Page 17 - ASME AM3D/IDETC/CIE 2015 Program
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20th Design for Manufacturing and the Life Kos Ishii-Toshiba and the best paper awards will be presented during
Cycle Conference (DFMLC) the DFMLC technical committee meeting. Two panel sessions will
focus on the Impacts of Additive Manufacturing on DFM, DFA, and
DFLC (Tuesday), and on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing in a
Product Life Cycle Perspective (Wednesday).
The Design for Manufacturing and the Life Cycle Committee in the
Design Engineering Division of the American Society of Mechanical We invite the IDETC community to attend the awards ceremony to
Engineers welcomes IDETC participants to the 20th Annual Design congratulate the award recipients and to participate in the technical
for Manufacturing and the Life Cycle (DFMLC) Conference. The committee meeting.
ASME Design for Manufacturing and the Life Cycle Conference is We welcome you to the 20th Design for Manufacturing and the Life
the main international forum for the exchange of technical and Cycle Conference!
scientific information on the theory and practice of Integrated
Product and Process Development, Sustainable Design and
Manufacturing, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), and Design Karl Haapala
for X (DFX) Methods. This conference provides a forum for
researchers, practitioners, and educators from academia, govern- Conference Chair
ment organizations, and industry to share their latest results and Oregon State University
challenges with the research community.
We are happy to report that this conference continues to feature
many new and exciting results and methods to be presented as part
of the conference technical sessions. This year’s DFMLC confer- Romain Farel
ence includes 59 technical papers in 14 sessions, as well as 2 panel
sessions, as follows: Program Chair
• Integrated Product and Process Development Paris-Saclay Energy Efficiency (PS2E) Institute

• Sustainable Design and Manufacturing (Two Sessions)
• Life Cycle Decision Making (Two Sessions)
• Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (Two Sessions) Qing Wang
• Design for Additive Manufacturing Program Co-Chair
• Design for Quality, Reliability, and Cost Durham University, Durham, United Kingdom

• Design for End of Life
• Design of Product-Service Systems (Joint Session with DAC)
• Design of Thermal and Energy Systems (Two Sessions)

• Sustainability of Industrial Systems (One Special Sessions and
Two Panel Sessions)
We would like to thank all the authors for submitting papers, the
paper reviewers for sharing their time and expertise, and the session
chairs/co-chairs for their participation. Special thanks go to DFMLC
Special Session Chair, Qing Wang, and the paper review coordina-
tors/co-coordinators for managing the papers through the review
process: Ryo Amano, Sara Behdad, Yong Chen, Jun-Ki Choi,
Marcos Esterman, Mey Goh, Ashwani Gupta, Yan Leroy, Dominique
Millet, Yayue Pan, Jeremy Rickli, Kazuhiro Saitou, Peter Sandborn,
Shun Takai, Derrick Tate, Deborah Thurston, Benjamin Tyl, Qing
Wang, Fu Zhao, and Marc Zolghadri. Your participation and hard
work have made DFMLC a successful conference!
On Tuesday morning, two DFMLC sessions will feature an
NSF-sponsored workshop on proposal writing for senior Ph.D.
students and early career researchers. On Tuesday afternoon, the

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