rheological luid, piezoelectric materials and so on. As a
result, so far he has published more than 400 refereed international • experimental characterization
journal papers. many of his journal papers have been selected as • Model development for design, analysis and control
most-cited paper, most-downloaded paper and highlight paper (for
example, one of his papers has been selected as 2014 Highlight paper of • technology demonstrator development using modern rapid prototyping
sms). He wrote two books in the area of smart materials and their methods
applications; piezoelectric Actuators: Control Applications of Smart
materials (Isbn: 978-1-4398-1808-4), april 2010, taylor & francis Group • electronics development
crc press and magnetorheological fluid technology: applications in
vehicle systems (Isbn: 978-1-4398-5673-4), november 2012, taylor & With a particular focus on shape memory alloys and electroactive
francis Group crc press. He has also contributed as a chapter author of polymers, we will illustrate each of these steps needed to develop a
many edited books. smart, integrated mechatronic system. along the way, we will introduce
advanced experimentation concepts as well as a number of novel
He is now serving as a chief-editor of frontiers in materials – smart materi- applications, which span the range from early stage to industrial level.
als, and also serving as an associate editor for many international journals
including smart materials and structures, Journal of Intelligent material Speciically, shape memory alloys enable the development of bio-inspired,
systems and structures, advances in mechanical engineering, Internation- self-sensing gripping and manipulation systems as well as novel sol-
al Journal of mechanics and so forth. He has received several awards id-state cooling processes, while electroactive polymers show potential
regarding smart materials research ield including Best paper Award (part for highly energy-eicient valve and pump systems.
d –Journal of automobile engineering) from Institute of mechanical
engineers, uk., distinguished young engineers award from national
academy of korea engineers, and distinguished engineer award from Biography
korea academy of science and technology. recently, he is actively
serving for many international conferences; program committee member stefan seelecke received his phd and habilitation degree in engineering
at annual spIe smart structures conference, international advisory science with theses on shape memory alloys from technical university
committee member at biannual International conference on er suspen- berlin, Germany, in 1995 and 1999, respectively. In 2000, he joined the
sion and mr fluid and conference chairman at several international mechanical and aerospace engineering department at north carolina
conferences such as the 2nd International conference on mechatronics, state university in raleigh, nc, where he founded and directed the
robotics and automation , Zhuhai, china, 2014. He now serves as chief adaptive structures lab. since 2011, he has been the chair for Intelligent
vice president of korea society of noise and vibration engineers, fellow material systems with the department of mechatronics engineering at
members of the national academy of engineers of korea and korea Saarland university in Saarbrücken, Germany. he is also ailiated with the
academy of science and technology. materials science & engineering department at saarland university and
the center for mechatronics & automation technologies in saarbrücken.
seelecke is the recipient of an nsf career award for his work on
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Seelecke ferroelectrics modeling, served as editor-in-chief of the springer journal
Intelligent material systems lab continuum mechanics and thermodynamics from 2005-2010 and is
dept. of mechatronics engineering currently a board member of the Journal of Intelligent material systems
dept. material science & engineering and structures as well as smart materials and structures. after helping
saarland university, Germany establish the smasIs conference as organizer of the “active materials -
Smart material mechatronic SyStemS – From mechanics and behavior” symposium in from 2008-2010, he served the
FuNDAMENTAL SCIENCE TO APPLICATION conference as technical and General chair in 2011 and 2012, respectively,
Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015 and is currently a member of the executive committee. In Germany,
Colorado Ballroom 8:00am - 9:00am seelecke is the chair of the smart materials technical committee of the
German engineers association (vdI) and a member of the German shape
memory alloy network.
