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Science Foundation and several best paper awards and best paper MECHANISMS AND ROBOTICS AWARD
finalist awards from international conferences. He and his students
recently won the Innovative Design Component Award for ARPA-E Design Engineering Division
LITECAR Challenge. He is a Fellow of ASME and a senior member
of IEEE.
Jian Sheng Dai
King’s College London
Design Engineering Division Biography: Jian Sheng Dai is a world leader and founder in
developing a field of research and practice in reconfigurable
mechanisms. He coined and advocated the idea of reconfigurable
mechanisms as a promising concept to bridge the gap between
Clive Dym
versatile but expensive robots, and efficient but non-flexible
Harvey Mudd College machines.
As a pioneer in many aspects of research in mechanisms and
robotics, Prof. Dai carried out research on reconfigurable and
Biography: Prof. Clive Dym has been a naturalized US citizen since
1954. He received his bachelor degree in civil engineering from The dexterous packaging since 1996, initiated origami mechanisms with
Cooper Union in June 1962, his Master of Science degree in applied the equivalent-mechanism principle since 1996, proposed meta-
mechanics from Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn in June 1964, and morphic mechanisms in 1998, created ankle rehabilitation mecha-
his Ph.D. degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics from Stanford nisms based on the lower-mobility parallel-mechanism principle in
University in January 1967. Most recently, C. L. Dym was the 1998, invented the metamorphic multi-fingered hands in 2004, and
Fletcher Jones Professor of Engineering Design (1991–2012) and delivered metamorphic parallel mechanisms with novel rT and vA
Director of the Center for Design Education (1995–2012) at Harvey reconfigurable joints since 2009, making many impressive contribu-
Mudd College. Dr. Dym has held appointments at the University at tions to the field of mechanism theory and mechanical design.
Buffalo; the Institute for Defense Analyses; Carnegie Mellon In his 25 years of study of screw theory, Prof. Dai established himself
University; Bolt, Beranek and Newman; and the University of as an international leading figure in the field of theoretical kinematics
Massachusetts at Amherst. He was the department head at UMass particularly in screw theory from his work on finite twists in early
(1977–85) and chair of his department at Harvey Mudd (1999– 1990s to the continuing publications on screw systems and screw
2002). He has authored or coauthored 96 refereed journal articles, algebra in the last twenty years, creating the screw-system approach
was Founding Editor of the journal Artificial Intelligence for Engi- associated with the group theory for mechanism analysis and
neering Design, Analysis, and Manufacturing, and has served on the synthesis and cultivating finite displacement screws in the context of
editorial boards of several other journals, including the ASME’s matrix groups, leading to a recently published book entitled
Journal of Mechanical Design. “Geometrical Foundation and Screw Algebra of Mechanisms and
Robotics” in Chinese translated from the English original that is to be
Dr. Dym is a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America, the
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Society published.
of Civil Engineers and the American Society for Engineering Prof. Dai received his BEng in 1982 and MSc in 1984 from Shanghai
Education, and is a Member of the American Academy of Mechan- Jiao Tong University, and a PhD in kinematics and robotics from the
ics. Dr. Dym’s awards include: the Joel and Ruth Spira Outstanding University of Salford in the UK in 1993. He is the Chair in mecha-
Design Educator Award (ASME, 2004), the Archie Higdon nisms and robotics at the King’s College London, establishing the
Distinguished Educator Award (Mechanics Division, ASEE, 2006) International Centre for Advanced Mechanisms and Robotics
and the Bernard M. Gordon Prize for Innovation in Engineering (CAMAR) at Tianjin University where he is the honorable Chair
(NAE, 2012). Professor.
Prof. Dai is a recipient of several conference and journal best paper
awards, ASME/IEEE outstanding service awards, King’s College
London Overall Supervisory Excellence Award, and the Mecha-
nisms Innovation Award from the Chinese mechanisms committee.
He is a Fellow of the ASME and IMechE, and has published over
400 works, including three books.
