Page 50 - ASME AM3D/IDETC/CIE 2015 Program
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Lei Zuo founded the Energy Harvesting and Mechatronics Re- software that are widely used in industry such as iSIGHT® and
search Lab and is the associate director of NSF I/UCRC Center for Hyperworks®. Professor Chen’s research contributions have
Energy Harvesting Materials and Systems (CEHMS) at Virginia garnered three best paper awards from the ASME Design Automa-
Tech. Since September 2008 he has secured over $5.6M in tion Conference (1998, 2012, and 2014), the National Science
research grants (his portion is $4.8M) from state and federal federal Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Award, the Intelligent
agencies such as: NSF, DOE, ONR, DOT, EPA, NYSERDA and Optimal Design Prize, the SAE Ralph R. Teetor Educator Award, Pi
SUNY/RF. He has authored/co-authored over 100 papers in Tau Sigma Gold Medal achievement award, and Sigma Xi Doctoral
journals and conferences, and holds several patents. He has helped Dissertation Award.
start two companies including Energy Harvesting Technology LLC.
Professor Chen has played a leadership role in various technical
Lei Zuo has made significant contributions in energy harvesting and communities. She has served on the ASME Design Engineering
received a number of awards, including the 2014 SAE Ralph R. Division (DED) Executive Committee (2009-2015). She was an
Teetor Educational Award, 2014 ASME Best Paper Award in elected member of the Design Automation Executive Committee
Structures and Structural Dynamics, 2014 EPA P3 Award, and a (2002 to 2007) and served on the AIAA Multidisciplinary Design
2011 R&D 100 award for “one of the one hundred best new technical Optimization Technical Committee (1999– 2004). She was also an
products of the year”. He has received four awards from the Energy elected Advisory Board member of the Design Society (2007-
Harvesting and Storage USA annual conferences and his work on 2013). She has served twice as an Associate Editor of the ASME
energy design has been highlighted in ASME Mechanical Engineer- Journal of Mechanical Design (2003-2006; 2010-2013) and was
ing Magazine, MIT Technology Review, New York Times, Discovery the Associate Editor of the Engineering Optimization (2007-2009).
News, PhysOrg, and Newsday. She is currently a Review Editor of Structural and Multidisciplinary
Optimization, an Associate Editor of the SIAM/ASA Journal on
Uncertainty Quantification (JUQ), an Editorial Board Member of the
DESIGN AUTOMATION AWARD International Journal on Design Science, and the Department Editor
for the IIE Transactions.
Design Engineering Division
Wei Chen
Design Engineering Division
Northwestern University
Kazuhiro Saitou
Biography: Professor Wei Chen holds the Wilson-Cook Chair in
Engineering Design at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, University of Michigan
USA. She is being recognized as the 2015 Design Automation
Awardee for her seminal contributions to the field of Design
Automation that have advanced both theoretical development and Biography: Kazuhiro Saitou is a professor of Mechanical Engineer-
practical applications of simulation-based design under uncertainty. ing at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He has received B. Eng
She has made extensive contributions furthering the scholarship from the University of Tokyo, and MS and PhD from Massachusetts
and use of robust design methods in engineering design. In Institute of Technology (MIT), all in Mechanical Engineering. His
addition, her research team (Integrated DEsign Automation research interest includes algorithmic synthesis of products and
Laboratory-IDEAL, has systems with application areas ranging from automotive and
developed new algorithmic approaches that reduce the computa- manufacturing to energy and biomedical. He has published over 180
tional complexity of simulation-based design in practical problems journal and conference papers on these topics. He has served as an
that are characterized by expensive simulations and high dimension- Associate Editor for the ASME Journal of Computing and Informa-
ality. Her technical leadership in advancing interdisciplinary research tion Science in Engineering and the IEEE Transactions of Automa-
has been influential in establishing new research areas in design tion Science and Engineering, and is currently serving as Associate
automation, such as model validation and uncertainty quantification, Editor for the ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, and Edi-
enterprise-driven decision-based design (DBD), and design of tor-in-Chief for the Conference Editorial Board of the IEEE Confer-
engineered materials systems. ence on Automation Science and Engineering. He was the Chair of
Design Automation Technical Committee and of the Design for
Professor Chen has published 2 books, more than 200 referred Manufacturing and the Life Cycle Technical Committee in the ASME
publications including120 journal papers, 6 book chapters, and 75 Design Engineering Division. His awards include Outstanding
refereed conference proceedings. The high citation of her publica- Achievement Award from the System Engineering Division of Japan
tions is a strong indicator of the recognition she has received from Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Outstanding Achievement
scholars in the design automation community. Her methods for Award from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the
design under uncertainty have been integrated into commercial
University of Michigan, the CAREER Award from the National
Lei Zuo founded the Energy Harvesting and Mechatronics Re- software that are widely used in industry such as iSIGHT® and
search Lab and is the associate director of NSF I/UCRC Center for Hyperworks®. Professor Chen’s research contributions have
Energy Harvesting Materials and Systems (CEHMS) at Virginia garnered three best paper awards from the ASME Design Automa-
Tech. Since September 2008 he has secured over $5.6M in tion Conference (1998, 2012, and 2014), the National Science
research grants (his portion is $4.8M) from state and federal federal Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Award, the Intelligent
agencies such as: NSF, DOE, ONR, DOT, EPA, NYSERDA and Optimal Design Prize, the SAE Ralph R. Teetor Educator Award, Pi
SUNY/RF. He has authored/co-authored over 100 papers in Tau Sigma Gold Medal achievement award, and Sigma Xi Doctoral
journals and conferences, and holds several patents. He has helped Dissertation Award.
