Page 49 - ASME AM3D/IDETC/CIE 2015 Program
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DED ROBERT E. ABBOTT AWARD tation design. He is recognized for research contributions in five
(Lifetime Service Award) major areas: 1) the mechanics of single molecule DNA and DNA-pro-
tein interactions, 2) wireless inertial measurement units (IMUs) for
Design Engineering Division human health and sports training, and the structural dynamics of 3)
underwater cables, 4) axially moving materials, and 5) vehicle
systems. He has served as the Technical Editor of the ASME Journal
of Vibration and Acoustics and presently serves on the editorial
William W. (Buddy) Clark
boards of Sports Engineering, International Journal of Nonlinear
University of Pittsburgh Dynamics and Control, and the Journal of Vibroengineering. He has
previously served in other editorial positions on numerous ASME
and international journals.
Biography: Professor Clark earned his BSME (1986), MSME (1988),
and Ph.D. (1991) from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Professor Perkins, an ASME Fellow, has received numerous awards
University. He joined the University of Pittsburgh as an Assistant for his research and teaching contributions including the ASME N. O.
Professor in 1992. He was promoted to Associated Professor in Myklestad Award, the Academic Challenge Award from Technical
1998 and Professor in 2005. He has served as the Graduate University of Munich, and the International Sports Product Organiza-
Coordinator for the Mechanical Engineering Department from tion Award. He twice received The GM Outstanding Distance
1997-2001 and as Acting Department Chair in 1999. Learning Faculty Award and is a past recipient of the SAE’s Ralph R.
Teetor Educational Award and the US Office of Naval Research
Professor Clark has served the ASME Design Engineering Division Young Investigator Award.
with distinction for many years. He has been an active member of the
Vibration, Noise, Sound and Acoustics community since 1994, Professor Perkins has been highly successful in translating his
serving as a Technical Session chair at IMECE and the Biennial university-based research achievements to the private sector. In
Conference on Vibration and Noise. He has been an Associated addition to serving as a technical advisor for the nine companies who
Editor of the ASME journal of Vibration and Acoustics. He was have licensed his invention, he serves as a co-founder of Cast
elected to the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound in 1996 Analysis LLC, which manufactures and sells the world’s only fly
and has served as Secretary, Vice Chair and Chair of the Committee. casting analyzer. He has extensive consulting experience and is
He was also elected to the Executive Committee of the Design frequently interviewed for articles and videos that feature his
Engineering Division, serving in various roles including Executive inventions.
Committee Chair.
Design Engineering Division Design Engineering Division
Noel Perkins Lei Zuo
University of Michigan Virginia Tech
Biography: Professor Noel C. Perkins received his BS, MS and PhD Biography: Lei Zuo completed his PhD in mechanical engineering
degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, and two MS degrees in both mechanical and electrical engineering
Berkeley in 1982, 1984 and 1986, respectively. He completed from MIT in 2005 and 2002. He also held a B.S. degree in automo-
postdoctoral studies at the Sound and Vibration Institute at the tive engineering from Tsinghua University. After working in industry
University of Southampton in England prior to his return to the US in for four years, Lei Zuo joined as faculty in the State University of New
1987 when he started his academic career in the Mechanical York at Stony Brook in 2008 and moved toVirginia Tech as an
Engineering Department at the University of Michigan. He was Associate Professor with tenure in 2014. He serves as an associated
promoted to the rank of Professor in 1999, named an Arthur F. editor of ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics and an technical
Thurnau Professor by the University of Michigan in 2001, and named editor of IEEE-ASME Transaction on Mechatronics. He also serves
the Donald T. Greenwood Collegiate Professor of Engineering in as a member of numerous ASME technical committees including:
2009. the Design Engineering Division (DED) Vehicle Design TC, ASME
DED TC of Vibration and Sound, and the ASME DED TC of
Professor Perkins’ research expertise spans vibration, nonlinear and Mechatronics and Embedded Systems and Applications.
