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2015 LEADERSHIP AWARD and service with the major PLM software companies. He continues
to serve on its Advisory Board. In 2001, the CAD Society recog-
Computers and Information in Engineering nized him with a Lifetime Achievement Award for his outstanding
Division body of work pushing the envelope of the possible in design and
engineering. In addition, Dr. Riff served on the committee of the
Richard Riff National Academy of Engineering for supporting lifelong learning on
engineering topics.
Dr. Riff continues to consult to the PLM Industry and with the
Biography: Dr. Richard Riff is an internationally
recognized authority in the field of Computer-Aid- automotive companies. He also serves as a Director of the following
ed Design, Manufacturing, Engineering (CAD- Companies: Geometric, MSC Software, and C4UC.
Dr. Riff retired from Ford Motor Company where he served as a 2015 BEST DISSERTATION AWARD
Director in IT, and was responsible for leading an office for business
process methods and information and research, innovation and Computers and Information in Engineering
advance IT application. A major part of the activity of his office was Division
the reconstruction and rebuilding of the information for the industrial
backbone of Ford. Dr. Riff served as the chief architects for the John Steuben
information backbone, which includes all the major processes like Naval Research Laboratory
bill of material, configuration management, order fulfillment, and
order to delivery. In addition to that, he was involved with the
advanced study and research on new PLM systems and engineering
Biography: John Steuben is a National Research Council Postdoc-
He also served as one of the Technical Fellows, which is the highest toral Research Associate working in the Computational Multiphysics
technical position at Ford. The role of Ford’s Technical Fellows is to Systems Lab at the US Naval Research Laboratory. He holds
provide understandable, technically sound advice to the Chief bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mechanical engineering, as well
Technical Officer, the CIO and to the Company executive manage- as a doctorate in engineering systems, from the Colorado School of
ment as a whole: influencing strategic direction on key product and Mines. At present his research is focused on the development of
process matters, contributing to Corporate technical strategies, models and simulation tools in the domain of additive manufacturing.
using competitive benchmarking to analyze and improve products,
technologies and processes, and ensuring the transfer of knowl- In 2009, John began his graduate studies at the Colorado School of
edge across organizations and the continued growth of the Mines under the mentorship of Dr. Cameron Turner. His initial
Company’s in-house expertise. research focused on the development of robust optimization
techniques for Non-Uniform Rational B-spline (NURBs) based
Prior to those responsibilities, Dr. Riff was the Director of Ford C3P surrogate models. This research found several applications in
program, which is CAD, CAM, CAE, and Product Information diverse fields such as robot path planning and geotechnical
Management. He established the program and ran it for few years. materials characterization. An interesting offshoot of this work,
Before that he was the Chief Engineer of Mechanical Design, involving the robust optimization of mixed-integer problems,
Automotive Component Division. Initially, Dr. Riff joined Ford Motor received a best paper award at the 2012 IDETC/CIE conferences.
Company in 1989 as a CAE Technical Specialist, for Automotive
Parts Operations Electronics Division. John began his doctoral studies under the continuing guidance of
Cameron Turner in 2011. His thesis centered on the topic of massive-
Before coming to Ford, he was Professor of Aerospace Structures ly parallel engineering simulations on graphics processing units
at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia, and at the (GPGPU computing), with a particular focus on the interrelation-
Technion Institute of Technology in Israel, where he received a B.S., ships between the concepts of parallelization, synchronization, and
M.S., and D.Sc. in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering. He approximation. As part of this work, John developed novel Bound-
has authored more than seventy technical publications in his areas of ary Element Method (BEM) and Discrete Element Method (DEM)
specialization, including CAE, CADCAM, structural and dynamic simulations which achieved high computational performance. Also in
Finite Element Analysis (FEA), pre and post-processors, descriptive 2011, John took an internship position at Los Alamos National
geometry and material constitutive laws. Laboratory, working to develop robotic hardware and software
systems for nuclear materials handling.
Besides his accomplishments at Ford, Dr. Riff had a significant
impact on engineering software priorities and strategies across the In 2012, John began participating in the Naval Research Enterprise
global automotive industry. In 1996, he established GAAG (Global Internship Program, working at the US Naval Research Laboratory
Automotive Advisory Group) a collaborative association of all the (NRL) under the supervision of Dr. John Michopoulos. This
Automotive OEM’s to work together on communicating automotive research, which continues through the present day, was devoted to
software priorities as well as software development, implementation, the development of surrogate model approaches for the characteri-
2015 LEADERSHIP AWARD and service with the major PLM software companies. He continues
to serve on its Advisory Board. In 2001, the CAD Society recog-
Computers and Information in Engineering nized him with a Lifetime Achievement Award for his outstanding
Division body of work pushing the envelope of the possible in design and
engineering. In addition, Dr. Riff served on the committee of the
Richard Riff National Academy of Engineering for supporting lifelong learning on
engineering topics.
