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zation of composite materials. In concert with his ongoing research “Decision-Centric Modeling of Complex Networked Strategic
into parallel computing, John developed a fast characterization Systems”
approach which reduced the computing time required to character-
ize material specimens (tested in NRL’s six degree-of-freedom
automated test frame) from 24 hours to approximately 30 seconds. Lena D. Johnson
This work, in combination with BEM and DEM simulations devel- University of Maryland – College Park
oped at the Colorado School of Mines, formed the basis for his
doctoral dissertation which was completed in late 2014. “A Compliant, Under-actuated Model of the Human Hand”
Since January 2015, John has been conducting postdoctoral
research at NRL with funding from the National Research Council. Omar Magdy Galil
This work has been focused on the development of computationally
efficient multiphysics simulations of additive manufacturing Florida Institute of Technology
processes and components. DEM methods, in conjunction with the “An Empirical and Computational Study to Measure the Information
use of surrogate models and multiaxial robotic testing, will be used to Content of Free-Hand Sketches”
provide greater insight into the behavior of additively manufactured
materials than is currently achievable. By doing so, this research will
allow the design and fabrication of novel, useful, and efficient Shaurya Shriyam
structures and components across a wide range of engineering
disciplines. University of Maryland – College Park
“Optimal Task Scheduling In Human-Robot Industrial Collaboration
Arising From Perception System Failures”
Amirhossein H. Memar
University at Buffalo SUNY
“A Virtual Reality Environment for Task Allocation in a Multi-Human
Multi-Robot Collaborative Framework”
Caitlin Stack
Colorado School of Mines
“Towards a Functional Modeling Method for Optimizing Prognostic
Health Monitoring Systems”
Gerid Paquette
Florida Institute of Technology
“Utilization of Eye Tracking to Gauge User Preferences Early in the
Design Process”
Hang Ye
University at Buffalo SUNY
“Additive Manufacturing for Mass Customization”
Joseph D. Thekinen
Purdue University
zation of composite materials. In concert with his ongoing research “Decision-Centric Modeling of Complex Networked Strategic
into parallel computing, John developed a fast characterization Systems”
approach which reduced the computing time required to character-
ize material specimens (tested in NRL’s six degree-of-freedom
automated test frame) from 24 hours to approximately 30 seconds. Lena D. Johnson
This work, in combination with BEM and DEM simulations devel- University of Maryland – College Park
oped at the Colorado School of Mines, formed the basis for his
doctoral dissertation which was completed in late 2014. “A Compliant, Under-actuated Model of the Human Hand”
Since January 2015, John has been conducting postdoctoral
research at NRL with funding from the National Research Council. Omar Magdy Galil
This work has been focused on the development of computationally
efficient multiphysics simulations of additive manufacturing Florida Institute of Technology
processes and components. DEM methods, in conjunction with the “An Empirical and Computational Study to Measure the Information
use of surrogate models and multiaxial robotic testing, will be used to Content of Free-Hand Sketches”
provide greater insight into the behavior of additively manufactured
materials than is currently achievable. By doing so, this research will
allow the design and fabrication of novel, useful, and efficient Shaurya Shriyam
structures and components across a wide range of engineering
disciplines. University of Maryland – College Park
“Optimal Task Scheduling In Human-Robot Industrial Collaboration
Arising From Perception System Failures”
Amirhossein H. Memar
University at Buffalo SUNY
“A Virtual Reality Environment for Task Allocation in a Multi-Human
Multi-Robot Collaborative Framework”
Caitlin Stack
Colorado School of Mines
“Towards a Functional Modeling Method for Optimizing Prognostic
Health Monitoring Systems”
Gerid Paquette
Florida Institute of Technology
“Utilization of Eye Tracking to Gauge User Preferences Early in the
Design Process”
Hang Ye
University at Buffalo SUNY
“Additive Manufacturing for Mass Customization”
Joseph D. Thekinen
Purdue University