Page 21 - ASME SMASIS 2017 Program
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Dr. Changchun (Chad) Zeng is currently Associate Professor in the
Changchun (Chad) Zeng Department of Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering at Florida
Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) – Florida State University
Department of Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering (FSU) College of Engineering. Dr. Zeng’s research are in the areas of
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering innovative materials and advanced manufacturing technology, particularly
Tallahassee, FL in multifunctional polymeric materials and polymer foams, and their novel
manufacturing process. Dr. Zeng’s research has been widely supported by
Abstract both industry and government agencies, and he has published extensively
in peer-reviewed journals including many in the topmost journals in the
Auxetic materials (auxetics) are materials with negative Poisson’s ratios. areas of materials, nanotechnology, polymers, and composites research.
Contrary to almost all naturally occurring and synthetic materials, auxetic Professor Zeng is also the inventor of 12 pending/issued/licensed patents.
materials expand when stretched and shrink when compressed. Dr. Zeng is a recipient of several awards including Florida State University
Comparing to conventional materials auxetic materials exhibit many Developing Scholar Award, and the Research Excellence Award from
desired properties, i.e., enhanced toughness, improved impact and FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. He serves on the Board of Directors
indentation resistance, bending stiffness and shear resistance, superior of the Division of Thermoplastic Materials and Foams (TPM&F) of Society
shape conformity, optimal dynamics, acoustic and dielectric properties of Plastic Engineers (SPE), the largest international professional society for
etc. They have potentials in a diverse range of applications such as plastic materials. He served as the Topical Conference Chair (TPC) for the
protective equipment, biomedical devices such as prosthesis, structural 2016 and 2017 Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC) of SPE. Dr. Zeng
composites, damping and wave absorbing applications, smart and received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from The Ohio State University,
anti-fouling filters, etc. This talk starts with the overview of the design and MS (Chemical Engineering) and BS (Polymer Engineering) from
principle, manufacturing process and properties of auxetic materials. This Zhejiang University. He joined Florida State University 2007, after
will be followed by a detailed discussion on the fundamentals on the spending two years as Senior Research Engineer at Hexcel Corporation, a
auxetic conversion mechanism, and the development of rapid, large -scale leading aerospace composites and carbon fiber manufacturer.
manufacturing technology of auxetic polyurethane foams. Their
applications in protect sport equipment, prosthesis, and tissue
engineering will be illustrated. We finally discuss our effort on combing
auxetic foam technology with nanomaterials to manufacture
multifunctional smart materials to further expand their application