Page 14 - ASME SMASIS 2017 Program
P. 14


Biography                                                                          Specifically, integrated multiphysics dynamic models have been
                                                                                   formulated, which are based on the combination of electro-hyperelastic
Dr. Yves Chemisky is Maître de conferences at Arts et Métiers ParisTech            models of DEGs and simplified models of wave hydrodynamics. In a first
and member of the Laboratory of studies of microstructures and                     stage, such models were employed to study and evaluate preliminary
mechanics of materials (LEM3) in Metz since September 2011. He received            design concepts. In a second stage, the activities focused on the design
his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Metz in 2009,             and production of different prototypes of small scale WECs which are
and his Habilitation to Manage Research in December 2016. His research             mainly based on the oscillating water column (OWC) architecture
interests are related with the development of thermodynamically based              combined with a circular diaphragm DEG (CD-DEG). Eventually, test
constitutive models to describe the non-linear behavior and fatigue of             campaigns are conducted both in wave-tank and in laboratory. As for tank
materials including shape memory alloys, composite materials and smart             tests, fully integrated prototypes have been tested in wave-tanks available
composites, as well as the numerical resolution of coupled problems                at University of Edinburgh, i.e. artificial basins in which programmed waves
across length scales. These interests are extended to identification of            can be generated. The output power matrix (power output against wave
material parameters and optimization methods for engineering related to            frequency and height) of the system is calculated for both regular and
material design.                                                                   irregular waves. Additionally, more specific laboratory tests are currently
                                                                                   being conducted on larger scale prototypes using a custom setup able to
SYMPOSIUM 3                                                                        drive CD-DEGs. Promising results obtained are illustrated with their
                                                                                   potential performance in scaled up wave energy converters. These
MODELLING, DESIGN AND EXPERIMENTAL TESTING OF WAVE                                 research activities received funds from European Commission under the
ENERGY CONVERTERS BASED ON DIELECTRIC ELASTOMER                                    project PolyWEC (Proj.No. 309139) and WETFEET (Proj. No. 641334).

          Marco Fontana                                                            Marco Fontana completed his M.S. in Mech. Eng. in 2003 at University of
          Assistant Professor                                                      Pisa and his Ph.D. in Innovative Technologies in 2008 Scuola Superiore
          Mechanics of Machines                                                    Sant’Anna at PERCRO laboratory. He is currently Assistant Professor in
          University of Trento                                                     Mechanics of Machines at University of Trento. His research interests
                                                                                   include the design of advanced mechatronic and smart materials systems

                                                                                   for robotics and energy harvesting. He has contributed to the field of

                                                                                   robotics with innovative design concepts and control strategies for robots

Abstract                                                                           and exoskeletons for human-machine interaction. More recently, his
                                                                                   research is focused on the design of innovative machines for renewable

This presentation provides an overview on the research we have                     energy harvesting. In this field, he is mainly working on Dielectric

conducted in the last four years on dielectric elastomer generators (DEGs) Elastomer Generators for the conversion of energy carried by ocean

for ocean wave energy harvesting. DEGs are deformable variable                     waves. He provided contributes on characterization, modelling, design,

capacitors, which allow the conversion of the mechanical work involved in control and demonstration of components and integrated prototypes. On

their deformation into direct-current electricity. Since their first               this topic, he has been PI and Co-PI of several research grants at national

demonstration, they have been studied in a number of applications such             and European level, acting as the coordination of the European project

as energy harvesting from human motion, water currents, and sea waves. PolyWEC and of grants funded by the Power Take Off programme of Wave

Compared to conventional electro-magnetic generators, DEGs enjoy                   Energy Scotland. Currently he is contributing to the project WETFEET

simpler architectural solutions, lower mass density, reduced number of             funded by European Commission. He is author of more than sixty papers

components, potentially higher reliability and lower cost. In the last years, published on journals and conference proceedings, five book chapters

these promising features awakened the interests of the community of the and five patents.

emerging sector of wave energy. Wave energy is an abundant and highly

concentrated renewable energy source but its commercial exploitation is

still limited to pilot installations and pre-commercial prototypes. Existing       THE USE OF MAGNETO-RHEOLOGICAL FLUIDS FOR SIMULATING
wave energy converters (WECs), based on conventional technologies, are             ARTERIAL PULSE WAVEFORMS
showing excessive complexity and cost, poor resistance to the marine

environment, and limited energy conversion efficiency. The introduction of

DEGs can represent the technological breakthrough that provides the                        Jeong-Hoi Koo

needed boost to make wave energy exploitable.                                              Associate Professor

        In this context, we have conducted research activities that includes               Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing
        modelling, design, characterization and experimental testing of different          Engineering
14 WECs concepts based on DEGs.                                                            Miami University
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