Keynote Abstract
smart materials are of particular interest in mechatronic systems because
they inherently combine two of the basic ingredients of such systems –
actuation and sensing. compared to conventional mechatronic systems
with separate components, this material multi-functionality can be
exploited for the design of more compact and lightweight systems. the 7
talk will highlight the development process for such intelligent material
after receiving a doctoral degree about the research on the smart material systems from basic understanding of the material properties to implement-
application to a lexible robot system, he is continuously working on the ing them in a number of applications. the process typically consists of the
application ields of various smart materials including electro-rheological following steps:
luid, magneto-rheological luid, piezoelectric materials and so on. As a
result, so far he has published more than 400 refereed international • experimental characterization
journal papers. many of his journal papers have been selected as • Model development for design, analysis and control
most-cited paper, most-downloaded paper and highlight paper (for
example, one of his papers has been selected as 2014 Highlight paper of • technology demonstrator development using modern rapid prototyping
sms). He wrote two books in the area of smart materials and their methods
applications; piezoelectric Actuators: Control Applications of Smart
materials (Isbn: 978-1-4398-1808-4), april 2010, taylor & francis Group • electronics development
crc press and magnetorheological fluid technology: applications in
vehicle systems (Isbn: 978-1-4398-5673-4), november 2012, taylor & With a particular focus on shape memory alloys and electroactive
francis Group crc press. He has also contributed as a chapter author of polymers, we will illustrate each of these steps needed to develop a
many edited books. smart, integrated mechatronic system. along the way, we will introduce
advanced experimentation concepts as well as a number of novel
He is now serving as a chief-editor of frontiers in materials – smart materi- applications, which span the range from early stage to industrial level.
als, and also serving as an associate editor for many international journals
including smart materials and structures, Journal of Intelligent material Speciically, shape memory alloys enable the development of bio-inspired,
systems and structures, advances in mechanical engineering, Internation- self-sensing gripping and manipulation systems as well as novel sol-
al Journal of mechanics and so forth. He has received several awards id-state cooling processes, while electroactive polymers show potential
regarding smart materials research ield including Best paper Award (part for highly energy-eicient valve and pump systems.
d –Journal of automobile engineering) from Institute of mechanical
engineers, uk., distinguished young engineers award from national
academy of korea engineers, and distinguished engineer award from Biography
korea academy of science and technology. recently, he is actively
serving for many international conferences; program committee member stefan seelecke received his phd and habilitation degree in engineering
at annual spIe smart structures conference, international advisory science with theses on shape memory alloys from technical university
committee member at biannual International conference on er suspen- berlin, Germany, in 1995 and 1999, respectively. In 2000, he joined the
sion and mr fluid and conference chairman at several international mechanical and aerospace engineering department at north carolina
conferences such as the 2nd International conference on mechatronics, state university in raleigh, nc, where he founded and directed the
robotics and automation , Zhuhai, china, 2014. He now serves as chief adaptive structures lab. since 2011, he has been the chair for Intelligent
vice president of korea society of noise and vibration engineers, fellow material systems with the department of mechatronics engineering at
members of the national academy of engineers of korea and korea Saarland university in Saarbrücken, Germany. he is also ailiated with the
academy of science and technology. materials science & engineering department at saarland university and
the center for mechatronics & automation technologies in saarbrücken.
seelecke is the recipient of an nsf career award for his work on
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Seelecke ferroelectrics modeling, served as editor-in-chief of the springer journal
Intelligent material systems lab continuum mechanics and thermodynamics from 2005-2010 and is
dept. of mechatronics engineering currently a board member of the Journal of Intelligent material systems
dept. material science & engineering and structures as well as smart materials and structures. after helping
saarland university, Germany establish the smasIs conference as organizer of the “active materials -
Smart material mechatronic SyStemS – From mechanics and behavior” symposium in from 2008-2010, he served the
FuNDAMENTAL SCIENCE TO APPLICATION conference as technical and General chair in 2011 and 2012, respectively,
Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015 and is currently a member of the executive committee. In Germany,
Colorado Ballroom 8:00am - 9:00am seelecke is the chair of the smart materials technical committee of the
German engineers association (vdI) and a member of the German shape
memory alloy network.
Keynote Abstract
smart materials are of particular interest in mechatronic systems because
they inherently combine two of the basic ingredients of such systems –
actuation and sensing. compared to conventional mechatronic systems
with separate components, this material multi-functionality can be
exploited for the design of more compact and lightweight systems. the 7
talk will highlight the development process for such intelligent material