Page 15 - ASME AM3D/IDETC/CIE 2015 Program
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41th Design Automation Conference (DAC) of Cutting Conditions in Vibration Assisted Drilling Operations via
Multi-Objective Efficient Global Optimization” (DAC 1)
• DETC2015-47541, Hyunmin Cheong, Wei Li, Adrian Cheung,
Welcome to the 41st ASME Design Automation Conference Andy Nogueira, and Francesco Iorio, “Automatic Extraction of
(DAC)! In addition to our technical sessions, we will be hosting a Function Knowledge from Text” (DAC 10)
keynote symposium under the theme “Engineering for Global
Development.” Co-sponsored by DAC, EGD, and DEC, the Authors from our community will present these and many other
symposium will feature internationally recognized keynote speak- excellent papers throughout the conference. We encourage you to
ers and a series of lightning talks focusing on the engineering support your colleagues by attending the presentations and joining
design challenges associated with global development. We will in the discourse. Organizing the conference requires the assistance
also be presenting the Design Automation Award and the Ford of a number of individuals. We are particularly grateful to the session
Best Paper Award at the symposium. Also, please join us for our organizers and paper review coordinators:
41st DAC committee meeting on Tuesday evening. James Allison, Mohamed Aly, Amy Bilton, Mark Bryden, Matt
The technical program spans the breadth and depth of design Campbell, Wei Chen, Hae-jin Choi, Seung-Kyum Choi, Souma
automation research. After a rigorous peer review process, 116 Chowdhury, Charlotte de Vries, Guang Dong, Xiaoping Du, Bryony
papers in 18 active research areas were accepted to the confer- DuPont, Ehsan Esfahani, Georges Fadel, Scott Ferguson, James
ence. From the 116 accepted papers, ten were identified as “Papers Guest, Karim Hamza, Chris Hoyle, Horea Ilies, Roger Jiao, Nathan
of Distinction” and nominated for the “Best Paper Award,” Johnson, Ritesh Khire, Harrison Kim, Ikjin Lee, Kemper Lewis, Mian
sponsored by the Ford Motor Company. The 10 papers of distinc- Li, Po Ting Lin, Christopher Mattson, Seung Ki Moon, Beshoy
tion are listed below (ordered by paper number and including the Morkos, Zissimos Mourelatos, Ashraf Nassef, Saigopal Nelaturi,
assigned session): Julian Norato, Andrew Olewnik, Jitesh Panchal, Matt Parkinson, Yi
Ren, David Romero, Jurg Schiffmann, Carolyn Seepersad,
• DETC2015-46255, Mikkel Abrahamsen, “Spiral Toolpaths for Mohammed Shalaby, Tim Simpson, Andres Tovar, Conrad Tucker,
High-Speed Machining of 2D Pockets with or without Islands” Gary Wang, Pingfeng Wang, Zhichao Wang, Zhimin Xi, and Jie
(DAC 11) Zhang.
• DETC2015-46547, GwangKi Min, Eun Suk Suh, and Katja On behalf of the entire DAC community, we welcome you to Boston
Hölttä-Otto, “Impact of Technology Infusion on System Complexi- and another enjoyable and thought-provoking Design Automation
ty and Modularity” (DAC 3-2) Conference.
• DETC2015-46760, David Rosen, “A Set-Based Design Method Thank you,
for Material-Geometry Structures by Design Space Mapping”
(DAC 9-1)
• DETC2015-46806, Nordica MacCarty and Kenneth “Mark” Carolyn Conner Seepersad
Bryden, “Modeling Technology and Policy Strategies for Energy Conference Chair
Services in Rural Developing Communities” (DAC 7-1)
The University of Texas at Austin
• DETC2015-46836, Yi “Max” Ren, Alparslan Bayrak, and Panos
Papalambros, “EcoRacer: Game-based Optimal Electric Vehicle
Design and Driver Control Using Human Players” (DAC 10)
• DETC2015-46909, Simon Miller, Timothy Simpson, and Michael Michael Kokkolaras
Yukish, “Design as a Sequential Decision Process: A Method for
Reducing Design Set Space Using Models to Bound Objectives” Program Chair
(DAC 3-1) McGill University
• DETC2015-46935, Zhimin Xi, Rong Jing, and Cheol Lee,
“Diagnostics, Prognostics, and Uncertainty Management of
Lithium-ion Batteries” (DAC 6-1)
• DETC2015-47302, Zhen Jiang, Shishi Chen, D. Apley, and Wei
Chen, “Resource Allocation for Reduction of Epistemic Uncertain-
ty in Simulation-Based Multidisciplinary Design” (DAC 13-2)
• DETC2015-47532, Ahmed Sadek, Mohamed Aly, Karim Hamza,
