Page 60 - ASME AM3D/IDETC/CIE 2015 Program
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The participants will use their laptops to remotely log into a GPU W2: DEVELOPING IDEATION FLEXIBILITY AT YOUR
cluster and practice, through concrete hands-on examples, parallel INSTITUTION: CO-CREATION OF THE IDEATION TRIO
programing in CUDA. The workshop will conclude with a discussion Organizers/Speakers: Seda Yilmaz, Iowa State University
of library support for GPU computing and of SPIKE::GPU, a library
for the GPU solution of large sparse linear systems. Time: 8:00am – 12:00pm
Location: Room 203, Level 2

Description: The aim of the Workshop on Co-Creation of the Ideation
TRIO is to provide a diverse set of participants with an understanding
T5: INTRODUCTION TO NON-CONTACT, FULL FIELD of our research and the materials we have developed to support
VIBRATION MEASUREMENTS AND ADVANCED DATA ideation flexibility, as well as a venue in which they can develop specific
ANALYSIS (INVITED TUTORIAL) plans for using these materials in their own classrooms/organizations
and develop new materials and activities as well. The intent is for
Organizers/Speakers: Arend von der Lieth, Polytec
participants to collaborate with the research team in co-creating
Time: 1:00pm – 5:00pm pedagogical materials for their classrooms (if they are engineering edu -
Location: Room 303, Level 3 cators) or training materials for their professions (if they are practicing
engineers). We aim for participants to return to their institutions /
Description: This workshop is geared towards everyone interested in organizations fully prepared and committed to integrating these
non-contact vibration data analysis with a focus on full-field vibration approaches and materials into their curricula and to collecting student
measurements. After an introduction to laser Doppler vibrometry and outcomes and case examples that will be shared with the greater
presentation of some typical examples the user will get to experience community. Professionals will also benefit from the workshop, as they
scanning laser vibrometers in an extensive hands-on session. will have a new set of tools they can use for their own engineering
Participants are welcomed to bring their own test samples if they can problems in their domains. (
be excited easily. The workshop will cover topics relevant to non-con-
tact, full field vibration measurements and advanced data analysis,

- Making measurements using a scanning vibrometer W3: EMOTIONAL ENGINEERING IN AN AGE OF MATE-
- Basics of Laser Doppler Vibrometry and typical applications RIAL DIGITALIZATION
- Data analysis and processing.
Organizers/Speakers: Shuichi Fukuda, Keio University
Time: 1:00pm – 5:00pm
WORKSHOPS Location: Room 204, Level 2

Description: Today is called a digital age. But digitalization and
discretization are different. Discretization just divides the continuum
W1: HOW TO MAKE 3D PRINTING WORK FOR YOUR into elements. But digitalization reformulates our experiences and
COMPANY (INVITED WORKSHOP) attach new meanings. Material digitization is expected to provide us
Organizers/Speakers: Mike Vasquez with a versatile tool for emotional design just as FEM did for analyzing
a continuum of any shape.
Time: 9:00am – 11:30am
Location: Room 206, Level 2

Description: The 3D Printing industry is growing rapidly and there are W4: MANAGING YOUR ACADEMIC CAREER LIKE AN
a lot of options for businesses of all kinds to engage with the ENTREPRENEUR**
technology. This workshop will focus on how companies can best
approach, integrate, and expand 3D Printing technologies to meet Organizers/Speakers: Susan Finger, Carnegie Mellon University
their business objectives. Several case studies will be presented to Time: 1:00pm – 5:00pm
give those less familiar with the technology a framework to help them Location: Room 202, Level 2
think through the question of how to make 3D Printing work for them.
Description: An academic career spans many years and many roles,
accompanied by changes in research interests, technologies,
administrators, national priorities, and more. As graduate students,
our focus is on research and career paths; as junior faculty, our focus
is on research, teaching and service for promotion and tenure; as
mid-career and senior faculty, our focus tends to deepen and be

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