computational dynamics, biomechanics, and sensor and instrumen-
DED ROBERT E. ABBOTT AWARD tation design. He is recognized for research contributions in five
(Lifetime Service Award) major areas: 1) the mechanics of single molecule DNA and DNA-pro-
tein interactions, 2) wireless inertial measurement units (IMUs) for
Design Engineering Division human health and sports training, and the structural dynamics of 3)
underwater cables, 4) axially moving materials, and 5) vehicle
systems. He has served as the Technical Editor of the ASME Journal
of Vibration and Acoustics and presently serves on the editorial
William W. (Buddy) Clark
boards of Sports Engineering, International Journal of Nonlinear
University of Pittsburgh Dynamics and Control, and the Journal of Vibroengineering. He has
previously served in other editorial positions on numerous ASME
and international journals.
Biography: Professor Clark earned his BSME (1986), MSME (1988),
and Ph.D. (1991) from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Professor Perkins, an ASME Fellow, has received numerous awards
University. He joined the University of Pittsburgh as an Assistant for his research and teaching contributions including the ASME N. O.
Professor in 1992. He was promoted to Associated Professor in Myklestad Award, the Academic Challenge Award from Technical
1998 and Professor in 2005. He has served as the Graduate University of Munich, and the International Sports Product Organiza-
Coordinator for the Mechanical Engineering Department from tion Award. He twice received The GM Outstanding Distance
1997-2001 and as Acting Department Chair in 1999. Learning Faculty Award and is a past recipient of the SAE’s Ralph R.
Teetor Educational Award and the US Office of Naval Research
Professor Clark has served the ASME Design Engineering Division Young Investigator Award.
with distinction for many years. He has been an active member of the
Vibration, Noise, Sound and Acoustics community since 1994, Professor Perkins has been highly successful in translating his
serving as a Technical Session chair at IMECE and the Biennial university-based research achievements to the private sector. In
Conference on Vibration and Noise. He has been an Associated addition to serving as a technical advisor for the nine companies who
Editor of the ASME journal of Vibration and Acoustics. He was have licensed his invention, he serves as a co-founder of Cast
elected to the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound in 1996 Analysis LLC, which manufactures and sells the world’s only fly
and has served as Secretary, Vice Chair and Chair of the Committee. casting analyzer. He has extensive consulting experience and is
He was also elected to the Executive Committee of the Design frequently interviewed for articles and videos that feature his
Engineering Division, serving in various roles including Executive inventions.
Committee Chair.
Design Engineering Division Design Engineering Division
Noel Perkins Lei Zuo
University of Michigan Virginia Tech
Biography: Professor Noel C. Perkins received his BS, MS and PhD Biography: Lei Zuo completed his PhD in mechanical engineering
degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, and two MS degrees in both mechanical and electrical engineering
Berkeley in 1982, 1984 and 1986, respectively. He completed from MIT in 2005 and 2002. He also held a B.S. degree in automo-
postdoctoral studies at the Sound and Vibration Institute at the tive engineering from Tsinghua University. After working in industry
University of Southampton in England prior to his return to the US in for four years, Lei Zuo joined as faculty in the State University of New
1987 when he started his academic career in the Mechanical York at Stony Brook in 2008 and moved toVirginia Tech as an
Engineering Department at the University of Michigan. He was Associate Professor with tenure in 2014. He serves as an associated
promoted to the rank of Professor in 1999, named an Arthur F. editor of ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics and an technical
Thurnau Professor by the University of Michigan in 2001, and named editor of IEEE-ASME Transaction on Mechatronics. He also serves
the Donald T. Greenwood Collegiate Professor of Engineering in as a member of numerous ASME technical committees including:
2009. the Design Engineering Division (DED) Vehicle Design TC, ASME
DED TC of Vibration and Sound, and the ASME DED TC of
Professor Perkins’ research expertise spans vibration, nonlinear and Mechatronics and Embedded Systems and Applications.
computational dynamics, biomechanics, and sensor and instrumen-