Page 6 - ASME SMASIS 2015 Program
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Gregory W. Reich, PhD Professor Seung-Bok Choi, PhD
senior research engineer dean of Graduate school
afrl/rqvc Inha fellow professor
2210 eighth st. director of smart structures and systems laboratory
air force research laboratory dean of mechanical engineering school, college of
Wright-patterson air force base, ohio engineering
Inha university,
Monday, September 21st, 2015 MR FLuID TECHNOLOGy IN KOREA : MATERIALS AND
Colorado Ballroom 8:00am - 9:00am APPLICATIONS
Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015
Colorado Ballroom 8:00am - 9:00am
Keynote Abstract

the ancient art of origami has recently become a popular topic in Keynote Abstract
engineering. the use of origami concepts for engineering design has
been encouraged by potential improvements in areas such as manufactur- In this talk, current status of engineering technology developed or
ing through simpliication of fabrication and eicient use of material, in developing in Korea utilizing magnetorheological (Mr) luids is presented.
creation of unique 2d and 3d structures, and in reversible mechanisms. the technology related to Mr luids in Korea was initiated by professor
afrl is one of a number of institutions currently investigating how origami seung-bok choi in 1991. since then, several chemical companies was
can inluence engineering. our studies have focused on two main areas: trying to develop advanced Mr luids, while several mechanical-oriented
how to design structures and mechanisms using principles from origami, companies was trying to develop new application devices or systems mr
and what materials make good origami structures. We use topology luids. however, those tasks were not easy to successfully accomplish in
optimization as a systematic methodology for determining how to fold a korean industry environment featured by the development speed as a
system to yield the desired performance, and how that performance most signiicant factor. this environment made most of companies those
changes as the origami structure evolves and actuates. We investigate were interested in new and future-oriented engineering technology
liquid crystal elastomers and other polymers for their potential as active stopping this challenge. However, several small-sized companies have
folding members, and study how to create efective folds in these been continuously developing this technology and this efort is shining
materials. this talk will present progress in developing a methodology for with attractive business item suitable for big manufacturing companies.
design of engineered systems using origami concepts in the context of currently, a couple of small company in korea are producing high quality
active polymers and reconigurable origami structures. of Mr luid which has diferent rheological properties of Mr luids from
lord corporation. one company whose main items are automotive parts
and systems is developing a new type of vehicle damper using Mr luid.
the salient structure of this damper is featured by the combination of
Biography passive oil damper and commercial mr damper. currently, the korean
railway research Institute govern by korea government is developing a
dr. reich is currently a senior research engineer and research team special type of mr damper which can be applicable to high speed train to
leader at the air force research laboratory, aerospace systems director- reduce unwanted vibrations as well as to increase operation stability. one
ate. He received a bachelor’s degree from Georgia tech in 1992, a master’s of ship building heavy industries in korea is currently developing a new type
degree from mIt in 1994, and a phd from the university of colorado in of mount system which can control unwanted vibrations of ship engine
2000, all in aerospace engineering. He has been employed by afrl since subjected to dynamic motions in several directions such as vertical,
1992, working on projects related to the design and implementation of horizontal and yaw motions. In academic society, there are many research
adaptive structures in aircraft systems at a range of scales.
groups who are undertaking Mr luids engineering technology. one group
darpa morphing aircraft program and in-house research – 2002-2006, from polymer science area is developing so many diferent recipes to
topology optimization of morphing aircraft, afrl micro air vehicle develop high quality of Mr luids and one mechanical engineering group is
program - 2007-2012, team lead, design and demonstration of perching developing numerous new application devices using Mr luids.
vehicles, Chief engineer 2012, In-house research on reconigurable
systems and bio-inspired sensors (Artiicial hair Sensors) – 2010-present,
Great Horned owl design team lead – 2012-2014 :integration of acoustic Biography
performance into conceptual/preliminary design process, acting division
principal engineer – 2014-2015, low-cost attritable aircraft technologies professor seung-bok choi received the degree in mechanical
design team lead - 2015-present, design concepts and technology engineering from Inha university, south korea, 1979. He received the m.
sensitivities for low-cost attritable uavs. He is a member of asme, an sc. and the ph.d. degrees from the michigan state university, u.s.a in
associate fellow of aIaa, and former chair of the aIaa adaptive 1986 and 1990, respectively. currently, he is a dean of graduate school of
structures technical committee. Inha university, Incheon, south korea and he is a distinguished fellow
professor of Inha university.
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