start two companies including Energy Harvesting Technology LLC.
Professor Chen has played a leadership role in various technical
Lei Zuo has made significant contributions in energy harvesting and communities. She has served on the ASME Design Engineering
received a number of awards, including the 2014 SAE Ralph R. Division (DED) Executive Committee (2009-2015). She was an
Teetor Educational Award, 2014 ASME Best Paper Award in elected member of the Design Automation Executive Committee
Structures and Structural Dynamics, 2014 EPA P3 Award, and a (2002 to 2007) and served on the AIAA Multidisciplinary Design
2011 R&D 100 award for “one of the one hundred best new technical Optimization Technical Committee (1999– 2004). She was also an
products of the year”. He has received four awards from the Energy elected Advisory Board member of the Design Society (2007-
Harvesting and Storage USA annual conferences and his work on 2013). She has served twice as an Associate Editor of the ASME
energy design has been highlighted in ASME Mechanical Engineer- Journal of Mechanical Design (2003-2006; 2010-2013) and was
ing Magazine, MIT Technology Review, New York Times, Discovery the Associate Editor of the Engineering Optimization (2007-2009).
News, PhysOrg, and Newsday. She is currently a Review Editor of Structural and Multidisciplinary
Optimization, an Associate Editor of the SIAM/ASA Journal on
Uncertainty Quantification (JUQ), an Editorial Board Member of the
DESIGN AUTOMATION AWARD International Journal on Design Science, and the Department Editor
for the IIE Transactions.
Design Engineering Division
Wei Chen
Design Engineering Division
Northwestern University
Kazuhiro Saitou
Biography: Professor Wei Chen holds the Wilson-Cook Chair in
Engineering Design at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, University of Michigan
USA. She is being recognized as the 2015 Design Automation
Awardee for her seminal contributions to the field of Design
Automation that have advanced both theoretical development and Biography: Kazuhiro Saitou is a professor of Mechanical Engineer-
practical applications of simulation-based design under uncertainty. ing at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He has received B. Eng
She has made extensive contributions furthering the scholarship from the University of Tokyo, and MS and PhD from Massachusetts
and use of robust design methods in engineering design. In Institute of Technology (MIT), all in Mechanical Engineering. His
addition, her research team (Integrated DEsign Automation research interest includes algorithmic synthesis of products and
Laboratory-IDEAL, has systems with application areas ranging from automotive and
developed new algorithmic approaches that reduce the computa- manufacturing to energy and biomedical. He has published over 180
tional complexity of simulation-based design in practical problems journal and conference papers on these topics. He has served as an
that are characterized by expensive simulations and high dimension- Associate Editor for the ASME Journal of Computing and Informa-
ality. Her technical leadership in advancing interdisciplinary research tion Science in Engineering and the IEEE Transactions of Automa-
has been influential in establishing new research areas in design tion Science and Engineering, and is currently serving as Associate
automation, such as model validation and uncertainty quantification, Editor for the ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, and Edi-
enterprise-driven decision-based design (DBD), and design of tor-in-Chief for the Conference Editorial Board of the IEEE Confer-
engineered materials systems. ence on Automation Science and Engineering. He was the Chair of
Design Automation Technical Committee and of the Design for
Professor Chen has published 2 books, more than 200 referred Manufacturing and the Life Cycle Technical Committee in the ASME
publications including120 journal papers, 6 book chapters, and 75 Design Engineering Division. His awards include Outstanding
refereed conference proceedings. The high citation of her publica- Achievement Award from the System Engineering Division of Japan
tions is a strong indicator of the recognition she has received from Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Outstanding Achievement
scholars in the design automation community. Her methods for Award from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the
design under uncertainty have been integrated into commercial
University of Michigan, the CAREER Award from the National