Page 14 - ASME AM3D/IDETC/CIE 2015 Program
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35th Computers and Information in Engineering • Modeling and Simulation of Humans in Engineering
Conference (CIE) Additionally, we have organized six panels of leading experts in their
respective fields to provide discussions and forums for current topics
of relevance:
The Computers and Information in Engineering Division of ASME welcomes • VES Panel: I, Me, Mine Interfaces & VES
all IDETC/CIE Conference participants to the 35th Annual Computers and • AMS Panel: Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation
Information in Engineering Conference (CIE). This conference is a premier • CAPPD Panel: Divergent Engineering
venue for the international exchange of technical, scientific, and application
knowledge related to the theory and practice of computing to support • SEIKM Panel: Research Trends and Gaps in Systems Engineering
engineering activities. As such, this broad conference is organized around and Knowledge Management
the four Technical Committees of the CIE Division: • CIE Panel: Internet of Things
Advanced Modeling and Simulation (AMS) • CIE Panel: Engineering and Design of Complex Systems
Mahesh Mani, Chair We would like to thank all the authors for submitting papers to share
Seung Ki Moon, Vice Chair their work. We would like to thank the reviewers for providing valuable
Computer Aided Product and Process Design (CAPPD) feedback to help improve the reporting and the quality of the
Caterina Rizzi, Chair conference and the session chairs and co-chairs that worked on
coordinating all of the paper reviews. It is impressive to note that well
Rahul Rai, Vice Chair
over 400 reviews were submitted this year.
Systems Engineering and Information Knowledge Management On Tuesday afternoon, we will hold our annual awards luncheon at
(SEIKM) which we will present the conference best paper awards and the
Farhad Ameri, Chair
Division research, leadership, service, lifetime achievement, and best
Christopher Hoyle, Vice Chair dissertation awards. The graduate student posters will also be on
Virtual Environments and Systems (VES) display throughout the conference, so please feel free to stop by and
Rafael Radkowski Chair talk with our future colleagues.
Francesco Ferrise, Vice Chair As always, all participants are encouraged to join the technical
committee and the Division meetings. Our community will continue to
This conference provides a forum for researchers, practitioners, grow and flourish with your active participation as we work to define
educators, and students from industry, academe, and government our future vision this coming year.
research labs to share their latest findings and challenges with the
broader research community. Seek to exchange ideas, share results, We welcome you to the 35th Computers and Information in Engineer -
foster collaborations, and build a sustainable research community. ing Conference.
The conference organizing team is pleased to report that there are 130
accepted papers from the 234 submitted abstracts and 167 submitted Krishnan Suresh
full papers. The papers have been organized into several topical
sessions: Conference Chair
• Advanced Modeling and Simulation (3 sessions) University of Wisconsin, Madison
• Computer-Aided Product and Process Development (4 sessions)
• Virtual Environments and Systems (5 sessions)
• Systems Engineering, Information and Knowledge Management
• Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering
• High Performance Computing Monica Bordegoni
• Computational Multiphysics Program Chair
• Uncertainty Quantification
• Additive Manufacturing (2 sessions) Politecnico di Milano, Italy
• Multimodal Interfaces for Engineering Design
• Digital Human Modeling for Engineering Applications (2 sessions)
• Emotional Engineering (2 sessions)
• Modeling Tools and Metrics for Sustainable Manufacturing
• Design Informatics
• Product Lifecycle Management
• Knowledge Capture, Reuse, and Management
• Systems Engineering
• Simulation in Manufacturing
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