Dr. Riff continues to consult to the PLM Industry and with the
Biography: Dr. Richard Riff is an internationally
recognized authority in the field of Computer-Aid- automotive companies. He also serves as a Director of the following
ed Design, Manufacturing, Engineering (CAD- Companies: Geometric, MSC Software, and C4UC.
Dr. Riff retired from Ford Motor Company where he served as a 2015 BEST DISSERTATION AWARD
Director in IT, and was responsible for leading an office for business
process methods and information and research, innovation and Computers and Information in Engineering
advance IT application. A major part of the activity of his office was Division
the reconstruction and rebuilding of the information for the industrial
backbone of Ford. Dr. Riff served as the chief architects for the John Steuben
information backbone, which includes all the major processes like Naval Research Laboratory
bill of material, configuration management, order fulfillment, and
order to delivery. In addition to that, he was involved with the
advanced study and research on new PLM systems and engineering
Biography: John Steuben is a National Research Council Postdoc-
He also served as one of the Technical Fellows, which is the highest toral Research Associate working in the Computational Multiphysics
technical position at Ford. The role of Ford’s Technical Fellows is to Systems Lab at the US Naval Research Laboratory. He holds
provide understandable, technically sound advice to the Chief bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mechanical engineering, as well
Technical Officer, the CIO and to the Company executive manage- as a doctorate in engineering systems, from the Colorado School of
ment as a whole: influencing strategic direction on key product and Mines. At present his research is focused on the development of
process matters, contributing to Corporate technical strategies, models and simulation tools in the domain of additive manufacturing.
using competitive benchmarking to analyze and improve products,
technologies and processes, and ensuring the transfer of knowl- In 2009, John began his graduate studies at the Colorado School of
edge across organizations and the continued growth of the Mines under the mentorship of Dr. Cameron Turner. His initial
Company’s in-house expertise. research focused on the development of robust optimization
techniques for Non-Uniform Rational B-spline (NURBs) based
Prior to those responsibilities, Dr. Riff was the Director of Ford C3P surrogate models. This research found several applications in
program, which is CAD, CAM, CAE, and Product Information diverse fields such as robot path planning and geotechnical
Management. He established the program and ran it for few years. materials characterization. An interesting offshoot of this work,
Before that he was the Chief Engineer of Mechanical Design, involving the robust optimization of mixed-integer problems,
Automotive Component Division. Initially, Dr. Riff joined Ford Motor received a best paper award at the 2012 IDETC/CIE conferences.
Company in 1989 as a CAE Technical Specialist, for Automotive
Parts Operations Electronics Division. John began his doctoral studies under the continuing guidance of
Cameron Turner in 2011. His thesis centered on the topic of massive-
Before coming to Ford, he was Professor of Aerospace Structures ly parallel engineering simulations on graphics processing units
at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia, and at the (GPGPU computing), with a particular focus on the interrelation-
Technion Institute of Technology in Israel, where he received a B.S., ships between the concepts of parallelization, synchronization, and
M.S., and D.Sc. in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering. He approximation. As part of this work, John developed novel Bound-
has authored more than seventy technical publications in his areas of ary Element Method (BEM) and Discrete Element Method (DEM)
specialization, including CAE, CADCAM, structural and dynamic simulations which achieved high computational performance. Also in
Finite Element Analysis (FEA), pre and post-processors, descriptive 2011, John took an internship position at Los Alamos National
geometry and material constitutive laws. Laboratory, working to develop robotic hardware and software
systems for nuclear materials handling.
Besides his accomplishments at Ford, Dr. Riff had a significant
impact on engineering software priorities and strategies across the In 2012, John began participating in the Naval Research Enterprise
global automotive industry. In 1996, he established GAAG (Global Internship Program, working at the US Naval Research Laboratory
Automotive Advisory Group) a collaborative association of all the (NRL) under the supervision of Dr. John Michopoulos. This
Automotive OEM’s to work together on communicating automotive research, which continues through the present day, was devoted to
software priorities as well as software development, implementation, the development of surrogate model approaches for the characteri-