Page 18 - ASME SMASIS 2017 Program
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Biography                                                                   Biography

Professor Christopher S. Lynch completed his Ph.D. while working full time  Mary Frecker is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical
at a small company in Santa Barbara, CA developing instrumentation          Engineering and is the Associate Department Head for Graduate
systems for shock wave measurements. He joined UCSB as a Post Doc           Programs in Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering at the Pennsylvania State
where he worked on fracture mechanics of electric field coupled             University. From 2013-2015 she served as Director of the Bernard Gordon
materials. In 1995 he joined the faculty of Mechanical Engineering at       Learning Factory in the College of Engineering. Dr. Frecker has a B.S.
Georgia Tech where he focused his research on smart materials and           from the University of Dayton, and an M.S. and Ph.D. in Mechanical
structures while advancing to the rank of Professor and Associate Chair of  Engineering from the University of Michigan. When she joined Penn State
the Woodruff School. He moved to UCLA in 2007 where he continued his        in 1997, she was awarded the Pearce Endowed Development
research and was the first Director of the new Master of Science Online     Professorship in Mechanical Engineering. Dr. Frecker has also been
Engineering degree program, now ranked #1 by US News and World              awarded the GM/Freudenstein Young Investigator Award by the ASME
Report. He currently serves as Chairman of the Department of Mechanical     Mechanisms Committee (2002), the Outstanding Advising Award by the
and Aerospace Engineering in the Henry Samueli School of Engineering        Penn State Engineering Society (2002), the Outstanding Research Award
and Applied Science.                                                        by the Penn State Engineering Society (2005), and three Best Paper
                                                                            awards from the ASME Adaptive Structures and Material Systems
Prof. Lynch has been an active member of ASME and SPIE. He served as        Technical Committee (2009 and 2015). She is a Fellow of the ASME. Dr.
the chairman of the Adaptive Structures and Material Systems TC, as Chair   Frecker has served as Associate Editor of the ASME Journal of Mechanical
of the Aerospace Division Executive Committee of ASME, as founder and       Design, Chair of the ASME Adaptive Structures and Material Systems
general chair of the ASME conference on Smart Materials Adaptive            Technical Committee, member of the ASME Mechanisms & Robotics
Structures and Material Systems (SMASIS), and as general chair of the       Committee, and Executive Committee member of the ASME Aerospace
SPIE Smart Structures / Non Destructive Evaluation (SS/NDE) conference      Division.
(2014-2015). He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Smart
Materials and Structures and is a member of the Editorial Board of          ACTIVE MODIFICATION OF MATERIAL MECHANICS DURING
Multifunctional Materials (MFM). He is a Fellow of ASME and SPIE and is     BACTERIAL LOCOMOTION
the recipient of the ASME Adaptive Structures Prize, and the SPIE Smart
Structures Lifetime Achievement Award.

SYMPOSIUM 6                                                                                  Henry Fu
                                                                                             Associate Professor
ADAPTIVE COMPLIANT MECHANISMS – OPTIMIZATION,                                                Department of Mechanical Engineering
ORIGAMI, AND ORNITHOPTERS                                                                    University of Utah
                                                                                             Salt Lake City, UT

           Mary Frecker                                                     Abstract
           Professor                                                        Motile bacteria swim to find areas with higher nutrient concentrations or

           Department of Mechanical Engineering                             more hospitable environments. Here we examine two ways in which

           Department of Biomedical Engineering                             bacteria enable motility or turning capability by actively modifying

           Pennsylvania state University                                    mechanical properties of their swimming structures or their environment.

           State College, PA                                                Thus bacteria naturally use the properties of adaptive materials and may

                                                                            be useful subjects for bioinspiration. In the first, I discuss Helicobacter

Abstract                                                                    pylori, which must swim through gastric mucus. It actively creates a

                                                                            heterogeneous complex medium as it swims through gastric mucus by

Compliant mechanisms derive motion and shape change from their              generating ammonia that locally neutralizes the acidic gastric

structural flexibility rather than from rigid links and hinge joints. This  environment, turning nearby gel into a fluid pocket. Using simple physical

presentation will describe formal optimization algorithms developed         models, we estimate the size of the fluid pocket by analyzing the coupled

specifically for the design of compliant mechanisms that adapt to their     swimming and diffusion of ammonia, and show it is likely much larger than

surroundings by changing shape in response to external stimuli. The         the bacterium. In the second, I discuss how singly-flagellated bacteria

focus will be primarily on two application areas: (1) self-folding origami  turn by altering the stiffness of the flexible “hook” which connects the cell

structures using integrated electrostrictive terpolymer and magnetoactive to its propeller-like flagellum. We show how dynamical buckling

elastomer for single and multi-field actuation, and (2) shape changing wing instabilities of the hook eventually lead to deformations of the flagellum

structures of avian-scale ornithopters achieved using optimally designed    that allow the bacterium to reorient. After a reorientation, as the flagellum

passive compliant mechanisms. Ongoing work in design and fabrication        rotates it winds the hook, increasing its stiffness and allowing straight

18 of functionally graded compliant mechanisms will also be highlighted.    swimming again.
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