Mouhab Meshreki, Ashraf Nassef, and Helmi Attia, “Optimization
41th Design Automation Conference (DAC) of Cutting Conditions in Vibration Assisted Drilling Operations via
Multi-Objective Efficient Global Optimization” (DAC 1)
• DETC2015-47541, Hyunmin Cheong, Wei Li, Adrian Cheung,
Welcome to the 41st ASME Design Automation Conference Andy Nogueira, and Francesco Iorio, “Automatic Extraction of
(DAC)! In addition to our technical sessions, we will be hosting a Function Knowledge from Text” (DAC 10)
keynote symposium under the theme “Engineering for Global
Development.” Co-sponsored by DAC, EGD, and DEC, the Authors from our community will present these and many other
symposium will feature internationally recognized keynote speak- excellent papers throughout the conference. We encourage you to
ers and a series of lightning talks focusing on the engineering support your colleagues by attending the presentations and joining
design challenges associated with global development. We will in the discourse. Organizing the conference requires the assistance
also be presenting the Design Automation Award and the Ford of a number of individuals. We are particularly grateful to the session
Best Paper Award at the symposium. Also, please join us for our organizers and paper review coordinators:
41st DAC committee meeting on Tuesday evening. James Allison, Mohamed Aly, Amy Bilton, Mark Bryden, Matt
The technical program spans the breadth and depth of design Campbell, Wei Chen, Hae-jin Choi, Seung-Kyum Choi, Souma
automation research. After a rigorous peer review process, 116 Chowdhury, Charlotte de Vries, Guang Dong, Xiaoping Du, Bryony
papers in 18 active research areas were accepted to the confer- DuPont, Ehsan Esfahani, Georges Fadel, Scott Ferguson, James
ence. From the 116 accepted papers, ten were identified as “Papers Guest, Karim Hamza, Chris Hoyle, Horea Ilies, Roger Jiao, Nathan
of Distinction” and nominated for the “Best Paper Award,” Johnson, Ritesh Khire, Harrison Kim, Ikjin Lee, Kemper Lewis, Mian
sponsored by the Ford Motor Company. The 10 papers of distinc- Li, Po Ting Lin, Christopher Mattson, Seung Ki Moon, Beshoy
tion are listed below (ordered by paper number and including the Morkos, Zissimos Mourelatos, Ashraf Nassef, Saigopal Nelaturi,
assigned session): Julian Norato, Andrew Olewnik, Jitesh Panchal, Matt Parkinson, Yi
Ren, David Romero, Jurg Schiffmann, Carolyn Seepersad,
• DETC2015-46255, Mikkel Abrahamsen, “Spiral Toolpaths for Mohammed Shalaby, Tim Simpson, Andres Tovar, Conrad Tucker,
High-Speed Machining of 2D Pockets with or without Islands” Gary Wang, Pingfeng Wang, Zhichao Wang, Zhimin Xi, and Jie
(DAC 11) Zhang.
• DETC2015-46547, GwangKi Min, Eun Suk Suh, and Katja On behalf of the entire DAC community, we welcome you to Boston
Hölttä-Otto, “Impact of Technology Infusion on System Complexi- and another enjoyable and thought-provoking Design Automation
ty and Modularity” (DAC 3-2) Conference.
• DETC2015-46760, David Rosen, “A Set-Based Design Method Thank you,
for Material-Geometry Structures by Design Space Mapping”
(DAC 9-1)
• DETC2015-46806, Nordica MacCarty and Kenneth “Mark” Carolyn Conner Seepersad
Bryden, “Modeling Technology and Policy Strategies for Energy Conference Chair
Services in Rural Developing Communities” (DAC 7-1)
The University of Texas at Austin
• DETC2015-46836, Yi “Max” Ren, Alparslan Bayrak, and Panos
Papalambros, “EcoRacer: Game-based Optimal Electric Vehicle
Design and Driver Control Using Human Players” (DAC 10)
• DETC2015-46909, Simon Miller, Timothy Simpson, and Michael Michael Kokkolaras
Yukish, “Design as a Sequential Decision Process: A Method for
Reducing Design Set Space Using Models to Bound Objectives” Program Chair
(DAC 3-1) McGill University
• DETC2015-46935, Zhimin Xi, Rong Jing, and Cheol Lee,
“Diagnostics, Prognostics, and Uncertainty Management of
Lithium-ion Batteries” (DAC 6-1)
• DETC2015-47302, Zhen Jiang, Shishi Chen, D. Apley, and Wei
Chen, “Resource Allocation for Reduction of Epistemic Uncertain-
ty in Simulation-Based Multidisciplinary Design” (DAC 13-2)
• DETC2015-47532, Ahmed Sadek, Mohamed Aly, Karim Hamza,
Mouhab Meshreki, Ashraf Nassef, and Helmi Attia, “Optimization