Science Foundation and several best paper awards and best paper MECHANISMS AND ROBOTICS AWARD
finalist awards from international conferences. He and his students
recently won the Innovative Design Component Award for ARPA-E Design Engineering Division
LITECAR Challenge. He is a Fellow of ASME and a senior member
of IEEE.
Jian Sheng Dai
King’s College London
Design Engineering Division Biography: Jian Sheng Dai is a world leader and founder in
developing a field of research and practice in reconfigurable
mechanisms. He coined and advocated the idea of reconfigurable
mechanisms as a promising concept to bridge the gap between
Clive Dym
versatile but expensive robots, and efficient but non-flexible
Harvey Mudd College machines.
As a pioneer in many aspects of research in mechanisms and
robotics, Prof. Dai carried out research on reconfigurable and
Biography: Prof. Clive Dym has been a naturalized US citizen since
1954. He received his bachelor degree in civil engineering from The dexterous packaging since 1996, initiated origami mechanisms with
Cooper Union in June 1962, his Master of Science degree in applied the equivalent-mechanism principle since 1996, proposed meta-
mechanics from Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn in June 1964, and morphic mechanisms in 1998, created ankle rehabilitation mecha-
his Ph.D. degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics from Stanford nisms based on the lower-mobility parallel-mechanism principle in
University in January 1967. Most recently, C. L. Dym was the 1998, invented the metamorphic multi-fingered hands in 2004, and
Fletcher Jones Professor of Engineering Design (1991–2012) and delivered metamorphic parallel mechanisms with novel rT and vA
Director of the Center for Design Education (1995–2012) at Harvey reconfigurable joints since 2009, making many impressive contribu-
Mudd College. Dr. Dym has held appointments at the University at tions to the field of mechanism theory and mechanical design.
Buffalo; the Institute for Defense Analyses; Carnegie Mellon In his 25 years of study of screw theory, Prof. Dai established himself
University; Bolt, Beranek and Newman; and the University of as an international leading figure in the field of theoretical kinematics
Massachusetts at Amherst. He was the department head at UMass particularly in screw theory from his work on finite twists in early
(1977–85) and chair of his department at Harvey Mudd (1999– 1990s to the continuing publications on screw systems and screw
2002). He has authored or coauthored 96 refereed journal articles, algebra in the last twenty years, creating the screw-system approach
was Founding Editor of the journal Artificial Intelligence for Engi- associated with the group theory for mechanism analysis and
neering Design, Analysis, and Manufacturing, and has served on the synthesis and cultivating finite displacement screws in the context of
editorial boards of several other journals, including the ASME’s matrix groups, leading to a recently published book entitled
Journal of Mechanical Design. “Geometrical Foundation and Screw Algebra of Mechanisms and
Robotics” in Chinese translated from the English original that is to be
Dr. Dym is a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America, the
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Society published.
of Civil Engineers and the American Society for Engineering Prof. Dai received his BEng in 1982 and MSc in 1984 from Shanghai
Education, and is a Member of the American Academy of Mechan- Jiao Tong University, and a PhD in kinematics and robotics from the
ics. Dr. Dym’s awards include: the Joel and Ruth Spira Outstanding University of Salford in the UK in 1993. He is the Chair in mecha-
Design Educator Award (ASME, 2004), the Archie Higdon nisms and robotics at the King’s College London, establishing the
Distinguished Educator Award (Mechanics Division, ASEE, 2006) International Centre for Advanced Mechanisms and Robotics
and the Bernard M. Gordon Prize for Innovation in Engineering (CAMAR) at Tianjin University where he is the honorable Chair
(NAE, 2012). Professor.
Prof. Dai is a recipient of several conference and journal best paper
awards, ASME/IEEE outstanding service awards, King’s College
London Overall Supervisory Excellence Award, and the Mecha-
nisms Innovation Award from the Chinese mechanisms committee.
He is a Fellow of the ASME and IMechE, and has published over
400 works, including three books.